source oor Igbo


/sɔɹs/, /soʊɹs/ werkwoord, naamwoord
The person, place or thing from which something (information, goods, etc.) comes or is acquired.

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A disk, file, document, or other collection of information from which data is taken or moved.

isi mmalite

A disk, file, document, or other collection of information from which data is taken or moved.
A symbol of the mind and will of man and the figurative source of all emotions and feelings.
Akara nke echiche na uche-obi nke mmadụ na isi mmalite mmetụta nke ime mụọ na nnyocha nile.

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As was the case in Jeremiah’s day, the eternal God, Jehovah, continues to be the only Source of life-giving waters.
Tulee idebanye n’ime akwụkwọ ndekọta onwe gị gbasara Onye-isi-nduzi Monson na ndụ ya—ruo ka ọ kọwara n’ime ozi nkea mmetụta nke onye amụma ọbụla o cheterejw2019 jw2019
Jehovah’s Witnesses have found it a source of joy to help responsive individuals, though realizing that few from among mankind will take the road to life.
A na-emekpọ ọtụtụ ọnụ.jw2019 jw2019
JEHOVAH is the Source of light.
Ka oge na-aga, ebe ndị a na-azọdo ya ụkwụ nwere ike ghara isikwa ike, na-eme ka ubube ahụ na-aṅagharị aṅagharị.jw2019 jw2019
But as it is, my Kingdom is not from this source.”
Ebe-obibi Newel K.jw2019 jw2019
OUR parents —our father and mother— can be a valuable source of encouragement, support, and counsel.
8 Dị ka ihe niile ha mere si dị, malite n’ụbọchị m si n’Ijipt kpọpụta ha+ ruo taa, na-ahapụ m+ ma na-efe chi ọzọ dị iche iche,+ ọ bụ otú ahụ ka ha na-emekwa gị.jw2019 jw2019
His words and teachings were a source of refreshment to his listeners.
35 Ma anyị matara na ihe ndị a bụ ezi-okwu ma dịka mkpughe nke Jọn siri dị, an’etinyeghị, ma-ọbụ n’ewepụghị site n’amụma nke akwụkwọ ya, bakwụkwọ-nsọ nile, ma-ọbụ mkpụghe nile nke Chineke nke ga-abịa mgbe e mesịrị nke a site n’onyinye na ike nke Mụọ Nsọ, colu nke Chineke, ma-ọbụ nkwusa ozi-ọma nke ndị mụọ-ozi.jw2019 jw2019
If each one strives to focus on the good qualities and efforts of the other, the marriage will be a source of joy and refreshment.
Anyị nwere ike dịrị na njikere site na-ịmụta gbasra Jisọs na isoro Ya.jw2019 jw2019
It proved to be the high-quality source of artificial light that the world eagerly awaited.
N’ezie asị m unu, ha enwetawo ụgwọ ọrụ ha.jw2019 jw2019
No doubt, using God’s Word to help others to improve their lives is a source of satisfaction and joy.
Kedu otụ Jisọs Karịst siri bụrụ onye nlere anya Gini mere nke?jw2019 jw2019
God provided this as the means by which children would be produced, and also as a source of pleasure to the parents.
65 Ndị a bụ ha ndị ga-apụta na ambilite n’ọnwụ nke ndị ezi-omume.jw2019 jw2019
(Matthew 4:4) Notice, Jesus said that God is the source of “every utterance” vital to our life.
28 Ma enweghị mgbe a ga-enwe ndị a gọziri agọzi karịa ha, na e mere ka ha mee nke-ọma site nʼaka nke Onye-nwe.jw2019 jw2019
He depends upon no outside source for energy, for “strength belongs to God.”
Nwa-ologbo ahụ zara, “Nke-a dabere na ebe ịchọrọ ị ga .jw2019 jw2019
The Far East was also known, for it was a source of fine silk.
