nine oor Igbo


/naɪn/, /ˈnaɪnɝ/ naamwoord, adjektief, Syfer
(cardinal) A numerical value equal to 9; the number occurring after eight and before ten.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo


At all nine conventions, the program was presented in the local language.
Ná mgbakọ itolu nile ahụ e nwere, a sụgharịrị ihe omume ndị ahụ n’asụsụ ndị bi n’ógbè ebe ahụ na-asụ.
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Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Igbo

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From the land come such fruits as pineapples, avocados, papayas, and nine varieties of bananas.
Ụlọ-akwụkwọ nke Ndị-amụma zukọrọ n’ebe a na nke mbụ.jw2019 jw2019
7 And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and he died.
* Ọ na eju m anya na a na-ewepụ unu ọsọ-ọsọ baa n’ozi-ọma ọzọ, Ndị-Gal.LDS LDS
Our family of nine children in 1949, with Mom holding the youngest.
17 Ugbua ọ bụụrụ omenala n’etiti ndị Leman, ọbụrụ na e gbuo onye-isi ndu ha, ịhọpụta onye-ndu nke abụọ ịbụ onye-isi ndu ha.jw2019 jw2019
5 But it came to pass that whatsoever lands we had passed by, and the inhabitants thereof were not gathered in, were destroyed by the Lamanites, and their towns, and villages, and cities were burned with fire; and thus three hundred and seventy and nine years passed away.
29 Jizọs wee zaa ha, sị: “Unu ehiewo ụzọ, n’ihi na unu amaghị Akwụkwọ Nsọ, unu amaghịkwa ike nke Chineke;+ 30 n’ihi na ná mbilite n’ọnwụ, ndị ikom agaghị alụ nwunye,+ a gaghịkwa eke ndị inyom di, kama ha ga-adị ka ndị mmụọ ozi nọ n’eluigwe.LDS LDS
10 Ya mere, o mere ka a kpọta Mosaịa n’iru ya, ma ndị a bụ okwu ndị ọ gwara ya, na-asị: Nwa m nwoke, ọ ga-adị m mma ka ị mee nkwupụta n’ala a nile n’etiti ndị a nile, ma-ọbụ andị Zarahemla, na ndị nke Mosaịa ndị bi n’ala ahụ, na site na ya a ga-akpọkọta ha ọnụ; n’ihi na echi ya a ga m ekwupụtara ndị nke m a site n’ọnụ nke m na ị bụ beze na onye-ọchịchị nye ndị a, nke Onye-nwe Chineke anyị nyeworo anyị.jw2019 jw2019
When I was nine years old, Mother was visited by a Witness who spoke Hungarian, my mother’s native tongue, which moved her to listen to the Bible’s message.
15 Na mụ kpọọworo aSeraị, onye nke m lụrụ ịbụ nwunye m mgbe m nọọrọ na bUa, na Kaldea, na Lọt, nwa nwoke nke nwanne m nwoke, na ihe onwunwe nile nke anyị chịkọtaworo, na mkpụrụ-obi nile ndị anyị cgbanweworo na Heran, na wee bịa n’ụzọ ịga ala nke dKenean, na wee bie n’ụlọ-ikwuu nile mgbe anyị bịaworo n’ụzọ anyị;jw2019 jw2019
Nine decades have passed since Jesus was installed as King in heaven in 1914.
27 Mgbe otu n’ime ha meghere akpa ya n’ebe ha ga-arahụ ka o nye ịnyịnya ibu ya nri,+ ọ hụrụ ego ya, lee, dị n’ọnụ akpa ya.jw2019 jw2019
First-century Jews customarily prayed as a congregation during the time of the burnt offerings at the temple (about nine o’clock in the morning and three o’clock in the afternoon).
52 N’ihi na, lee, n’ezie a sị m unu, Onye-nwe chọrọ ka ndị na-eso ụzọ ya nile na ụmụ nke mmadụ mepee obi ha nile, ọbụna ịzụkọta mpaghara obodo nke a nile, ọsọ ọsọ dịka oge ga-ekwe.jw2019 jw2019
Where, then, are the other nine?
1 Ma ugbua e nweghị kwa ndọrọ-ndọrọ ọzọ an’ala nile nke Zarahemla, n’etiti ndị nile bụ ndị nke eze Benjamịn, nke mere na eze Benjamịn nwere udo esepụghị aka ụbọchị nile nke fọdụrụ ya.jw2019 jw2019
“What man of you with a hundred sheep, on losing one of them, will not leave the ninety-nine behind in the wilderness and go for the lost one until he finds it?
N’ụbọchị nke asatọ, unu ga-enwe mgbakọ dị nsọ,+ unu ga-achụkwara Jehova àjà a na-esure n’ọkụ.jw2019 jw2019
His wife, Hediye, began to question her religion when she was just nine years old.
