change history oor Igbo

change history

In a shared file, information that is maintained about changes made in past editing sessions. The information includes the name of the person who made each change, when the change was made, and what data was changed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo

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In a shared file, information that is maintained about changes made in past editing sessions. The information includes the name of the person who made each change, when the change was made, and what data was changed.

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Jesus had a great work to do, a ministry that would change history.
13 Ma oke ngwa-ngwa ka ịzọ-ije ha dịịrị nke mere na e nweghị ike ịkwụsị ya ruo mgbe ha gapụworo site na nchụkwu nke ndị ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
(Luke 2:8-14) Thirty years later, that child, now an adult, began a ministry that lasted just three and a half years and yet changed history.
8 Ya mere iwu ọkụ ahụ esiwo na Nna pụọ na a aga-akpọkọta ha n’otu ebe n’elu ala nke a, ka bakwado obi ha nile ma kwado n’ihe nile maka ụbọchị mgbe cmkpagbu na ntogbo n’efu e ziipụrụ megide ajọọ mmadụ.jw2019 jw2019
“Another challenge facing modern societies is the sheer speed of change,” says the book A Green History of the World.
Maka anyị amaghị ihe anyị ga-eme, nke a anaghị ebuli ntụkwasị-obi anyị ma-ọbụ oke-nsọpụrụ anyị nwere.jw2019 jw2019
Says the book A Pictorial History of Television: “Television is changing the way we think.”
* E zipụrụ m unu ịgba-ama ma dọọ kwa ndị mmadụ aka na ntị, OznỌd. 88:81.jw2019 jw2019
AROUND the world the story of Jesus of Nazareth —a young man who changed the course of human history— is woven into the fabric of society.
pụrụ ịbụ na ị ghaghị ịgbabiwe ya n’ebe dị ize ndụ ma ọ bụrụ na ọ dịkarịrị ogologo.jw2019 jw2019
“In 1914,” the prologue explains, “the country was changing more rapidly than at any time in its history.”
• Anya dịrị gị nkọ; gbalịa ibute ihe dị iche iche n’isi, ịmata ụda, na ísì.jw2019 jw2019
You may feel that your religion is inextricably linked with family history and culture and should not be changed.
* N’elu Ugwu Sainai Moses nwetara ntụzi-aka nile banyere Ọkwa Nchụ-aja ahụ e nyere Erọn na ụmụ ya ndịkom anọ, Ọpụ.jw2019 jw2019
Or are such changes just part of the normal ebb and flow of history?
33 N’ezie a sị m unu, lee ka ịdị-ukwuu nke ọkpụkpọ-oku unu. aSachaa obi unu na uwe unu, a dịghị ama-ama ọbara nke ọgbọ nke a abụrụ ihe aga bachọ n’aka unu nile.jw2019 jw2019
* Reflecting Russian history, the name of the library has been changed seven times over the course of two centuries.
49 Ndị a nile na ọtụtụ ndị ọzọ kwa, ọbụladị andị-amụma nile ndị biri n’etiti ndị Nifaị na gbaworo ama banyere ọbịbịa nke Ọkpara Chineke gwakọtara na mbara igwè ọgbakọ ahụ ma na-echere n’ihi nnapụta ha.jw2019 jw2019
History suggests that it did not change people for the better but contributed to the ongoing moral deterioration of human society. —2 Timothy 3:1-5.
+ 8 Ụmụnne m ndị mụ na ha so gaa mere ka obi lọọ ndị anyị mmiri;+ ma mụ onwe m soro Jehova bụ́ Chineke m n’ụzọ zuru ezu.jw2019 jw2019
8:17, 19; Luke 21:10, 11) The Bible also warned that this decisive period in human history would be a period of great social changes.
Nzube Ha Anaghị Abụcha Otujw2019 jw2019
The urge to change Christian teachings to suit the spirit of the age has a long history, as we shall see.
35 Ma site n’ikwere na ime ihe ndị a nke unu nataworo, na nke unu ga-anata ma emesịa—ma aala-eze bụ nke Nna nyeworo unu, ma bike imeri ihe nile a na-esiteghị na ya chie.jw2019 jw2019
Also, since languages change constantly, dialects sometimes die out from disuse, and with them dies a piece of history.
* Ajọọ omume adịghị mgbe ọ bụ an̄ụrị, Alma 41:10.jw2019 jw2019
IN HIS book History of the English-Speaking Peoples (Volume 2), Winston Churchill wrote: “In the field of religious belief the Reformation brought profound change.
Mgbe ha bara n’ime mmiri nke baptizim, ha nwere ohere ịchọpụta ihunanya nke Onye-nwe na nke ndị otu ezi-na-ụlọ ndị nke ha na emechitere emume-nsọ nile a.jw2019 jw2019
History shows that soon after the death of Christ’s apostles, the official face of “Christianity” began to change, just as the Bible foretold. —Matthew 13:24-30, 37-43; Acts 20:30.
* Chineke welitere n’etiti ndị Juu otu Mesaịa, ma-ọbụ n’ụzọ nke ọzọ, Onye Nzọpụta, 1 Nif.jw2019 jw2019
“In spite of the recent triumphs of science, men haven’t changed much in the last two thousand years; and in consequence we must still try to learn from history.” —Kenneth Clark, Civilisation— A Personal View.
Ndi ahụ Mara Ihejw2019 jw2019
Identifying one reason for this change in public attitude, the paper says: “The image makeover is the direct result of what may be the most expensive and most sustained government-funded advertising campaign in Canadian history.”
Mgbe Lihai na ezi na ụlọ ya nọ n’ime ọzara, Lihai zighachiri ụmụ ya ndịkom azụ na Jerusalem ka ha nweta ndekọta nke a (1 Nif.jw2019 jw2019
17 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.