transform oor Igbo


/trɑːnzˈfɔːm/, /ˈtrænzfɔːm/, /trænzˈfɔːm/, /ˈtrɑːnzfɔːm/ werkwoord, naamwoord
(transitive) to change greatly the appearance or form of

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My relatives are thankful for this transformation, and I have now gained their trust.
4:9) Ọ bụ Onesịmọs na Onye Kraịst ibe ya bụ́ Tikikọs wegara akwụkwọ ozi ise ahụ Pọl dere nakwa nke o degaara Ndị Efesọs.—Efe.jw2019 jw2019
Those who accept and apply these teachings undergo a significant transformation.
Na Kapanaum, nke Matiu kpọrọ nnukwu “obodo nke Jisus”, Jisus gwọrọ otu onye arụ ya kpọnwụrụ akpọnwụ (Mat.jw2019 jw2019
14 (1) Transformation: The leaven stands for the Kingdom message, and the mass of flour represents mankind.
4 Ma o wee ruo na mgbe ha gbadataworo nʼime ndagwurugwu nke Nịmrọd, Onye-nwe gbadatara ma kwuo okwu ya na nwanne-nwoke nke Jared; ma ọ nọrọ nʼime aigwe-ojii, ma nwanne-nwoke nke Jared ahụghị ya.jw2019 jw2019
Dry and dusty ground will be transformed into “a swampy place” where papyrus and other aquatic reeds can grow. —Job 8:11.
Lee (1899–1973) rụrụ ọrụ dịka onye-isi-nduzi stake m mgbe mụ bụụrụ nwantakịrị nwoke.jw2019 jw2019
It is therefore nothing great if his ministers also keep transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness.
15 Ma eze ahụ sịrịna onye ọhụ-ụzọ bụ nnukwu mmadụ karịa onye-amụma.jw2019 jw2019
Awareness that Jesus had appeared to him and ‘laid hold on him’ and commissioned him as “apostle to the nations” profoundly transformed Saul’s life.
13 Mgbe emechiri ọhụ nke a, nnukwu ọhụ ọzọ dị ebube kpughepuru n’iru anyị; n’ihi na aElaịja onye-amụma ahụ, nke bewelara n’elu-igwe n’edetugh ọnwụ ire, guzoro n’iru anyị, na-asi:jw2019 jw2019
(Psalm 2:6-9) In time, this government will take earth’s affairs in hand in order to accomplish God’s original purpose and transform the earth into a paradise.
22 N’ihi na awarawara ka ọnụ ụzọ ama ahụ dị, na mkpafa ka bụzọ ahụ dịkwa nke na-eduba na mbuli-elu na ịgan’iru nke cndụ nile, ma na ole na ole dị bụ ndị na-achọta ya, n’ihi unu anabataghị m n’ime ụwa, unu amaghị kwa m.jw2019 jw2019
The Kingdom of God will transform the entire planet.
Ma o wee ruo na ha zuru ndị mmadụ n’ọzara ahụ, ndị nile ewezuga eze ahụ na ndị nchụ-aja ya.jw2019 jw2019
(Romans 14:7, 8) In setting priorities, we therefore apply Paul’s counsel: “Quit being fashioned after this system of things, but be transformed by making your mind over, that you may prove to yourselves the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
18 Ụmụ ndị ikom atọ nke Zeruya+ nọ n’ebe ahụ, Joab+ na Abishaị+ na Asahel;+ Asahel nwere ụkwụ ọsọ, dị ka nne mgbada+ nke bi n’ọhịa.jw2019 jw2019
IT IS no exaggeration to say that a Bible-based education can transform lives.
4 Chineke wee kwuoro ya okwu, na-asi, Ndị m agahiewo ụzọ site n’usoro iwu m nile, ha edebeghị kwa emume-nsọ m nile; nke m nyeworo ndị nna ha;jw2019 jw2019
Such a transformation does not happen by mere accident.