Agha ụfọdụ akwụsịwala, na-eme ka ndị bụbu soja ghara inwe ọrụ, gharakwa inwe ego.jw2019 jw2019
Chapter Nine
30 Mana nke a ka m nwere ike ịgwa unu, na ọbụrụ na unu aelezighị onwe unu anya, na bechiche unu nile,na cokwu unu nile, na omume unu nile, ma debe iwu-nsọ nile nke Chineke, ma gaa n’iru n’ime okwukwe nke ihe unu nuworo gbasara ọbịbịa nke Onye-nwe anyị, ọbụna ruo n’ọgwụgwụ ndụ unu, unu ga-alarịrị-n’iyi.jw2019 jw2019
In January 1996, there were nine publishers in Higüey and ten publishers in Santo Domingo who were willing to support a Haitian Creole group.
11 Ma gbaghara anyị ụgwọ nile anyị ji, dịka anyị si na-agbaghara ndị ji anyị ụgwọ.jw2019 jw2019
And all the days of aCainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.
5 Ugbua e mere ihe ndị a nile, ma enwebeghị agha dị n’etiti ha mgbe ahụ; ma ajọọ-omume nile bịakwasịworo ndị ahụ n’ihi na ha raara aonwe ha nye ike nke Setan.LDS LDS
In just nine months, that original cell develops into a complete infant made up of billions of cells.
3 Ma o wee ruo na mgbe ha kwuworo okwu ndị a Mụọ nke Onye-nwe bịakwasịrị ha, ma ha jupụtara n’ọn̄ụ, ebe ha nataworo ansachapụ nke mmehie ha nile, na ebe ha nwere udo nke bmụọ, n’ihi cokwukwe nke karịrị akarị nke hanwere n’ime Jisus Kraịst onye ga-abịa, dịka okwu nile nke eze Benjamịn gwaworo ha.jw2019 jw2019
* Ọka mma na otu mmadụ nwụrụ karịa na otu mba ga-ala azụ na laa n’iyi n’ekweghị-ekwe, 1 Nif.jw2019 jw2019
His reign itself was plagued by threats from within —at least nine plots were made against his life— and from without, as foreign powers encouraged rebellions.
49 Ma o wee ruo na ha tụgharịrị bịakwasị ndị Leman, ma ha jiri otu olu atikuo Onye-nwe Chineke ha, maka ntọhapụ ha na inwere-onwe site n’ịbụ-oru ha.jw2019 jw2019
Some nine years had passed since Maria and Lucy first heard about Jehovah and his promises.
* Ndị mmadụ nke Zaịọn biiri n’ezi-omume, Moses 7:18.jw2019 jw2019
According to one source, such riders typically weighed between four and nine pounds (2 and 4 kg).
19 Ma nkọwasị nke aka a ga-ede ma e mesịa; n’ihi na lee, ọ dị mkpa na mmadụ nile ga-amata ihe nile ndị e dere n’ime nkọwasị nke a.jw2019 jw2019
One Internet matchmaker claims to have more than nine million people using its service in 240 countries.
6 Ekwekọrịtara: Na otu kansụl dị elu agaghị enwe ike ịrụ-ọrụ ma ọ bụrụ na mmadụ asaa ndị a akpọrọ aha adịghị n’etiti ha, ma-ọbụ ndị ahọpụtara ịnọchita anya ha ịdị ya.jw2019 jw2019
More than nine million soldiers were slaughtered, and civilian casualties were astronomical.
16 Ma ugbua, O Onye-nwe, i ga e wezuga iwe gị, ma nwaa ha ọzọ ma ha ga-efe gị?jw2019 jw2019
Shullamite, the youngest of the three girls, recalls: “When Airen was nine years old, she became my mother, so to speak.
Nwa-nwoke nke abụọ kwuru na ya ga-enyeaka, kama mgbe ahụ o meghị ma ọlị.jw2019 jw2019
When the concluding question of the resolution was put to 160,000 assembled at three conventions in France and 289,000 in the nine locations in Italy, a thunderous “Aye” was shouted in the many languages represented among the delegates.
42 Ma onweghị otu n’ime ndị aNna nyere m aga-efu.jw2019 jw2019
First, the cost of the project increased from six billion to nine billion dollars before it was started.
109 Ma lee, ma hụrụ, anyị hụrụ ebube ahụ na ndị nile bi n’ụwa telestial, na ha enweghi ngụta dịka kpakpando nile dị na mbara nke elu-igwe, ma-ọbụ dịka aja dị n’ikpere mmiri;jw2019 jw2019
THE man stood well over nine feet [almost 3 meters] tall.
14 Ma o wee ruo na Lịb mekpara ndị-agha nke Koriantamọ arụ, nke mere na ha gbapụkwara ọzọ gaa nʼọzara nke Ekịsh ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.