check in oor Igbo

check in

To announce or record one's arrival at a hotel, airport etc

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To place a file or project back in a source repository. This releases the lock for editing and enables other users to view the updated file or check out the file.

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Long check-in lines and the hand-searching of his luggage did not upset him at all.
* Hụ kwa Amamihe; Ezi-okwu; Mmata-ihejw2019 jw2019
Check in with the receptionist and director of activities when you arrive for the scheduled session.
60 Ka nke ahụ e nyekwasịworo Ziba Peterson bụrụ ihe a napụrụ ya; ma ka ọ nọrọ dịka onye-otu n’ime nzukọ-nsọ, ma jiri aka ya nile rụọ ọrụ, ya na ụmụnna ya, ruo mgbe a atasịrị ya ahụhụ zuru oke maka mmehie ya nile; n’ihi na o kwupụtaghị ha, ma o chere izo ha.jw2019 jw2019
Many have become accustomed to longer check-in lines and the presence of armed military personnel in airport terminals.
11 Na otu nkume aocha ka a ga-enye onye ọbụla na ndị ahụ biara n’ime ala-eze selestịal, ebe edere baha ọhụrụ, nke n’onweghị madụ matara ya m’ọbụghị onye ahụ natara ya.jw2019 jw2019
If he steals your bank account information, he may be able to order and write checks in your name.
15 Na ha wee weso Lọt iwe wee bịakwa nso itiwa ibo-ụzọ ahụ, kama ndị mụọ-ozi nke Chineke, ndị bụ ndịkom dị nsọ, setịpụrụ aka ha dọbata kwa Lọt n’ime ụlọ nye onwe ha, wee mechie kwa ụzọ.jw2019 jw2019
The receptionist at the hotel welcomed us and even let us check in, although it was only 7:30 a.m.
Ma unu anaghị erubere ezi-okwu isi, mana unu na-enwe ammasị n’ime enweghi ezi-omume.jw2019 jw2019
To illustrate: A man in line at an airport check-in counter apologized when his luggage nudged the woman waiting next in line.
Inwere-onwe nke okpukpe-chi ka a mara ọkwa ya—Ndị Leman n’ime ala na obodo-ukwu asaa ka a gbanwere—Ha kpọrọ onwe ha ndị Antai-Nifaị-Lihaị ma mee ka ha nwere onwe ha site n’ọbụbụ-ọnụ ahụ—Ndị Amalek na ndị Amiulọn wee jụ ezi-okwu ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
A wife might write, “I felt that you were treating me as if I were a child who had to check in with her father.”
Jisus Kraịst pụtara ihe na nabatara temple ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
2:9, 10) Therefore, we should give attention to our dress and grooming while in the convention city, including when we check in at the hotel.
Ọ bụrụ na ala ahụ adịghị larịị ma bụrụ nke siri ike, hinye ya ihe n’okpuru ka o guzoro n’ebe dị larịị.jw2019 jw2019
Each time a passenger checks in at an airport, this information is verified and updated with the latest data, including the individual’s response to the screening questions.
113 O ga-ewekwa onye annọchi-anya ga-elekọta ma na-arụ ọrụ ya nke anụ arụ dịka o siri tụzie ntụzi aka.jw2019 jw2019
The morbid preoccupation with looks that is typical of people with BDD usually leads to compulsive checking in the mirror and, in some cases, even to social isolation.
7 Unu ahụwo na unu enweghị ike igbu m, ya mere e zichawo m ozi m.jw2019 jw2019
If you refer to a scientific fact, a news report, an experience, or other supporting evidence, check in advance that your source is trustworthy and up-to-date.
Na-agbanyeghị na ndị Rom nyere ndị Juu ọtụtụ ohere nile, ndị Juu kpọrọ ọchịchị ndị Rom asị ma na-esepụghị aka ha nọọrọ na nnupụ-isi.jw2019 jw2019
