disable oor Igbo


/dɪsˈeɪ.bəl/ adjektief, werkwoord
to render unable; to take away the ability.

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To make a device, component, or feature nonfunctional. For example, if you disable a device in a hardware configuration, you cannot use the device when your computer uses that hardware configuration. Disabling a device frees the resources that were allocated to the device.

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● How can you use the information in this chapter to help someone who’s disabled or chronically ill?
1 Oke ihe iriba-ama e wee pụta kwa ìhè n’elu-igwe, n’oyiyi nke ihe ndị dị n’ụwa; otu nwanyị nke e yikwasịrị anyanwụ dịka uwe, ọnwa dịkwa n’okpuru ụkwụ ya abụọ, ọ na-ekpu kwa okpu-eze nke kpakpando iri na abụọ.jw2019 jw2019
For example, he healed those with disabilities and even cast out wicked spirits.
Luk nọ kwa ya na Pọl na Filipai na njem ikpe-azụ Pọl gara ruo Jerusalem (Ọlndoz. 20:6), ma ha abụọ nọkọtara ọnụ ruo na mbịaru ha na Rom.jw2019 jw2019
(Ecclesiastes 9:11) Hence, it is our hope that the disabled among our readers will give special consideration to God’s wonderful promises as recorded in the Bible.
12 N’ihi na, gịnị jikọrọ mụ na ikpe ndị nọ n’èzí ikpe?jw2019 jw2019
In addition, she cares for three disabled siblings.
1 Ma o wee ruo na nkewa malitere nʼetiti ndị ahụ, nke mere na ha kewara nʼebe a na nʼebe nke ọzọ ma gaa nʼụzọ ha nile, hapụ nanị Nifaị, dịka ọ na-eguzo nʼetiti ha.jw2019 jw2019
For parents like Carlo and Mia, however, joy becomes mingled with anxiety when they are told that their child is sick or disabled.
15 Ma eze ahụ sịrị na onye ọhụ-ụzọ bụ nnukwu mmadụ karịa onye-amụma.jw2019 jw2019
Even toxins in the environment can lead to disability.
N’enweghị obi abụọ ị mụtala na anyị enweghị ike n’eziokwu inwe ịhụnaanya n’Onye-nwe-anyị tutu mgbe anyị jewooro Ya ozi site n’ijere ndị ọzọ ozi.jw2019 jw2019
It has not been easy for me to come to terms with my disability.
* Mkpọkọta ahụ ka a tulere ka o si yie mkpọkọta nke ugo nile n’ebe ozu dị, JS—Mat. 1:27.jw2019 jw2019
If you enjoy good health, their comments may help you to be more understanding of those who struggle with disability or illness.
30 Mana nke a ka m nwere ike ịgwa unu, na ọbụrụ na unu aelezighị onwe unu anya, na bechiche unu nile, na cokwu unu nile, na omume unu nile, ma debe iwu-nsọ nile nke Chineke, ma gaa n’iru n’ime okwukwe nke ihe unu nuworo gbasara ọbịbịa nke Onye-nwe anyị, ọbụna ruo n’ọgwụgwụ ndụ unu, unu ga-alarịrị-n’iyi.jw2019 jw2019
In the United States alone, arthritis affects more than 42 million people, disabling 1 out of every 6 sufferers.
10 Devid wee bilie gaa n’ihu gbawa ọsọ ọ na-agba+ n’ihi Sọl n’ụbọchị ahụ, e mesịa, ọ gbakwuuru Ekish eze Gat.jw2019 jw2019
To begin with, when Jesus Christ was on earth, he actually did cure people of all forms of disease and disabilities.
Ana m atụ anya dịka m na agara ndị ọzọ ozi, ndi mmadu ga ahụta ihụnanya m nwere ebe Nna anyi nke bị na elu-igwe ya na Ihé nke Karist nke na anụ-ọkụ n’ime m.jw2019 jw2019
In old age, pets may suffer sicknesses and disabilities that can be distressing to their owners, who remember the younger and more active years of these animals.
Ma Pita kpọpụrụ ya n’akụkụ wee malite ịbara ya mba.jw2019 jw2019
How Disabilities Will End
Ma ha gbadara n’ime ala nke Jeshọn ahụ, ma nwere ọnwụnwe ala nke Jeshọn ahụ; ma ndị Nifaị kpọrọ ha ndị nke Amọn; ya mere e jiri aha ahụ hụba ha ama mgbe emechara.jw2019 jw2019
