railroad line oor Indonesies

railroad line

line that is the commercial organization responsible for operating a system of transportation for trains that pull passengers or freight

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jalur kereta api

constructional unit in rail transport, the route or way of rail tracks between defined locations
Once in the United States, they continued by rail to Iowa City, Iowa, where a westbound railroad line ended.
Suatu saat di Amerika Serikat, mereka melanjutkan dengan kereta ke Iowa City, Iowa, tempat jalur kereta api yang menuju ke barat berakhir.

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Beginning in 1885, Baylor University moved to Waco, Texas, a growing town on the railroad line.
Pada awal tahun 1885, Universitas Baylor pindah ke Waco, Texas, suatu kota yang bertumbuh pada jalur kereta api.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He tripled the number of railroad lines coming into the city!
Dia melipat gandakan jumlah line kereta yg masuk kota!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Many of the country's railroad lines, most notably the Gyeongbu Line, terminate in the region.
Banyak jalur kereta api di negara, terutama Gyeongbu Line, mengakhiri di wilayah tersebut.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Companies like the Tela Railroad Company were granted land concessions in exchange for building railroad lines.
Perusahaan seperti Tela Railroad Company menerima konsesi lahan untuk pembangunan rel kereta api.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Heflin was first settled in 1882 as a station on the railroad line from Atlanta.
Heflin pertama kali dihuni tahun 1882 setelah ada sebuah stasiun di jalur kereta api dari Atlanta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The transit authority said that railroad line was decommissioned.
Transit Authority mengatakan bahwa jalur itu ditutup.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
By 1902 local railroad lines were being constructed on the Caribbean coast to accommodate expanding banana production.
Maka pada 1902, jalur kereta api lokal mulai dibangun di pesisir Karibia guna mengakomodasi perluasan pembudidayaan pisang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Once in the United States, they continued by rail to Iowa City, Iowa, where a westbound railroad line ended.
Suatu saat di Amerika Serikat, mereka melanjutkan dengan kereta ke Iowa City, Iowa, tempat jalur kereta api yang menuju ke barat berakhir.LDS LDS
In 1852, the first railroad line in Danbury opened, with two trains making the 75-minute trip to Norwalk.
Pada tahun 1852 dibukalah jalur KA pertama di Danbury, dengan 2 KA yang menempuh waktu selama 75 menit ke Norwalk, bernama Danbury dan Norwalk Railroad.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Just north of Jean is the place where the last spike on the San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad line was driven.
Di utara Jean, Nevada Historical Marker 195 menandakan tempat dimana gerbong terakhir pada jalur San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railroad dijalankan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The first railroad line, with only 15 kilometers, was opened on 30 April 1854 at a time when many European countries had no rail service.
Jalur kereta api pertama yang panjangnya hanya 15 km dibuka pada 30 April 1854 pada masa ketika kereta api masih belum ada di banyak negara Eropa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
More were distributed on the streets, and bundles of them were tossed from train windows to workers and lone cottagers in remote areas along the railroad lines.
Lebih banyak lagi yang disebarkan di jalan-jalan, dan tumpukan-tumpukan risalah itu dilemparkan dari jendela kereta api untuk para pekerja dan penghuni pondok-pondok yang terpencar-pencar di daerah terpencil sepanjang rel kereta api.jw2019 jw2019
In 1868 there were 718 kilometers in railroads lines and by the end of the Empire in 1889 it grew to 9,200 kilometers while another 9,000 kilometers were under construction.
Pada masa akhir kekaisaran pada tahun 1889, panjangnya telah bertambah menjadi 9.200 km, sementara 9.000 km lainnya sedang dalam pembangunan.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Gilead missionaries Dean Haupt and Raymond Egilson established a similar school in Diredawa, a commercial center not far from Harar, strategically located on Ethiopia’s only railroad line from the port of Djibouti to Addis Ababa.
