manager oor Igbo


/ˈmænədʒɚ/, /ˈmæn.ə.dʒə(ɹ)/ naamwoord
(management) A person whose job is to manage something, such as a business, a restaurant, or a sports team.

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A person whose work or profession is management.

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Yet, they had managed to travel only a few miles.
* Joseph ka a gwara na nzukọ nile ezighị-ezi; obi ha nile dị anya n’ebe Chineke nọ, A—JS 1:19.jw2019 jw2019
Managing my money
8 aGaa nụ n’ime ụwa nile, bkwusaa ozi-ọma nye ihe ọbụla e ckere eke na-arụ ọrụ dn’ikike nke m nyeworo unu, ena-eme baptism n’aha nke Nna, na nke ọkpara na nke Mụọ Nsọ.jw2019 jw2019
But by looking up the scriptures in their own Bibles, they still managed to learn the truth, and five of them became Witnesses.
4 Ị ga-enye ya ọka* mbụ gị na mmanya ọhụrụ mbụ gị na mmanụ mbụ gị nakwa ajị anụ mbụ a kpachapụtara n’ìgwè ewu na atụrụ gị.jw2019 jw2019
If you still try to manage the job that you have delegated to someone, you will send him the message, “I don’t really trust you.”
24 Ma onye-isi-ikpe ahụ guzoro n’iru ha, ma kụọ ha ọzọ, ma sị ha: Ọbụrụ na unu nwere ike nke Chineke napụta onwe unu site n’agbụ ndị a, ma mgbe ahụ anyị ga- ekwere na Onye-nwe ga-ebibi ndị a dịka okwu unu nile siri dị.jw2019 jw2019
On December 17, 1903, at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, U.S.A., the Wright brothers managed to launch a motor-driven prototype that flew for 12 seconds —short as far as flights go now, but long enough to change the world forever!
48 N’ihi na ọ dị mma na a ga-azọpụta gị onwe gị, karịa ịtụba gị tinyere nwanne gị nwoke n’ime ala-mụọ, ebe ikpuru ha na-adịghị anwụ anwụ, na ebe ọkụ ahụ na-adịghị anyụ anyụ.jw2019 jw2019
Managing Conflicts
* N’ihi na uru gịnị ka ọ ga-abara mmadụ, ma o bụrụ na ọ ga-erita ụwa dum n’uru ma mkpụrụ-obi ya e funarị ya, Mat.jw2019 jw2019
Father traveled extensively by railroad throughout Brazil, and he managed to locate interested ones.
17 Ma o nyewokwa m iwu nsọ nile mgbe ọ kpọrọ m oku site an’ọhịa osisi nta ahụ na-ere ọkụ, na-asị: bKpọkuo Chineke n’aha Onye m Mụrụ Nanị ya ma sekpuoro m.jw2019 jw2019
12 The training that the Son received also included observing how his Father managed adverse circumstances.
* Hụ kwa Ebube Selestịal; Ebube Telestial; Ebube Terrestrialjw2019 jw2019
How has one brother managed to cope with illness?
25 Ma lee, ana m akwado unu megide ihe ndị a; n’ihi na unu enweghị ike ịgafe nnukwu omimi a ma ọbụghị na m kwadoro unu megide mfegharị-mmiri nile nke oke osimiri, na ikuku nile nke gapụworo, na ide-mmiri nile nke ga-abịa.jw2019 jw2019
How Can I Manage My Time?
Agbahapụrụ m, ike agwụ m ihe n amaghi-kwa ihe m ga eme.jw2019 jw2019
More and more hospitals offer nonblood management, and some even regard it as the highest standard of medical care
* Anya-ukwu bụ ikpere arụsị, Ndị-Kọl.jw2019 jw2019
Whatever her true character, one thing is certain: Her techniques in nursing and hospital management spread to many countries.
+ E ji ngwá ahịa gị niile gbanwere ọlaọcha, ígwè, gbamgbam na opu ya.jw2019 jw2019
Also, are you ready to manage a household day in and day out—to prepare meals and take care of children?—Ephesians 5:22-25, 28-31; 1 Timothy 5:8.
