mystery oor Igbo


/ˈmɪst(ʃ)əɹi/ naamwoord
Something secret or unexplainable; unknown.

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Daniel was probably in his 90’s when Belshazzar summoned him to interpret the mysterious handwriting on the wall.
20 A ga-eme kwa ka ha zuo-oke na-agbanyeghị ikpu-ìsì ha, ma ọbụrụ na ha ga-an̄a onye ozi ahụ bụ nwa odibo nke Onye-nwe ntị.jw2019 jw2019
They were given outstanding insight into God’s Word, being empowered to “rove about” in it and, guided by holy spirit, to unlock age-old mysteries.
6 I hụwo ma nụ ihe nile ndị a; ma ị gaghị ekwupụta ha?jw2019 jw2019
Death thereby loses its mystery and no longer needs to cause us dread.
E sere ya ka ọ nọchite anya ogidi nile nke elu-igwe, dịka ndị Ijipt ghọtara ya.jw2019 jw2019
Brother Fernandez recalls: “A five-hour flight brought us to the most isolated part of the planet, to a culture enshrouded in mystery.”
17 Ma o wee ruo na Alma na Amiulek azaghị ya ihe ọbụla; ma ọ kụrụ ha ọzọ, ma nyefee ha ndị-ọrụ ahụ nile ka a tụba ha n’ime ụlọ-mkpọrọ.jw2019 jw2019
Since gambling involves betting on uncertainties, belief in luck —a mysterious force that supposedly controls random events— plays a large role, especially when money is wagered.
+ 12 Ma Jekọb nụrụ na ihe oriri dị n’Ijipt,+ o wee zipụ nna nna anyị hà na nke mbụ.jw2019 jw2019
July 17, 1917, saw the release of a new book, The Finished Mystery.
(Ilu 27:12) N’ihi ya, anya kwesịrị ịdị anyị nkọ mgbe niile ka anyị nwee ike ịma ihe ndị na-eme gburugburu ebe anyị nọ.jw2019 jw2019
Exploiting man’s curiosity about what is strange and mysterious, Satan has used spiritism to bring many under his control.
1 N’ezie, n’ezie, asị m na ọ dị m ka asị na unu ga-enye ndị ogbenye aonyinye; mana kpachara-anya ka unu ghara inye ndị ogbenye onyinye n’iru ndị mmadụ ka ha wee hụ unu; ma ọdịghị otu a, unu enweghị ụgwọ ọrụ nke Nna unu nke bi n’elu-igwe.jw2019 jw2019
13 And now I show unto you a mystery, a thing which is had in secret chambers, to bring to pass even your adestruction in process of time, and ye knew it not;
+ 30 Nke kasị mma n’ime mkpụrụ mbụ niile kara aka n’ime ihe niile na onyinye ọ bụla n’ime onyinye niile unu na-enye ga-abụ nke ndị nchụàjà;+ unu ga-enyekwa onye nchụàjà ntụ ọka nke si mkpụrụ mbụ unu,+ iji mee ka ngọzi dịkwasị ụlọ gị.LDS LDS
* The Melchizedek Priesthood holds the key of the mysteries of the knowledge of God, D&C 84:19.
Ndị nwoke nile na ndị nwanyị bibuuru ha na Chineke dịka ụmụ ya na mụọ tutu bịawa n’ụwa dịka ndị na-anwụ anwụ.LDS LDS
(John 17:1, 3) She had been taught that Jesus is equal to the Father and that this “mystery” is not to be questioned.
Ọ na-emekwa ka ékpè na mgbidi ruwe uju.jw2019 jw2019
Catholic scholars Karl Rahner and Herbert Vorgrimler state in their Theological Dictionary: “The Trinity is a mystery . . . in the strict sense . . . , which could not be known without revelation, and even after revelation cannot become wholly intelligible.”
59 Na site n’ihe nile na-adịghị ike nke ụwa, Onye-nwe aga-azọcha mba nile site n’ike nke Mụọ ya.jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 25:14) Right on time, he has opened up to their understanding the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast. —Psalm 32:8.
19 Ma ugbua, n’ihi nnukwu mmeri nke a ha buliri onwe ha elu na mpako nke obi ha nile; ha aturu ọnụ, n’ihi ikike nke onwe ha, na-asị na iri ise ha ga-eguzogide ọtụtụ puku ndị Leman—ma otu a ka ha turu ọnụ, ma nwee mmasị n’ọbara, na ịkwafu ọbara nke ụmụnne ha nwoke, ma nke a n’ihi ajọọ-omume nke eze ha na ndị nchụ-aja ha nile.jw2019 jw2019
4 God Is a Mystery —Is It True?
3 Ugbua ndị Leman n’onwe ha nwere obi ike zuru ezu, mana ndị Amalek na ndị Amiulọn kara nwe obi ike; ya mere ha mere ndị Leman ka ha wee mesie obi ha nile ike, ka ha wee sie ike n’ajọọ-omume na ihe arụ ha nile.jw2019 jw2019
And how do Jehovah’s Witnesses respond to the unraveling of the mystery of the great harlot and of the scarlet-colored wild beast?
