warsaw oor Indonesies


A fish, the black grouper ( Epinephelus nigritus).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


When Warsaw fell, you escaped and came to England because you're a flier.
saat warsawa jatuh, kau melarikan diri dan datang ke inggris karena kau seorang penerbang.

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/ˈwɔː(ɹ).sɔː(ɹ)/ eienaam, naamwoord
The capital of Poland.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Indonesies


naamwoord, eienaam
capital city of Poland
And there'll be somebody who'll stay with you till you get to Warsaw tomorrow morning.
Dan akan ada orang yg bersama _ mu sampai kau ke Warsawa besok pagi.
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I want you and Ressler on the next flight to Warsaw.
Aku ingin kau dan Ressler pergi ke Warsaw di penerbangan berikutnya.
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Kaczyński banned the Warsaw gay pride parade twice in 2004 and again in 2005, locally known as the Parada Równości (the Equality Parade), stating that the application of the parade organizers had not been properly filed, and also that he did not respect homosexuals' right to demonstrate, "I respect your right to demonstrate as citizens.
Kaczyński dua kali melarang Warsawa parade Gay Pride pada tahun 2004 dan lagi pada tahun 2005, secara lokal dikenal sebagai Parada Równości(Parade Kesetaraan), menyatakan bahwa penerapan penyelenggara parade belum benar diajukan, juga mengatakan bahwa ia tidak menghormati hak homoseksual 'untuk menunjukkan yang menyatakan, "Aku menghormati hak Anda untuk menunjukkan sebagai warga negara.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On 5 August, they captured Warsaw and forced the Russians to withdraw from Poland.
Pada tanggal 5 Agustus, mereka menduduki Warsawa dan mengusir Rusia dari Polandia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
'Cause, buddy, you don't forget a second of your stay in the Warsaw penal system.
Karena kau tidak akan pernah lupa setiap detik yang kau lalui di penjara Warsawa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He won series of top prizes at the prestigious international music competitions including first and special prize at the VII Lutosławski International Cello Competition in Warsaw (2009) , first prize at the European Broadcasting Union “New Talent” Competition (2006) and first prize at the Royal Academy of Music Patron’s Award in Wigmore Hall (2011).
Ia memenangkan serangkaian hadiah di kompetisi musik internasional bergengsi termasuk hadiah pertama dan hadiah khusus di Kompetisi Cello Internasional Lutosławski di Warsawa (2009) , hadiah pertama di European Broadcasting Union untuk Kompetisi "Bakat Baru" (2006) dan hadiah pertama di Royal Academy of Music Patron's Award di Wigmore Hall (2011).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The local mean time at the meridian was known as Warsaw Mean Time.
Zona waktu ini disebut Warsaw mean time (Zona waktu Warsawa).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
He served as the bishop of Lublin from 1946 to 1948, archbishop of Warsaw and archbishop of Gniezno from 1948 to 1981.
Ia menjabat sebagai uskup Lublin 1946-1948, Uskup Agung Warsawa dan Uskup Agung Gniezno 1948-1981.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Two more international conventions were held in Poland—one in Lodz and the other in Warsaw—and those who were present were keenly aware that Jehovah’s spirit was manifest.
Dua kebaktian internasional lagi diadakan di Polandia—yang satu di Lodz dan yang satunya lagi di Warsawa—dan orang-orang yang hadir benar-benar merasakan betapa nyatanya roh Yehuwa.jw2019 jw2019
In the taxi in Warsaw.
Di taksi di Warsawa.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The capital of the province was Poznań (1793-1795) at first, afterwards Warsaw (1795-1806), which was added in 1795 after the Third Partition, but it was actually administered by the General Directory (General-Direktorium) in Berlin.
Ibukota Prusia Selatan pada awalnya terletak di Poznań (1793-1795), tetapi kemudian dipindah ke Warsawa (1795-1806) setelah kota tersebut diambilalih oleh Prusia selama Pemisahan Polandia Ketiga pada tahun 1795.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In late April 2011, the organization said it was setting up international branches in Warsaw, Zürich, Rome, Tel Aviv, and Rio de Janeiro.
Pada akhir April 2011, organisasi menyatakan telah mendirikan cabang internasional di Warsawa, Zürich, Roma, Tel Aviv, dan Rio de Janeiro.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The Austrian State Treaty is an example of formal, multilateral, superpower disengagement which left Austria as neutral for the duration of the Cold War, with Austria staying out of the Warsaw Pact, NATO, and the European Economic Community.
