mountain oor Igbo


/ˈmaʊn.tən/, /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/, /'maUntn/ naamwoord
A large mass of earth and rock, rising above the common level of the earth or adjacent land, usually given by geographers as above 1000 feet in height (or 304.8 metres), though such masses may still be described as hills in comparison with larger mountains.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo


large mass of earth and rock
Ahead lay a deep ravine and another mountain.
E nwere nnukwu ndagwurugwu na ugwu ọzọ dị anyị n’ihu.

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A village in North Dakota.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo

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(Job 22:29) After all, from the top of a high mountain or from the window of an airplane, human activity may seem insignificant.
A malitere ntụgharị-asụsụ nke Akwụkwọ nke Abraham.jw2019 jw2019
He had the sensation of descending to the very depths of the sea, near the roots of the mountains, where seaweed entangled him.
13 aBịakwute m, O unu ndị Jentaịlụ, ma aga m egosị unu ihe ndị ka ukwuu, mmata ihe nke ezolitere n’ihi ekweghị-ekwe.jw2019 jw2019
On some of the narrow, winding mountain roads, you would be rewarded with breathtaking, ever-changing panoramic views of the land and sea.
NaLuk ka anyị na-enweta nanị nkọwasị nile nke nleta nile nke Gebriel nye Zakaraịa na Meri (Luk 1); nleta nke ndị ọzụzụ atụrụ nye nwa a mụrụ ọhụrụ Jisus (Luk 2:8–18); Jisus na temple mgbe ọ dị afọ iri na abụọ (Luk 2:41–52); Iri asaa ahụ e nyere ikike na ziga (Luk 10:1–24); Jisus sọrọ ọsụsọ ọbara (Luk 22:44); Mkparịta-ụka nke Jisus na onye-ori n’elu obe (Luk 23:39–43); na Jisus iri azụ na mmanụ an̄ụ mgbe o bilitesịrị n’ọnwụ (Luk 24:42–43).jw2019 jw2019
Five months later the ark came to rest on the top of a mountain.
25 Ma o wee ruo na e nwere ọtụtụ n’etiti ha ndị sịrị na Amọn bụ aNnukwu Mụọ ahụ, ma ndị ọzọ sịrị na Nnukwu Mụọ ahụ zitara ya;jw2019 jw2019
At the coming end of this system of things, how will “every mountain and every island” be removed from their places?
9 Unu ga-afụ opi na-adasị ụda ike+ n’ọnwa nke asaa, n’abalị iri n’ọnwa ahụ;+ unu ga-afụ opi ahụ n’ala unu dum n’ụbọchị mkpuchi mmehie.jw2019 jw2019
Unexpectedly, Gallus withdrew his troops, opening the way for Christians in Jerusalem and Judea to obey Jesus’ words and flee to the mountains. —Matthew 24:15, 16.
6 Ma o wee ruo na mgbe ndị Leman chọpụtara na ụmụada ha na-efurịị efu, iwe were ha n’ebe ndị nke Lịmhaị nọ, n’ihi na ha chere na ọbụ ndị nke Lịmhaị.jw2019 jw2019
In fact, like many Pacific islands, it is made up of just the tips of enormous underwater mountains.
14 Ma lee, eze ndị ahụ nke nọ n’ala Zarahemla bụ nwoke ahụ nke e nyere iwu ime ihe ndị a, na onye nwere onyinye nka dị elu site na Chineke.jw2019 jw2019
“And it must occur in the final part of the days that the mountain of the house of Jehovah will become firmly established above the top of the mountains, and it will certainly be lifted up above the hills; and to it all the nations must stream.” —Isaiah 2:2.
Taịtọs, Akwụkwọ-ozi e degaarajw2019 jw2019
39:7-12) Others might think of Christians who fled from Jerusalem in the year 66 C.E., obeying Jesus’ warning: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by encamped armies, then . . . let those in Judea begin fleeing to the mountains, and let those in the midst of her withdraw.” —Luke 21:20, 21.
11 Ma o wee ruo na nʼafọ nke mbụ nke Lịb, Koriantamọ gbagotara rute nʼala nke Moron, ma nye Lịb ịlụ-agha.jw2019 jw2019
As a result, mountains have become a sanctuary for fauna and flora that may have already disappeared in the lowlands.
* Joseph hụrụ nne ya n’ime ọhụ nke ala-eze selestịal, OznỌd. 137:5.jw2019 jw2019
In contrast with the crowded cities, the lush green growth in the fields and mountains proves to be most refreshing.
Nke a bụ ụfọdụ na usoro na Ozi nkuzi Nleta Ụmụnwanyi nke na egosipụta ụfọdụ ihe di-na ozi nke Onye nzọpụta.jw2019 jw2019
He makes the top of the mountain smoke, and causes loud thunder.
