dimension oor Igbo


/daɪ̯ˈmɛnʃn̩/, /dɨˈmɛnʃn̩/ werkwoord, naamwoord
A single aspect of a given thing.

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An attribute that further defines an entity.

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Darren, mentioned in the preceding article, found a “new dimension” that changed his life.
6. (a) Gịnị ka anyị kwesịrị ime ma ọ bụrụ na e nwee ọdachi n’ebe anyị bi?jw2019 jw2019
Using research materials at your disposal, find out the measurement of a cubit, and then calculate the dimensions of the image that Nebuchadnezzar made.
29 Ma ndị nile bi na Zaịọn ga-kwa edebe aỤbọchị izu-ike i do ya nsọ.jw2019 jw2019
However, the dimensions of the temple proper were already established.
Ma o wee ruo na mgbe ha bịaruworo obodo-ukwu nke Nifaịha, ha rụnyere ụlọ ikwuu ha nile n’ala larịị nile nke Nifaịha, nke dị nso n’obodo-ukwu nke Nifaịha.jw2019 jw2019
He concludes: “Add up all the various forms of ethical and legal misconduct and you have a moral crisis of serious dimensions.”
34 Na ụkpụrụ nile ndị ọzọ nke ozi-ọma ndị dịworo mkpa ka ha mara iji wee tozue-oke nye onwe ha ka e wee akpee ha ikpe dịka ndị mmadụ n’anụ arụ, na ha adị ndụ dịka Chineke n’ime mụọ.jw2019 jw2019
But even details in Exodus and Leviticus about the construction of the tabernacle or the installation of the priesthood will come to life when you visualize the dimensions and materials or imagine the scent of the incense, the roasted grain, and the animals presented as burnt offerings.
5 “‘Mgbe ahụ, a ga-egbu nwa oké ehi ahụ n’ihu Jehova; ụmụ Erọn, bụ́ ndị nchụàjà,+ ga-ewetakwa ọbara ya ma fesa ọbara ahụ gburugburu n’elu ebe ịchụàjà+ nke dị n’ọnụ ụzọ ụlọikwuu nzute.jw2019 jw2019
First, the drum maker chisels, scrapes, and sands the shell until it is the precise dimension that will produce the desired sound.
Ma Amịnadab sịrị ha: Ha na-akparịta ụka ha na ndị mụọ-ozi nke Chineke.jw2019 jw2019
The refugee problem took on a new dimension at the end of the first world war.
10 Ọbụna arụ a na-anwụ-anwụ ga-eyịkwasị aanwụghị-anwụ, ma ire ure a ga eyịkwasị ereghi ere, ma a ga-eweta ya ka o bguzoro n’iru oche-ikpe nke Chineke, ka o ckpee ya ikpe dịka ọrụ ha nile ma ha dị mma ma-ọbụ ma ha dị njọ—jw2019 jw2019
(Jeremiah 5:26, 27) Technology has provided modern-day “wicked men” with deceptive traps of new dimensions.
+ 5 N’ihi na tupu owuwe ihe ubi eruo, mgbe ifuru nọzuworo oge ya, okooko ya aghọọkwa mkpụrụ vaịn ka na-acha acha, mmadụ ga-ejikwa mma ịkwa osisi gbupụ ntakịrị alaka ya, gbupụkwa ome ya, gbukapụ ha.jw2019 jw2019
Writer Luigi Zoja gives the reason for this: “It is impossible to simply eliminate a behavior without redirecting the patient towards a completely new dimension.”
19 Mana, n’ezie a sị m unu, na ịtọgbọrọ n’efu ga-abịakwasị ọgbọ nke a dịka onye ori n’abalị, ma ndị a ka a ga-ebibi ma gbasasịa n’etiti mba nile.jw2019 jw2019
This should add a dimension for Christian couples who are deciding whether to have children.
34 Kwesị ntụkwasị-obi ruo mgbe m ga-abia, n’ihi a ga m aabịa ọsọ-ọsọ; na ụgwọ-ọrụ m dị n’aka m ikwụghachi onye ọbụla dịka bọrụ ya siri dị.jw2019 jw2019
Descriptive gestures express action or show dimension and location.
* Onye-nwe kpughere iwu nke ịkwụ otu ụzọ n’ụzọ iri, OznỌd. 119.jw2019 jw2019
Woodhead is of the opinion that the remains point to a six-chambered gate similar in dimensions to those found at Megiddo, Hazor, and Gezer.
33 Ma otu iwu-nsọ ka m na-enye ha—ka onye n’edebeghị aekpere ya nile n’iru Onye-nwe n’oge ya,ka e bcheta kwa ya n iru onye-ikpe nke ndị m.jw2019 jw2019