Perjanjian Negara Austria merupakan contoh penarikan negara adidaya multilateral resmi yang menjadikan Austria negara netral sepanjang Perang Dingin; Austria tidak bergabung dengan Pakta Warsawa, NATO, dan Masyarakat Ekonomi Eropa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The program included the allied east-European nations of the Warsaw Pact, CoMEcon, and other socialist nations like Afghanistan, Cuba, Mongolia, and Vietnam.
Program ini mencakup negara-negara sekutu timur-Eropa dari Pakta Warsawa, Comecon, dan negara-negara sosialis lainnya seperti Afghanistan, Kuba, Mongolia, dan Vietnam.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On July 23, 1942 (Av 9, AM 5702), began the mass deportation of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto, en route to Treblinka.
Di sore hari 9 Ab 5702 AM (23 Juli 1942), deportasi massal orang Yahudi dimulai dari Warsaw Ghetto ke Treblinka.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
On February 5, 2014, the band embarked on the first leg of its first world tour starting in Warsaw, Poland.
Pada tanggal 5 Februari 2014, band ini memulai tur konser dunia pertama mereka mulai di Warsawa, Polandia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Born in Warsaw on 20 August 1930, Olszewski originated from a working-class family employed in the railway industry who were strongly connected to the Polish Socialist Party.
Lahir di Warsawa pada 20 Agustus 1930, Olszewski berasal dari keluarga kelas pekerja yang bekerja di industri kereta api, yang sangat terhubung dengan Partai Sosialis Polandia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some smaller engagements at Poznań, Lwów, Warsaw and Poniec followed in 1704 as a consequence of Augustus II's attempts to restore the situation to his favour.
Beberapa keterlibatan kecil di Poznań, Lwów, Warsawa dan Poniec yang diikuti pada tahun 1704 sebagai konsekuensi upaya Augustus untuk memulihkan situasi demi kebaikannya.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
After my initial training, I was sent to Poland where I witnessed the burning of the Jewish ghetto of Warsaw.
Setelah mengikuti pelatihan awal, saya dikirim ke Polandia dan saya menyaksikan perkampungan orang Yahudi di Warsawa dibakar.jw2019 jw2019
Before being sent to the camps, the Roma were herded into ghettos, including several hundred into the Warsaw Ghetto.
Sebelum dikirim ke kamp-kamp, para korban Romani digiring ke ghetto, termasuk beberapa ratus orang ke Ghetto Warsawa.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
That is, no country could leave the Warsaw Pact or disturb a ruling communist party's monopoly on power.
Negara-negara tersebut tidak diperbolehkan meninggalkan Pakta Warsawa atau mengganggu monopoli kekuasaan partai komunis.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Over the course of the following months, Warsaw is destroyed.
Selama bulan-bulan berikutnya, Warsawa hancur.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Warsaw, I made the acquaintance of the well- known adventuress, Irene Adler.
Warsawa, saya berkenalan dari petualang perempuan terkenal, Irene Adler.QED QED
Others died in massacres or in uprisings such as the Warsaw Uprising, where 120,000–200,000 were killed.
Yang lainnya tewas akibat pembantaian umum seperti dalam Pemberontakan Warsawa, yang menewaskan antara 120.000 hingga 200.000 warga sipil.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A house at 17 Prosta Street in Marki, near Warsaw, was chosen as a temporary office from which to direct the work.
Sebuah rumah di Jalan Prosta No. 17 di Marki, sekarang Warsawa, dipilih sebagai kantor sementara yang digunakan untuk mengatur pekerjaan.jw2019 jw2019
The letter expresses Papal condolences to the death of Cardinal August Hlond of Warsaw, who formed the face of the resurrected Poland and sacrificed his life for his country, the Church and the Representative of Christ.
Surat ini menyampaikan pernyataan dukacita Sri Paus terhadap wafatnya Kardinal Warsawa August Hlond, yang membentuk wajah Polandia yang bangkit dan mengorbankan hidupnya demi negaranya, Gereja dan Wakil Kristus di dunia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Over 4,000 wings and empennages for L-29 Delfín, a jet trainer aircraft that became the standard jet trainer for the air forces Warsaw Pact nations in the 1960s, were built by Letov.
Aero L-29 Delfín adalah pesawat jet latih yang menjadi pesawat jet latih standar pada angkatan udara negara-negara anggota Pakta Warsawa pada tahun 1960-an.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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