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put across

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Satan makes full use of the media to put across this degraded mentality.
Setan menggunakan sepenuhnya mass media untuk menyampaikan sikap mental yang rendah ini kepada umum.jw2019 jw2019
3 Now from the material that you have assembled select the principal ideas necessary to put across this one central theme.
3 Kemudian, dari bahan yang sudah saudara kumpulkan, pilihlah gagasan-gagasan utama yang diperlukan untuk menguraikan satu tema dasar.jw2019 jw2019
One thing that makes travel more difficult during this season is that if it should rain, barriers are put across the roads to stop the flow of traffic.
Satu hal yang membuat perjalanan lebih sulit pada musim ini adalah, jika hujan turun, penghalang-penghalang akan dipasang melintang di jalan untuk menutup arus lalu lintas.jw2019 jw2019
Perhaps more than any other form of popular music, rock music tries to put across a message: on the problems of growing up, the generation gap, drugs, sex, civil rights, dissent, poverty, war and similar topics.
Mungkin lebih dari segala bentuk musik yang populer lainnya, musik rock berusaha menyampaikan suatu pesan: mengenai problem remaja, jurang pemisah antar generasi, narkotika, seks, hak orang sipil, perbedaan pendapat, kemiskinan, peperangan dan topik-topik semacam itu.jw2019 jw2019
Maybe, but the second shooting is in Maryland which puts it across state lines and in ours.
Mungkin, tapi penembakan kedua adalah di Maryland, yang menempatkan lintas negara, dan di kita.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's why they never put you across the street from Leila.
Agar tak dicurigai karena berseberangan jalan dari Leila.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
That's why they never put you across the street from Leila.
Karena itu mereka tidak pernah memeriksamu.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Claire, can you put it across the middle?
Claire, bisa pasang di tengah-tengah?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I'll put tanks across here by morning.
Aku akan menaruh tank di sini besok pagi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ah Tjong put his hand across the woman’s mouth and said: “This is my own one.
"Ah Tjong menutupkan tangannya pada mulut wanita itu dan ""Baik, Sie-sie bangkit berkata: kepunyaanku sendili."Literature Literature
Put a chain across the door, bolt it shut, think they're impregnable.
Memasang pengaman di pintu, jendela ditutup, berpikir mereka tak bisa diserang.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
However, the protocol has yet to be systematically put into operation across the country.
Namun kebijakan itu belum merata diterapkan di seluruh India.hrw.org hrw.org
But I put it diagonally across one of these squares.
Tapi syaa taroh diagonal di salah satu kotak ini.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hanada puts a headband across his forehead and climbs into a boxing ring.
Hanada kemudian memakai ikat kepala di dahinya dan memanjat ke ring tinju.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
When this happened, the brothers had to cut small trees from the forest and put the trunks across the holes.
Bila ini terjadi, saudara-saudara harus menebang pohon kecil dari hutan dan menaruh batang-batang pohon itu melintangi lubang.jw2019 jw2019
The Great Deceiver, who put lying deceit across in the garden of Eden and who is at enmity with the true “seed,” is still at his old tricks.
Penipu Besar, yang membentangkan jerat di taman Eden dan yang bermusuhan dengan ”keturunan” yang sejati itu, masih mempraktekkan siasat2 liciknya yang dulu.jw2019 jw2019
Provisional committees were set up across the country putting Communists into key positions.
Komite sementara didirikan di seluruh negara, meletakkan pihak Komunis di posisi kunci.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Many of them step very firmly to the mic, put their hands across their chest, and go, "I know you people are trying to move me out of my house, right?"
Banyak dari mereka yang sangat tegas melangkah ke mikrofon, melipat tangan di depan dada, dan berkata, "Saya tahu Anda semua mencoba memindahkan saya dari rumah saya, ya 'kan?"ted2019 ted2019
And you will board my boat... and sail across the sea and put it back!
Dan kau harus naik perahuku melintasi lautan dan mengembalikannya!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Designed to put forward news from across Europe with his own Marxist interpretation of events, the newspaper featured Marx as a primary writer and the dominant editorial influence.
Dirancang untuk memajukan kabar-kabar dari belahan Eropa dengan penafsiran Marxisnya sendiri terhadap peristiwa-peristiwa tersebut, surat kabar tersebut menampilkan Marx sebagai penulis utama dan pengaruh editorial dominan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I'm going to trap mockingbirds all across the nation and put them gently into mason jars like mockingbird Molotov cocktails.
Akan kujerat mockingbird di seluruh penjuru negara dan kumasukkan mereka dengan lembut ke toples- toples kaca layaknya bom Molotov.QED QED
I'm going to trap mockingbirds all across the nation and put them gently into mason jars like mockingbird Molotov cocktails.
Akan kujerat mockingbird di seluruh penjuru negara dan kumasukkan mereka dengan lembut ke toples-toples kaca layaknya bom Molotov.ted2019 ted2019
We went down to a local “Christian” bookstore and bought a good supply of tracts and Bibles, went to a flea market, set up two sawhorses, put a sheet of plywood across the top, put our tracts and Bibles on them, and tried to become “doers of the word, and not hearers only.”—James 1:22.
Kami mengunjungi toko buku ”Kristen” setempat dan membeli banyak persediaan risalah dan Alkitab, dan pergi ke pasar loak, mendirikan dua kuda-kuda, lalu menaruh selembar papan di sepanjang ujung dari kuda-kuda itu, dan menaruh risalah-risalah dan Alkitab kami di atasnya, serta berupaya menjadi ”pelaku firman, dan bukan pendengar saja”. —Yakobus 1:22.jw2019 jw2019
How do you think thousands of pro shops across America decide what clothes to put on their racks?
Bagaimana Anda berpikir ribuan toko di seluruh Amerika pro memutuskan pakaian apa untuk menempatkan pada rak-rak mereka?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was put there by our distant ancestors who spread across the world, and it's never going to be quenched.
Telah dimasukkan oleh nenek moyang kita yang menyebar ke seluruh dunia. dan tidak pernah padam.QED QED
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