Utusan-utusan injil Gilead Dean Haupt dan Raymond Egilson mendirikan sebuah sekolah yang serupa di pusat bisnis Diredawa, tidak jauh dari Harar, yang letaknya strategis di satu-satunya jalur jalan kereta api Ethiopia dari pelabuhan Djibouti ke Addis Ababa.jw2019 jw2019
The raid targeted four key areas: the northwest corner of the city, the area south of the main railroad line, the area northwest of the main railroad station, and the area northeast of the third target.
Serangan tersebut menargetkan empat wilayah utama: wilayah barat laut kota, wilayah di sebelah selatan rel kereta utama, wilayah di sebelah barat laut stasiun kereta utama, dan wilayah di timur laut target ketiga.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
For example, José Reindl had as his territory the entire Western railroad line, from Buenos Aires Province on the Atlantic Coast to Mendoza Province on the Chile border, an area extending more than 620 miles [1,000 km]!
Misalnya, José Reindl mendapat daerah penugasan di seluruh jalur rel kereta api Barat, dari Provinsi Buenos Aires di Pesisir Atlantik hingga Provinsi Mendoza di perbatasan Cile, yang mencakup areal sepanjang kira-kira 1.000 kilometer!jw2019 jw2019
In Pennsylvania, NS also receives coal through interchange with R.J. Corman Railroad/Pennsylvania Lines at Cresson, Pennsylvania, originating in the "Clearfield Cluster".
Di Pennsylvania, NS juga menerima batubara melalui pertukaran dengan R. J. Corman Railroad/Pennsylvania Lines di Cresson, Pennsylvania, yang berasal dari "Clearfield Cluster".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
From Buenos Aires those who shared in the full-time ministry spread throughout the country, first following the railroad lines that radiated for hundreds of miles from the capital like spread fingers on your hand, then using every other means of transport they could find.
Dari Buenos Aires mereka yang ikut dalam pelayanan sepenuh waktu menyebar ke seluruh negeri, mula-mula mengikuti jalur-jalur rel kereta api yang terbentang memencar ke segala penjuru sejauh ratusan kilometer dari ibu kota seperti bentangan jari-jari tangan saudara, kemudian menggunakan setiap sarana angkutan yang dapat mereka peroleh.jw2019 jw2019
The northern border is formed by the Gyeongbu Line railroad, and the eastern border by the Sincheon stream.
Perbatasan utara dibentuk oleh kereta api Jalur Gyeongbu, dan perbatasan timur dengan aliran Sincheon.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Gyeongbu Line railroad also passes through Seo-gu, but no major stations are located there.
Kereta api Jalur Gyeongbu juga melewati Seo-gu, tetapi tidak ada stasiun utama.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Communications are provided by the western main line railroad (Västra stambanan) between Stockholm and Gothenburg, and by motorway through the European route E20.
Perhubungan disediakan oleh jalur KA lintas barat (Västra stambanan) antara Stockholm-Göteborg, dan dengan jalan motor melalui rute Eropa E20.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Fiber can be installed in areas with high electromagnetic interference (EMI), such as alongside utility lines, power lines, and railroad tracks.
Serat dapat diinstal di daerah yang tinggi dengan gangguan elektromagnetik (EMI), seperti di samping garis utilitas, listrik, dan rel kereta api.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
This railroad will cut through the demarcation line, once again linking the two parts of Korea.
Jalur kereta ini akan melintasi garis demarkasi, sekali lagi menghubungkan kedua bagian Korea itu.jw2019 jw2019
The novel fictionalizes the real-life story of a railroad strike on the Dakar-Niger line that lasted from 1947 to 1948.
Novel ini menceritakan dalam kisah fiktif cerita yang terjadi sesungguhnya tentang sebuah pemogokan buruh kereta api di Jalur Dakar-Niger dan berlangsung dari 1947 hingga 1948.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In the late 19th century, the IRT Ninth Avenue Line and other elevated railroads brought people to the previously rustic Upper Manhattan.
Pada akhir abad ke-19, IRT Ninth Avenue Line dan jembatan kereta lainnya membawa persebaran urban ke wilayah Upper Manhattan yang sebelumnya jarang.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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