pure research oor Indonesies

pure research

Research designed to produce new understanding of basic underlying principles and processes.

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penelitian murni

Wait, you're saying you wanna do away with all pure research now?
Dia ingin menghapuskan semua penelitian murni?

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Wait, you're saying you wanna do away with all pure research now?
Dia ingin menghapuskan semua penelitian murni?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It's an opportunity to do pure research at one of the best hospitals in the country.
Ini peluang meneliti di salah satu RS terbaik di negeri ini.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He said it was pure research, but it always seemed to me like he was looking for something.
Dia bilang itu hanya riset semata, tapi menurutku, dia sedang mencari sesuatu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thus emphasis shifted from pure research to problem solving.
Dengan demikian penelitian berubah dari penelitian murni menjadi penelitian untuk pemecahan masalah.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Unless the type is a pure research aircraft (such as the X-15), the aircraft must be tested extensively to ensure that it delivers the desired performance with an acceptable margin of safety.
Kecuali jenis tersebut berupa pesawat penelitian (seperti X-15), pesawat itu harus diuji secara ekstensif untuk menjamin bahwa pesawat memberikan kinerja yang diharapkan dengan tingkat keselamatan yang memadai.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I buy drugs one time, purely for research purposes, and this is what happens.
Aku membeli narkoba sekali, semata-mata untuk tujuan penelitian, dan inilah yang terjadi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Much to his delight, he discovered that he had stumbled across his true calling: pure scientific research.
Yang membuatnya senang, dia menyadari bahwa dia telah bertemu panggilan hati yang sesungguhnya: riset ilmiah ilmu pasti.Literature Literature
Not out of some macabre obsession, but purely for research.
Bukan karena obsesi tapi murni untuk riset.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Nature Physics publishes both pure and applied research from all areas of physics.
Nature Physics menerbitkan penelitian murni dan terapan dari semua bidang fisika.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“Pornography is about profits, pure and simple,” write researchers Steven Hill and Nina Silver.
”Pornografi adalah soal laba, tidak kurang tidak lebih,” tulis periset Steven Hill dan Nina Silver.jw2019 jw2019
While the preceding agencies both collect and analyze information, some like the U.S. State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research are purely analytical agencies.
Agen-agen tadi mengumpulkan dan menganalisis informasi, sedangkan beberapa agen seperti Bureau of Intelligence and Research milik Departemen Luar Negeri A.S. mengurus analisis saja.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
As it was erected purely for scientific research and study, not as a provider of medical care and also because it was heavily supported by the United States, the ABCC was generally mistrusted by most survivors and Japanese alike.
Karena ini didirikan murni untuk riset dan studi saintifik, bukannya penyedia perawatan medikal dan juga karena sangat didukung oleh Amerika Serikat, ABCC umumnya tak dipercayai oleh kebanyakan korban dan juga orang Jepang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Among other things, his research was concerned with cultivating a pure strain of brewer’s yeast.
Risetnya antara lain berkaitan dengan pembiakan jenis ragi yang murni untuk pembuatan bir.jw2019 jw2019
He was head of the biochemistry division of Boots Pure Drug Company from 1946 to 1948, when he joined the Medical Research Council.
Ia menjadi kepala Divisi Biokimia Perusahaan Obat Pembersih Sepatu But dari 1946 hingga 1948, lalu ia bergabung dengan Medical Research Council (MRC) (Badan Riset Medis milik pemerintah Inggris).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tiselius took an active part in the reorganization of scientific research in Sweden in the years following World War II, and was President of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 1951–1955.
Tiselius berperan aktif dalam reorganisasi penelitian ilmiah di Swedia pada tahun-tahun setelah Perang Dunia II, dan menjadi Presiden International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry antara tahun 1951-1955.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many countries devote an unusually large share of research funding toward military technology, a phenomenon driven more by geopolitics and the unfolding tragedies in the Middle East than by a thirst for pure knowledge.
Banyak negara mencurahkan sumbangan yang luar biasa besar untuk dana penelitian dalam bentuk teknologi militer, suatu fenomena yang lebih banyak dipicu oleh geopolitik dan tragedi-tragedi di Timur Tengah, bukan karena rasa haus akan pengetahuan.ProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
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