registration oor Igbo


/ˌreʤɪˈstreɪʃn/ naamwoord
(uncountable) the act of signing up or registering for something

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In August 2012, some 1,050,000 people entered the lottery that assigned 19,926 registration certificates, meaning that only 1 out of 53 applicants was successful.
COLOMBIAjw2019 jw2019
Luke’s reference to the first registration places the date of Jesus’ birth in 2 B.C.E.
Ụmụntakịrịjw2019 jw2019
This registration better enabled the Roman Empire to exact taxes.
* Ị kwesighi iche na-akpọrọ gị ikwusa ozi-ọma rue mgbe a kpọrọ gị, OznỌd. 11:15.jw2019 jw2019
Augustus probably ordered this registration as a census in order to gather information for use in connection with taxation and military conscription.
Enwere m nsogbu na nhọrọ ndị ọzọ, nwere ike ime ka ezi-na-ụlọ anyị hara ịbịkọta ọnụ ebighi-ebi.jw2019 jw2019
Groups that are denied registration cannot print or distribute religious literature, invite foreign citizens for religious activities, or set up educational facilities.
* Ọ bụghị n’anyị chọrọ iweta onye ọbụla n’ogboro nkekọ nke ịbụ-oru, Alma 44:2.jw2019 jw2019
The director-general of the department told branch representatives: “This registration document does not grant you freedom of worship.
* Hụ kwa Duhie, Nduhie, Nghọgbujw2019 jw2019
Caesar Augustus had recently decreed that a registration be carried out in the land, and people had to travel to their town of origin in order to comply.
19 Ma onye ọbụla nke a chọpụtara kwesịrị ntụkwasị-obi, onye ziri ezi, na aonye-ọrụ nwere amamihe ga-abanye, n’ime bọn̄ụ nke Onye-nwe ya ma ga-eketa ndụ ebighi-ebi.jw2019 jw2019
My registration as a conscientious objector was accepted by the court in Liverpool in June 1940 on condition that I remained in my present occupation.
102 Nke ikpe-azụ, ndị a nile bụ ha ndị a n’agaghị ekpọkọta ha na ndị nsọ, ka e awelikọọ ha nye bnzukọ-nsọ nke Onye e Buru Uzọ mụọ, ma nabata ha n’igwe ojii.jw2019 jw2019
A registration ordered by Caesar Augustus compelled Jesus’ mother, Mary, when “heavy with child,” and her husband, Joseph, to travel to Bethlehem, the place of Joseph’s ancestry.
12 Lee eduwo m ha, na-agbanyeghị ajọọ-omume ha, eduwo m ha ọtụtụ oge nʼịlụ-agha, ma ahụwo m ha nʼanya, dịkaaịhụnanya nke Chineke nke dịịrị nʼime m siri dị, jiri obi m nile; ma mkpụrụ-obi m a wụpụtawo ya nʼekpere nye Chineke m ogologo ụbọchị nile maka ha; otu ọ sịla dị, ọ bụ bnʼenweghị okwukwe, n’ihi isi ike nke obi ha nile.jw2019 jw2019
Although Jesus’ mother, Mary, and his adoptive father, Joseph, lived in Nazareth, a Roman registration decree had taken them to Bethlehem, where Jesus was born in 2 B.C.E.
Gịnị mere ụdị ihe a jiri mee n’ezi-na-ụlọ oma nke a ?”jw2019 jw2019
Evidence for one such registration is provided by an edict of the Roman governor of Egypt in 104 C.E.
* Unu aghaghị inye Chineke ekele, OznỌd. 46:32.jw2019 jw2019
The spiritually mature brother selected to give the talk will inform all attending that the couple are married by reason of the registration that just took place.
E nyere Moronaị iwu ịrachilite ihe odide nile nke nwanne-nwoke nke Jared—Agaghị ekpughe ha ruo mgbe ndị mmadụ nwere okwukwe ọbụna dịka nwanne-nwoke nke Jared—Kraịst wee nye ndị mmadụ iwu ikwere okwu ya nile na nke ndị na-eso-ụzọ ya—E nyere ndị mmadụ iwu ichegharị, ikwere ozi-ọma ahụ, ma a zọpụta ha.jw2019 jw2019
Thus, Jehovah’s Witnesses pay their taxes, obey the laws, respect traffic ordinances, comply with registrations, and so forth.