For texts you feel you may someday need in your preaching and teaching work, note the key word and check in the index of Bible words at the back of your Bible.
Ha abụọ wee gbapụ bịarute n’ụlọ otu nwoke na Bahurim,+ bụ́ onye nwere olulu mmiri n’èzí ya; ha wee banye n’ime ya.jw2019 jw2019
Check back in six months, and see how you’ve done in reaching your goals.
18 Ma o wee ruo na dịka mụ, Nifaị, gara igbute ihe oriri, lee, a gbajịrị m ụta m, nke e jiri ezigbo aigwe mee; ma mgbe m gbajiworo ụta m, lee, ụmụnne m were iwe n’ebe m nọ maka mmebi nke ụta m, n’ihi na anyị enwetaghị ihe oriri.jw2019 jw2019
To keep the budget in check, some have found it necessary to cut back in some areas.
18 Ma o wee ruo na Gịdiọn zigara ndị mmadụ n’ime ọzara ahụ na nzuzo, ịchọ eze ahụ na ndị ha na ya nọ.jw2019 jw2019
One who is injured by harmful gossip and fails to keep his feelings of embarrassment and resentment in check could react in a way that he will later regret.
Ikekwe e nweghị akụkọ ndekọta ọzọ e kwupụtara ịdị nsọ nke Jisus na e nweghị okwukwe nke ndị ọchịchị ndị Juu n’ụzọ doro anya.jw2019 jw2019
If on occasion a picture or a brief outline of main points is necessary to convey one or several main points of a talk, check in advance to be sure that the visual aid can be clearly seen (or read) from the back of the meeting place.
13 Ya mere ọ ga-adị m mma ka unu hụ na Onye-nwe kụziiri ndị ahụ ihe n’ezi-okwu, mkpụrụ ụbọchị atọ; ma mgbe nke ahụ mesịrị o agosịrị ha onwe ya ọtụtụ mgbe, ma nyawa bachịcha ọtụtụ mgbe, ma gọzie ya, ma nye ha ya.jw2019 jw2019
If someone treats you harshly or unfairly, what can help you to keep your emotions in check and to react in a way that brings joy to Jehovah?
+ 35 Ọ gaghị eletụdị ụdị ihe mgbapụta ọ bụla anya, ọ gaghịkwa amasị ya, n’agbanyeghị otú i mere ka onyinye ahụ buruo n’ibu.jw2019 jw2019
Keeping our tongue in check is one way to show that we “stand for peace.”
Ugbua, mgbe o kwuworo okwu ndị a nile, obi ya zara n’ime ya, ma o wee jiri ọn̄ụ daba kwa ọzọ; ma nwụnye-eze ahụ darukwara ala, ebe Mụọ ahụ kara ya ike.jw2019 jw2019
Keeping Our Lips in Check
9 Ma ugbua atụmatụ nke ndị Nifaị bụụrụ ịkwado ala ha nile, na ụlọ ha nile, na andị nwunye ha nile, na ụmụ ha nile, ka ha wee chekwaa ha site n’aka ndị iro ha; na kwa ka ha wee chekwaa ihe nile ruru ha na ohere ha nile, e, na kwa bntọhapụ ha, ka ha wee fee Chineke dịka ọchịchọ ha nile siri dị.jw2019 jw2019
I checked every verse in both translations to make sure that I wasn’t being misled.
Ammon, onye-ndu nke òtù nchọ ahụ, chọtara ha na mụta akụkọ nnwale ha nile n’okpuru mmegide ndị Leman.jw2019 jw2019
Keep your feelings in check, and you’ll avoid a lot of pain.”
Mana e nweghị andị mụọ-ozi ndị n’eje-ozi n’ụwa m’ọbụghị ndị bụ nke ma-ọbụ bụrụwo nke ya.jw2019 jw2019
I still have to keep my weaknesses in check so that they do not get the upper hand.
Akwụkwọ nke Mọmọn bụ akụkọ-ndekọta dị nsọ banyere ndị mgbe ọchịe bi n’Amerika, ma a kanyere ya n’elu ọtụtụ mbara igwe.jw2019 jw2019
Do your best to keep your emotions in check.
• Anwala ikwu okwu banyere ihe mgbapụta gị.jw2019 jw2019
Realizing the danger, a wise person keeps even his wholesome desires in check.
N’agbanyeghi na abụ m onye na-eme oke ihere, a nabatara m oku ahu.jw2019 jw2019
The problem can usually be kept in check with good skin care.
N’ikpeazụ, ike ya gwụrụ Pọl,+ o wee tụgharịa gwa mmụọ ahụ, sị: “Ana m enye gị iwu n’aha Jizọs Kraịst ka i si n’ime ya pụta.”jw2019 jw2019
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