Citing information provided by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), at the end of 1995, England’s Manchester Guardian Weekly stated: “In the wars of the past decade, 2 million children have been killed, 4-5 million disabled, 12 million made homeless, more than 1 million orphaned or separated from their parents and 10 million psychologically traumatised.”
Oge Netan onye amụma bịakwutere ya mgbe ya na Bat-shiba+ nwesịrị mmekọahụ.jw2019 jw2019
When Jesus was on earth, he cured many —returning sight to the blind, hearing to the deaf, vigor to the disabled.
* A ga echi ụkọchukwu echichi, OznỌd. 20:67.jw2019 jw2019
On the 80th floor of a high-rise in Hong Kong, China, a single sister with physical disabilities—the only Latter-day Saint in her family—created a home that was a haven where she and visitors could feel the influence of the Spirit.
Ebum, btw nobi kachasi mkpa nke nkuzi ihe bụ inyere ụmụ ndị nwoke na ndị nwanyị nke Nna nke Elu-igwe aka ịlaghachi n’ihu Ya ma Ya na ha enwekọrịta ndụ ebighị-ebi.LDS LDS
Furthermore, not everyone will know what to say or how to react around a person with a disability.
11 E, ma ha matakwara ịkpọ-asị gafere-oke nke ndị Leman nile megide aụmụnne ha nile, ndị bụụrụ ndị nke Antai-Nifaị-Lihaị, ndị a naara akpọ ndị nke Amọn—ma ha achọghị iwelite ngwa-ọgụ, e, ha abawọrịị n’ime ọgbụgba-ndụ ma ha achọghị imebi ya—ya mere, ọbụrụ na ha ga-adaba n’aka nke ndị Leman a ga-ebibi ha.jw2019 jw2019
Sometimes, seeing how my disability affects my family has caused me more pain than the actual illness.
Ma ha bụrụ ya ọnụ-mmiri, ma bchụpụ ya site n’etiti ha, na kwa ndị nile nke kwere n’okwu nile nke Alma na Amiulek kwuworo; ma ha chụpụrụ ha, ma ziga ndịkom ka ha tụọ ha okwute.jw2019 jw2019
4:4) Emotional distress must have increased the pain of his disability when he was later falsely accused of betraying the king and then suffered a material loss.
* Onye-nwe ga-abịa bụrụ ìhè nke ndị Jentaịlụ, Aịsa.jw2019 jw2019
For many disabled individuals, learning about this inspiring hope has caused their tears of sadness to change into tears of joy.
47 Ya mere, ha enweghị-ike ime imehie, n’ihi e nyeghị Setan ike aịnwa ụmụ-ntakịrị, ọnwụnwa tutu ha amalite ịbịa bnwewa nkọwasị n’iru m;jw2019 jw2019
Determined Despite Disabilities
1 E nwere ụdị mmadụ abụọ an’elu-igwe, n’ikpọ ya aha: bMụọ ozi nile, ndị bụ ndị cbilitere n’onwụ, ndị nwere arụ nile nke anụ arụ na ọkpụkpụ nile—jw2019 jw2019
As much as they might like to, they cannot furnish the crippled child with healthy limbs, activate the mind of the mentally disabled child, reunite a child with his separated or divorced parents, or place him back in the loving embrace of a deceased parent.
24 Jehova Chineke m, biko, kpee m ikpe dị ka ezi omume gị si dị,+jw2019 jw2019
Although Jehovah has on occasion caused blindness and muteness, he is not responsible for every case of such disabilities.
17 Ma o wee ruo na andị na-eso uzo ahụ nke Jisus họrọworo malitere site n’oge ahụ gaa n’iru bime baptism na ịkụziri ka ha ra bịakwutere ha; ma ka ha ra bụ ndị e mere baptism n’aha nke Jisus emejupụtara ha na Mụọ Nsọ.jw2019 jw2019
Child-care supplies and special-needs items for seniors or the disabled
10 Ma otua ọ dị mkpa na iwu nke a a ga-edebesi ya ike maka nchekwa nke mba ha; e, ma onye ọbụla a hụrụ na-agọnarị inwere-onwe ha e gburu ya ọsọ-ọsọ dịka iwu ahụ siri dị.jw2019 jw2019
But he is blind and disabled.
Usoro nke na ụzọ maka ilekọta mkpa nile nke mụọ na nke arụ ndị mmadụ.jw2019 jw2019
Determined Despite Disabilities 11
49 Ma, ọzọ, a sị m unu, na onye ọbụla nke nwere amamihe enyeghị m ya iwu icheghari?jw2019 jw2019
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