Tupu ị rịgoro ubube, hụ na okpuru akpụkpọ ụkwụ gị dị kọrọ kọrọ.jw2019 jw2019
So on April 29, 1999, the Justice Ministry renewed the national registration of Jehovah’s Witnesses.
10 Ma site otu a nweta ihe maka ndị-nsọ m nile, ka e wee kwusaa ozi-ọma m nye ndị ahụ nke nọ ọdụ an’ọchịchịrị ma na mpaghara na bonyonyo nke ọnwụ.jw2019 jw2019
(Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1-12) In August 14 C.E.—“in a few days,” or not long after decreeing the registration—Augustus died at the age of 76, neither “in anger” at an assassin’s hands nor “in warfare,” but as a result of illness.
6 Nke a bụ ihe e dere+ n’akwụkwọ ozi ahụ Tatenaị+ bụ́ gọvanọ ofe Osimiri Yufretis+ na Shita-bọzenaị+ na ndị ọrụ ibe ha,+ ndị gọvanọ ọkwá ha dị ala bụ́ ndị nọ n’ofe Osimiri, zigaara eze Darayọs ; 7 ha zigaara ya ozi, e dekwara n’ime ya, sị:jw2019 jw2019
The manager was present and watched with keen interest as I approached the registration table.
33 Gbajipụ ya, O Onye-nwe, gbajipụ ya site n’olu nile nke ụmụ ọdịbọ gị, site n’ike gị ka anyị wee bilie n’etiti ọgbọ nke a na rụọ ọrụ nke gị.jw2019 jw2019
“I reasoned with him on the registration issue and helped him to get a more balanced view,” said André.
14 Ma ha wee nụ olu-okwu nke Onye-nwe Chineke mgbe ha ana-ejegharị n’ime ubi ahụ a gbara ogige, n’ime ida jụụ nke ehihie ahụ; ma Adam na nwunye ya wee gaa izopụ onwe ha site n’iru nke Onye-nwe Chineke n’etiti osisi nile nke ubi ahụ a gbara ogige.jw2019 jw2019
“The Russian Orthodox Church, which bitterly opposes missionary activities,” said the Los Angeles Times, “was one of the main proponents of the 1997 religion law, which forced many denominations to go through a difficult registration process.”
* Mkpụrụ ọbụla mmadụ na-agha, nke ahụ ka ọ ga-eweta n’ihe ubi, Ndị-Gal.jw2019 jw2019
Justice Scalia quoted the ordinance to show that the mayor can demand further information concerning the registrant and his purpose in order “to accurately describe the nature of the privilege desired.”
Bịakwute nụ-m unu niile ndi na-adọgbu onwe unu n’ọrụ ndi ebowokwara ibu dị arọ Mụ onwe-m ga-emekwa ka unu zuru ike.jw2019 jw2019
Jesuits Denied Registration in Russia
* Ndị bụ nna, akpasukwala nụ ụmụ unu iwe, Ndị-Efe.jw2019 jw2019
In contrast with magnitude, intensity registration shows the effects that an earthquake has upon people, structures, and the environment.
23 Ma ugbua ọ nọgideghị nʼala nke Zarahemla, kama ọ zọgara-ije kpọrọ nnukwu ndị-agha, ọbụna chee iru nʼobodo-ukwu nke Uju ahụ; n’ihi na ọ bụụrụ mkpebi ya ịga nʼiru ma jiri mma agha ya gbuo ụzọ ya gafee, ka o wee nweta akụkụ elu-elu nile nke ala ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
Some of the officials in Moscow were approached, and in 1991, Jehovah’s Witnesses were granted legal registration.
Ashtọret bu chi nwanyị, a na-efe ya na Beal n’ọha.jw2019 jw2019
The very month of the legal registration in 1993, there was a peak of 100 Kingdom publishers.
Abụ m Jehova.’”jw2019 jw2019
Registration can offer protection for the couple or for the wife if she becomes a widow and for any future children.
Ajọọ-omume nke ndị ahụ wee weta ọbụbụ-ọnụ nʼala ahụ—Koriantamọ wee gaa nʼịlụ-agha megide Gịlied, emesịa Lịb, ma emesịa Shịz—Ọbara na nnukwu-igbu-mmadụ wee jupụta ala ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
The marriage occurs when they present a signed marriage registration form to an official.
* Were nụ abụ ọma na ukwe nile na abụ nke Mụọ Nsọ na-ezirịta onwe unu ihe na na-adọrịta onwe unu aka na ntị, Ndị-Kọl.jw2019 jw2019
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