77 O Chineke, Nna nke Ebighi-ebi, anyị na-arịọ gị n’aha nke Ọkpara gị, Jisus Kraịst, ka ị gọzie ma doo aachịcha nke a nsọ nye mkpụrụ obi nile nke ndị nile ga-eketa oke na ya, ka ha wee rie na ncheta nke arụ nke Ọkpara gị, ma bgbaara gị aka-ebe, O Chineke, Nna nke Ebighi-ebi, na ha nọ na njikere ciwekwasị onwe ha aha nke Ọkpara gị, ma na-echeta ya oge nile ma dna-edebe iwu-nsọ ya nile nke o nyeworo ha; ka ha wee na-enwe eMuọ ya oge nile ịnọnyere ha.jw2019 jw2019
* For many years, critics doubted the existence of this ruler, as they knew of no mention of him in secular sources.
24 Na ala nke aJerusalem na ala nke Zaịọn ka a ga-eweghachi azụ bịa n’ime ọnọdụ nke ha, na elu ụwa ga-adị dịka ọ dịworo n’ụbọchị nile tutu e bkewaa ya.jw2019 jw2019
Our Christian brothers and sisters were a source of strength to us, surrounding us with love and giving us practical support.
2 aUkwuu ka amamihe ya dị, bịtụ n’anya ka ụzọ ya nile dị, ma ogo nke omume ya nile onweghị onye nwere ike ịchọpụta.jw2019 jw2019
9 In Moses’ day, when the Nile River was turned into blood, the Egyptians were able to keep alive by seeking other sources of water.
Ya mere, rapara nʼafọ-ọma, nke bụ nke kachasị ha nile, n’ihi na ihe nile ga-adarịrị—jw2019 jw2019
Note: Drinks can be a major source of calories, especially sweetened juices.
1 N̄aa-ntị, O unu ndị okenye nke nzukọ-nsọ m, na chee ntị n’okwu m, ma mata site na mụ ihe m ga-eme gbasara unu, na kwa gbasara ala anke a nke m zigara unu.jw2019 jw2019
“At that point,” says one source, “Pilate passes out of history into legend.”
1 Ndi-ọzụzụ-atụrụ ahụ bụụrụ nnọọ dịka onye ọbụla n’ime anyị dị, dịka ọtụtụ mmadụ pụrụ ija-mma ndi na-agagharị ụbọchi ha niile ikpata ihe ha ji apụ ndụ.jw2019 jw2019
How can the resurrection hope be a source of great strength?
Oge ọbụla ị hụrụ nkwupụta ahụ, Inwereike tụgharịa uche n’elu mkpa ọ dị maka onye amụma dị ndụ ma cheta na ọ nọ n’ebe-a idu anyị ma hụ anyị n’anya taa.jw2019 jw2019
Analyzing the clay from pottery on board, some sources identify the ship as probably of Cypriot origin.
54 Mee ebere, O Onye-nwe, n’elu mba nile nke ụwa; mee ebere n’isi ndị-ọchịchị nke ala anyị; kwee ka ụkpụrụ nile ndị ahụ, nke echekwara na-nnukwu ugwu na oke omume, n’ikpọ ya aha, aakwụkwọ iwu ahụ nke ala anyị, site na nna anyị ha, bụrụ ihe ehiwere ruo mgbe nile.jw2019 jw2019
What is that source?
I nweghị mkpa ọkpụkpọ-ọku tutu gị amalite ịga n’ụzọ nke ebum-n’uche gị nile ziri-ezi.jw2019 jw2019
Hence, “the sayings of knowledge” from a reliable source are essential to discipline.
12 Ị ga-asịkwa n’ụbọchị ahụ:+ “M ga-ekele gị, Jehova, n’ihi na ọ bụ ezie na i wesoro m iwe, iwe gị dajụrụ,+ i wee kasie m obi.jw2019 jw2019
In this setting, the sexual union is rightly viewed as a source of delight.
* Chineke n’onwe ya na-achụ aja mgbaghara mmehie maka mmehie nile nke ụwa, iwebata atụmatu nke ebere, Alma 42:11–30.jw2019 jw2019
“From what source are there wars and from what source are there fights among you?” —JAMES 4:1.
* Jekọb na Ịsọ wee meeudo, Jen.jw2019 jw2019
According to the New Catholic Encyclopedia, celebrating Christmas was first mentioned “in the Chronograph of Philocalus, a Roman almanac whose source material can be dated to 336 [C.E.].”
29 Ma ha bụ ndị e chiri-echichi nke m aime baptism n’aha m, dịka ihe ahụ edere ede.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.