* Kraịst ga-ebukwasị onwe ya ihe mgbu nile na ọrịa nile nke ndị ya, Alma 7:10–12.jw2019 jw2019
The farm crisis is just one of many evidences of man’s inability to manage the earth and its resources successfully.
28 Na ha gaje ịnụ maka agha nile, na asịrị nke agha nile.jw2019 jw2019
The aforementioned book Managing Your Mind further observes: “The more one thinks about the bad things that might happen, the more likely they seem, and the harder it is to see how to cope with them.”
+ 34 N’ihi na ọnụma nwoke bụ ekworo,+ ọ gaghịkwa enwe ọmịiko n’ụbọchị ịbọ ọbọ.jw2019 jw2019
In contrast, trees manage to absorb and build up a supply of nutrients and maintain soil fertility.
10 A gbaworo onye ahụ nke nwere okwukwe n’ebe Ọkpara Chineke nọ àmà.jw2019 jw2019
The manager of one convention facility was so impressed by the volunteers who cleaned the building that he wrote this: “I want to thank you for the most amazing event that I have ever experienced.
32 Mana lee, ndị-agha anyị nile dị ntakịrị n’ichekwa oke nnukwu ọnụ-ọgụgụ nke obodo-ukwu nile na oke nnukwu ihe onwunwe nile.jw2019 jw2019
The key is learning how to manage stress effectively.
Mgbe o gesịrị otu abụ, Vera, dịkwa nnọọ ka Gwen,chọsiri ike ịmata onye ọ pụrụ ịbụ ya bụ Jehova a.jw2019 jw2019
Keeping healthy routines is said to be an effective tool for managing grief.
20 Ma o wee ruo na mgbe ndị Leman gafeworo, ma-ọbụ mgbe ndị-agha ahụ gafeworo, Gịd na Tiọmna bilitere site n’ebe nzuzo ha nile, ma gbabichie ndị onyota-ọgba-ama nile nke ndị Leman ka ha ghara ịlaghachị n’obodo-ukwu ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
“Think about the benefits of breaking the old pattern,” say the authors of a book on stress management.
3 Na mụ, Chineke, wee sị: Ka aìhè dị; ma ìhè wee dị.jw2019 jw2019
Johnston, who was the first to manage a branch office in Africa.
8 E nwere m afọ-ọma maka andị Juu—A sị m Juu, n’ihi na a na m ekwu ndị ahụ bụ ebe m siri bịa.jw2019 jw2019
But I managed to hide a Bible, a songbook, two bound volumes of The Watchtower, two Yearbooks of Jehovah’s Witnesses, and a book entitled The Truth That Leads to Eternal Life.
17 Ma otu a ka Onye-nwe kwuru, aOnye-mgbapụta gị, Onye-Nsọ nke Israel; E zitawo m ya, Onye-nwe bụ Chineke gị Onye na-akụziri gị ka inweta uru, Onye bna-edu gị n’ụzọ ịkwesịrị ịga, e mewo ya.jw2019 jw2019
By age 18, Loida had become so difficult to manage that I earnestly prayed to Jehovah, begging him to help me communicate with my daughter.
+ 13 O wee gaa n’ihu ịsị onye na-ejere ya ozi: “Bịa ka anyị garuo Gibia ma ọ bụ Rema,+ anyị ga-anọkwa n’otu n’ime ha ka chi bọọ.”jw2019 jw2019
12 To manage the affairs of the poor, and all things pertaining to the bishopric aboth in the land of Zion and in the land of Kirtland;
21 Na ugbụ a, aSetan wee malite ima jijiji, ala wee maakwa jijiji, ma Moses nwetara ume, wee kpọkuo kwa Chineke, na-asị: N’aha nke onye ahụ a Mụrụ Nanị ya, si ebe a pụọ, Setan.LDS LDS
Before I left Haiti, two of the patients who had had their right arms amputated managed to write me thank-you letters that they insisted I read only after I got on the plane.
Ọrụ Sitere-na-Chi Jisọs Kraịst: Otu Ọkpara Amụrụ nanị Yajw2019 jw2019
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