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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo


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(Suggestion: Put a check mark next to the suggestions that you need to work on.)
1 Ugbua o wee ruo na mgbe aụmụ nwoke nke Mosaịa meworo ihe ndị a nile, ha kpọọrọ ọnụ ọgụgụ dị ntakịrị tinyere n’onwe ha ma laghachịkwuru nna ha, eze ahụ, ma chọọ n’aka ya ka o kwe ha ka ha, ha na ndị a ha họtaworo, gbagoo ruo ala nke ndị bNifaị ka ha wee kwusaa ihe ndị ha nụworo, na ka ha nyetụụmụnne ha nwoke, ndị Leman, okwu Chineke ahụ—jw2019 jw2019
In each of the lists below, put a check mark next to the correct answer.
30 N’ihi nye unu, aNdị-ozi iri na abụọ ahụ, na ndị ahụ, bOtu Ndị-isi Nduzi Mbụ, ndị ahọpụtara gị na ha ịbụ ndị ndụmọdụ unu na ndị ndu unu, ka e nyere ike nke ọkwa nchụ-aja nke a, maka ụbọchị ndị ikpeazụ na maka oge nke ikpeazụ, n’ime nke enwere cọgbọ nke ozuzu oge nile ahụ akara aka.jw2019 jw2019
If so, a check mark should be put in the box on the form.
* Ha bara n’ime on̄un̄ụ iyi ijegharị n’iwu Chineke, Neh.jw2019 jw2019
Put a check mark next to the ones that apply —or fill in your own topic next to “Other.”
28 Ma ọ ga-adị m mma ka unu cheta, na onye ọbụla n’etiti unu na-agbaziri ihe site n’aka onye-agbata-obi ya ga-eweghachi ihe ahụ nke o gbazitara, dịka o siri kwere, ma ọdịghị otu ahụ unu ga-eme mmehie; ma eleghị anya ị ga-eme ka onye-agbata-obi gị mee kwa mmehie.jw2019 jw2019
Check an electric blanket often for frayed fabric, deep creases, scorch marks, and a worn electrical cord.
* Hụ kwa Jisus Kraịst; Mkpọgide n’obejw2019 jw2019
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