The gate structure and dimensions of the two sites are similar, if not identical.
N’ịhị na Jịsọs Kraịst bụ Otu Ọkpara Amụrụ nani Ya nke Nna Ya, Onwere ike inwụ anwu ma bilitekwa n’ọnwụ.jw2019 jw2019
Were we the architects who designed our earth and, from that design, laid out the dimensions as though with a ruler or straightedge?
Mana Doe anataworịị ọgbụgba-ama.jw2019 jw2019
If we have a spiritual dimension to our lives, then we will experience what is described at Psalm 103:5: ‘[Jehovah] is satisfying your lifetime with what is good; your youth keeps renewing itself just like that of an eagle.’”
Abụ ya nke inye ekele ka e nwere ike itule otu o siri yie nke Meri nne Jisus (1 Sam.jw2019 jw2019
The dictionary explains: “While the Temple itself would have to have the same dimensions as its predecessors [Solomon’s and Zerubbabel’s], the Temple Mount was not restricted in its potential size.”
26 Ka Onye na-abịa n’aha Jehova bụrụ onye a gọziri agọzi;+jw2019 jw2019
Besides adding a vital spiritual dimension to one’s life, godly devotion nurtures such beneficial qualities as love, joy, peace, and self-control —all of which contribute to a positive outlook and good health. —Galatians 5:22, 23.
9 E, nri-anyasị nke ụlọ nke Onye-nwe nke akwadoro nke ọma, nke a ga-akpọ mba nile oku.jw2019 jw2019
Knowing the distance involved makes Samson’s feat take on new dimensions, does it not?
Na oge ndị, ọdị mfe anyị ime ihe na ezighi-ezi maka na, echiche anyị anọghi-kwa na obi anyị, echiche anyị nọ na nsogbu ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
The controversy took on political dimensions, and it was used in a devious way by warring political camps.
4 Ben-hedad wee gee Eze Esa ntị ma ziga ndị isi ndị agha ya, ha wee buso obodo ndị dị n’Izrel agha, ha wee bibie Aịjọn+ na Dan+ na Ebel-meyim+ na ebe niile a na-akwakọba ihe+ n’obodo ndị dị na Naftalaị.jw2019 jw2019
They see in three dimensions, at a tremendously wide angle, without distortion, in continuous motion . . .
21 Na mụ, Abraham, jere njem, na-aga kwa ebe ala-ala; na e nwereịga n’iru nke ụnwụ n’ime ala ahụ; na mụ, Abraham, wee kpebie ịgbada baa n’ime Ijipt, ibi nwa mgbe nta n’ebe ahụ, n’ihi n’ụnwụ ahụ ghọrọ nnukwu nsogbu.jw2019 jw2019
6:15) But if you were to describe those same dimensions in terms of familiar local landmarks, your audience would immediately picture the size of the ark.
10 O lee otu unu siri achefuo na unu ahụwo mụọ-ozi nke Onye-nwe?jw2019 jw2019
The Bible, on the other hand, reveals another dimension of human behavior and interaction.
Oke-ala dị n’abata Juda na elu elu Israel mgbe 950 tutu a mụọ Kraịst gasịrịjw2019 jw2019
Would it make sense for God to create us as complex persons if he himself were an impersonal force gliding aimlessly in a spiritual dimension?
Ọ na-echetere anyị ma nwoke na nwanyị “ka enyere onyinye nsọ nwere ụdị ike ahụ” n’ime tempụl, “nke site na nkọwa bụ ike ọkwa-nchụ-aja.” 2jw2019 jw2019
Thus, watch closely the spiritual dimension in your family; have a rock-solid commitment to marriage.
Ama-okwu nile nke 4–31 nke isi nke 13 dekọtara nleta nke ugboro abụọ nke Nehemaia gara na Jerusalem mgbe ọ nọsịrị afọ iri na abụọ na-eruteghị ebe ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
Under Louis XIV, the so-called very Christian king, the persecution took on new dimensions.
52 Jehova, echetawo m mkpebi ikpe gị nke dịwara malite mgbe ebighị ebi,+jw2019 jw2019
26 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.