33 Mana lee, anyị tụkwasịrị obi na Chineke anyị onye nyeworo anyị mmeri n’ala ndị ahụ nile, nke mere na anyị enwetawo obodo-ukwu nile ndị ahụ na ala nile ndị ahụ, bụ ndị nke anyị.jw2019 jw2019
Some had distinct locales, such as the Philistines on the coast and the Jebusites in the mountains near Jerusalem.
98 Ruo mgbe mmadụ nile ga amata m, ndị nọgidere, ọbụna site na nke kachasị nta rute na nke kachasị ukwuu, ma ga-ejupụta na mmata nke Onye-nwe, ma aga-ahụ anya na anya, ma ga-eweli olu ha elu, ma jikọkwa olu ha bbụọ abụ ọhụrụ nke a na-asị:jw2019 jw2019
2 The akeys of the bkingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth, and from thence shall the cgospel roll forth unto the ends of the earth, as the dstone which is cut out of the mountain without hands shall roll forth, until it has efilled the whole earth.
Ezion-geba Israel gafere site n’ala nile nke Ịsọ na Amọn n’udo (Deut.LDS LDS
A United Nations report calculates that 67 percent of Africa’s mountainous regions have been affected by “violent human conflict.”
1 Ma o wee ruo na Jared na nwanne ya nwoke na ezi na ụlọ ha nile, na kwa ndị enyi nile nke Jared na nwanne ya nwoke na ndị enyi ha nile, gbadara na ndagwurugwu ahụ nke dị nʼelu-elu, (ma aha ndagwurugwu ahụ bụụrụ aNịmrọd, ebe akpọsoro ya aha nke dike ọchụ-nta ahụ) ha na igwe-anụ ha ndị nke ha kpọkọtaworo ọnụ, oke na nne, nʼụdị ọbụla.jw2019 jw2019
If I have all the faith so as to move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. —1 Cor.
25 Ma ugbua, ọbụrụ na unu kwuo nke a n’obi unu, unu ga-anọdụ n’enweghị ụta, ma ọbụghị otu a aamam-ikpe dịrị unu; ma amam-ikpe unu ziri ezi n’ihi na unu na-enwe anya ukwu n’ihe nke unu na-anatabeghị.jw2019 jw2019
And what about the lilies of the field there on the mountain?
14 Lee, oge ahụ abịawo n’uju ya, nke e kwuru maka ya site n’ọnụ nke Malakaị—n’agba-ama na ya (Elaịja) ka a ga-ezipụta, tutu ụbọchị ahụ dị ukwuu na dị egwu nke Onye-nwe abịa—jw2019 jw2019
Many mountain communities benefit from this influx of tourists, although uncontrolled tourism can threaten the fragile ecosystems.
Onye a bụ nwoke ahụ nke na-akụziri ndị nọ n’ebe niile ihe ka ha na-emegide+ ndị ala anyị na Iwu ahụ, na-emegidekwa ebe a, nke ka nke, ọ kpọbatara ọbụna ndị Grik n’ime ụlọ nsọ, o merụwokwa ebe nsọ a.”jw2019 jw2019
As the enemy begins to break through the city walls, there will be a “cry to the mountain.”
42 Ọbụrụ na-ọnọghị na ọgbụgba-ndụ ọhụrụ na mgbe nile na-adigide, na ya na nwoke ọzọ enwee mmekọ, ọ akwawo iko.jw2019 jw2019
This time I was sent to work in the coal mines of Vorkuta, an infamous slave-labor camp at the north end of the Ural Mountains, above the Arctic Circle.
“Kedụ onye nke kachasi-elu n’ime ala-eze nke elu-igwe?jw2019 jw2019
They will not do any harm or cause any ruin in all my holy mountain; because the earth will certainly be filled with the knowledge of Jehovah as the waters are covering the very sea.” —Isaiah 11:6-9.
33 Ma ebe nwaanyị ahụ maara ihe mere ya, ọ tụrụ ụjọ, marakwa jijiji bịa daa n’ala n’ihu ya wee gwa ya eziokwu niile.jw2019 jw2019
Finally, the vessel came to rest on a mountain.
“Okwu Jehova kwuru bụ megide ala Hedrak, ga-emezukwa n’isi Damaskọs;+ n’ihi na anya Jehova dị n’ebe ụmụ mmadụ nọ+ nakwa n’ebe ebo niile nke Izrel nọ; 2 ọ bụkwa megide Hemat,+ nke ya na ya gbara ókè, megide Taya+ na Saịdọn,+ n’ihi na ọ maara ihe nke ukwuu.jw2019 jw2019
God said: “Take, please, your son, your only son whom you so love, Isaac, and . . . offer him up as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I shall designate to you.”
Ngọnarị okwukwejw2019 jw2019
8 Since Jerusalem —“the city”— is symbolic of heavenly Jerusalem, “the mountain of the olive trees, which is in front of Jerusalem,” must also be taken symbolically.
26 I nwere ike iwe iwe, na-emehieghị kwa?jw2019 jw2019
A large part of this area consists of rugged jungle mountains accessible mainly on foot, as well as beautiful coastal regions accessible by sea.
* E nyewo ndị mmadụ i mara ezi-ihe site n’ihe ọjọọ; ya mere ha bụ ndị na-anọchi anya nye onwe ha, Moses 6:56.jw2019 jw2019
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