seaborgium oor Indonesies


A transuranic chemical element (symbol Sg) with atomic number 106

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Chemical element with symbol Sg and atomic number 106, probably a silverywhite or gray transition metal


chemical element with the atomic number of 106
Unsur kimia dengan nomor atom 106

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In 1963, Soviet scientist Viktor Cherdyntsev, who had previously claimed the existence of primordial curium-247, claimed to have discovered element 108 (specifically, the 267Hs isotope, which supposedly had a half-life of 400 to 500 million years) in natural molybdenite and suggested the name sergenium (symbol Sg; at the time, this symbol had not yet been taken by seaborgium) for it; this name takes its origin in the name for the Silk Road and was explained as "coming from Kazakhstan".
Pada tahun 1963, ilmuwan Uni Soviet Victor Cherdyntsev, yang sebelumnya mengklaim adanya curium-247 purba, mengklaim telah menemukan unsur 108 (khususnya, isotop 267Hs, yang diperkirakan memiliki waktu paruh 400 sampai 500 juta tahun) dalam molibdenit alami dan menyarankan nama sergenium dengan lambang Sg sesuai nama kota kuno Serik di sepanjang Jalan Sutera di Kazakhstan tempat sampel molibdenitnya berasal.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Its members are chromium (Cr), molybdenum (Mo), tungsten (W), and seaborgium (Sg).
Anggotanya adalah kromium (Cr), molibdenum (Mo), wolfram (W), dan seaborgium (Sg).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Seaborgium is a synthetic element whose most stable isotope 271Sg has a half-life of 1.9 minutes.
Seaborgium adalah unsur sintetis yang isotop paling stabilnya, 271Sg, memiliki waktu paruh 2,4 menit.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Due to their short half-lives (for example, the most stable isotope of seaborgium has a half-life of 3.1 minutes, and half-lives decrease gradually going to the right of the group) and the low yield of the nuclear reactions that produce them, new methods have had to be created to determine their gas-phase and solution chemistry based on very small samples of a few atoms each.
Karena waktu paruh mereka yang pendek (misalnya, isotop rutherfordium yang paling stabil memiliki waktu paruh 11 menit, dan waktu paruh menurun secara bertahap menuju sebelah kanan golongan) serta rendahnya rendemen reaksi nuklir yang dihasilkan, harus diciptakan metode baru untuk menentukan fase gas dan kimia larutannya berdasarkan sampel yang sangat kecil yang hanya terdiri dari beberapa atom.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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