33 Ma bụrụ na inweghị-ike inweta nari atọ, chọsie ike n’eleghị-anya i ga-enweta otu nari.jw2019 jw2019
A Name, a Mystery
Onye-nwe wee nye Amọn iwu idu ndị nke Antai-Nifaị-Lihaị ruo na nchekwa—N’izute Alma, ọn̄ụ Amọn wee werechaa ume ya—Ndị Nifaị wee nye ndị Antai-Nifaị-Lihaị ala nke Jeshọn—Akpọrọ ha ndị nke Amọn.jw2019 jw2019
(John 14:28; 15:10; Colossians 1:15) Just think, how can one “draw close to God,” as encouraged by the Scriptures, if God is a mystery? —James 4:8.
3 Ma lee ka ngọzi na-adịrị ha bụ ndị rụsịworo ọrụ ike n’ubi-vine Ya; ma ọbụbụ-ọnụ dịịrị ha ndị bụ ndị a ga-achụpụ baa n’ọnọdụ nke onwe ha!jw2019 jw2019
In 1984, Patrick developed what at that time seemed to be a mysterious illness.
Ọ dịghị ihe m pụrụ ime ma ọ bụghị idina n’etiti ndị na-eripịa mmadụ, n’etiti ụmụ mmadụ,jw2019 jw2019
(1 Timothy 3:16) It had long been a secret, a mystery, as to whether anyone could maintain perfect integrity to Jehovah.
Ebum n’obi anyị bụ inweta otịto nke selestial, ma nhọrọ nke ọbụla anyị mere, na ọnọdụ buru-ibu, na ekpebi ma anyị ọ ga enweta ebum n’obi anyịjw2019 jw2019
1–6, A day of wrath will come upon the wicked; 7–12, Signs come by faith; 13–19, The adulterous in heart will deny the faith and be cast into the lake of fire; 20, The faithful will receive an inheritance upon the transfigured earth; 21, A full account of the events on the Mount of Transfiguration has not yet been revealed; 22–23, The obedient receive the mysteries of the kingdom; 24–31, Inheritances in Zion are to be purchased; 32–35, The Lord decrees wars, and the wicked slay the wicked; 36–48, The Saints are to gather to Zion and provide moneys to build it up; 49–54, Blessings are assured the faithful at the Second Coming, in the Resurrection, and during the Millennium; 55–58, This is a day of warning; 59–66, The Lord’s name is taken in vain by those who use it without authority.
22 Ma ugbụ a, mgbe e nyesịworo ọtụtụ ama nke e nyeworo maka ya, nke a bụ aọgbụgba-ama ahụ, nke ikpe azu n’ime ha nile, nke anyị na-enye maka ya: Na ọ bdị ndụ!LDS LDS
Many questions remain for archaeologists and historians to work out regarding the sources of the copper riches in Bible times, as well as the mystery of the Nahal Mishmar hoard.
+ 12 Ugbu a, ọ nọ n’èzí, ugbu a, ọ nọ n’ámá,+ ọ bụkwa n’akụkụ ngalaba ụzọ bụla ka ọ na-echechi mmadụ.jw2019 jw2019
1–7, Joseph Smith holds the keys of the mysteries, and only he receives revelations for the Church; 8–10, Oliver Cowdery is to preach to the Lamanites; 11–16, Satan deceived Hiram Page and gave him false revelations.
21 Ọ dịghị ndị nnupụ-isi ndị jụworo ọgbụgba-ama nile na ndụmọdụ nile nke ndị amụma nile mgbe ochie bụ ndị hụrụ iru ya ma-ọbụ lekwasị iru ya anya.LDS LDS
The answer to that question remained a mystery until 1907 C.E. when the first pim weight stone was excavated at the ancient city of Gezer.
Ama-okwu nke-a mere ka udo juputa m nime.jw2019 jw2019
Thereby it became a mystery to the great majority of Christians.”
Nkea bụ kwa ọgbụgba-ndụ m nke mgbe nile na-adịgide, nke m meworo mụ na nna gị Inọk.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, when Jesus said, “I and the Father are one,” he was speaking, not of a mysterious Trinity, but of a wonderful unity —the closest bond possible between two persons.
Otu Ndị-isi Nduzi Mbụjw2019 jw2019
I will tell you the mystery of the woman and of the wild beast that is carrying her and that has the seven heads and the ten horns.’”
10 Ma n’ime aụbọchị ahụ a ga-enwe bmgbọrọgwụ nke Jesi, nke ga-eguzo dịka ọkọlọtọ nke ndị mmadụ; cỌ bụ ya ka dndị Jentaịlụ ga-achọ; ma izu-ike ya ga-adị ebube.jw2019 jw2019
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