N’ime Akwụkwọ nke Mọmọn, onye mgbasa ozi-ọma ya na Alma so, nwa-nwoke nke Alma.jw2019 jw2019
I would like to talk with you about an ancient prophecy that foretells the transformation of the earth into a paradise.
Nsogbu Ichebe Iwujw2019 jw2019
Hormonal changes are partially responsible for the seemingly miraculous physical transformation that follows.
Whitney Joseph na Emma biri n’ebea ọtụtụ izu-ụka mgbe ha gafesịrị na Kirtland nke mbụ na 1831.jw2019 jw2019
Rather, as we grow spiritually, following the leading of God’s spirit, there will be a wonderful transformation in our attitudes and actions.
Map nke Ụwajw2019 jw2019
It will transform the earth into a paradise filled with people who love God and their fellowman.
35 Mgbe ahụ gịnị ka ị na-asị na anyị na-ekwusara ndị a ozi-ọma inweta uru, mgbe gị, n’onwe gị, matara na anyị anaghị anata uru?jw2019 jw2019
“Satan himself keeps transforming himself into an angel of light.” —2 Corinthians 11:14.
Akụkụ nke abụọ, Isi nile nke 15–18 na-akọ maka mgbapụta Israel na ihe nile mere na njem ahụ site oke Osimiri Uhie rute na Sainai; Mmiri nile na-elu ilu nke Mara, onyinye nke nnụnụ quail nile na Manna, ndọbe nke ụbọchị izu-ike, ọrụ ebube nke onyinye mmiri na Refidim, na agha ndị Amalek busoro ha ebe ahụ; mbiaru nke Jetro n’ụlọ ikwuu na ndụmọdụ ya banyere ọchịchị nkịtị nke ndị ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
It comforts people with the good news that God’s heavenly Kingdom will soon end all wickedness and transform the earth into a paradise.
4 “Ndị mmadụ, ọ bụ unu ka m na-akpọ òkù, ọ bụkwa ụmụ mmadụ ka olu m na-akpọ.jw2019 jw2019
and (3) How can we be transformed?
34 Ha na-abuzị ụmụ ndịkom nke Moses na nke Erọn na amkpụrụ-afọ nke bAbraham, na nzukọ-nsọ ahụ na ala-eze, na ndị a chọpụtara iche nke Chineke.jw2019 jw2019
Yet, we can be grateful to our Creator for giving us both grain and the ingenuity to transform it into “our bread for this day.” —Matthew 6:11.
Nduzi-ụzọ nke Mapjw2019 jw2019
He added: “These texts offer patterns that can be transformed into one’s own life, become action, become practical experience.”
64 Ọzọ kwa, n’ezie, n’ezie, asị m unu, ọbụrụ na nwoke ọbụla nwere nwunye, bụ onye ji ọtụghe ụzọ nile nke ike nke a, na onye ahụ a kụzie iwu nke ọkwa nchụ-aja nke m nye ya, gbasara ihe nile ndị a, mgbe ahụ ka ga-ekwere na lekọta onye ahụ, ma-ọbụ e bibie ya, ka Onye-nwe Chineke gị kwuru, n’ihi aga m ebibi ya, n’ihi na aga m ebulite aha m n’elu nye ndị ahụ nile bụ ndị nwetara na nọgide n’ime iwu nke m.jw2019 jw2019
In 2002 the respected Stockholm Environment Institute warned that a business-as-usual approach to economic development is likely to trigger “events that could radically transform the planet’s climate and ecosystems.”
N’ime Testament Ọhụrụ, otu Akwụkwọ-ozi Pọl dere nye ndị-nsọ nọ na Efesọs.jw2019 jw2019
19 The entire earth will be transformed into a paradise home for mankind.
Kemgbe 1985, Kohei anọwo na-eje ozi dị ka onye ọrụ afọ ofufo n’alaka ụlọ ọrụ Ndịàmà Jehova dị n’Ebina.jw2019 jw2019
Over 19 centuries ago, the Bible indicated that with the help of God’s spirit, even the most entrenched heart inclinations can be transformed.
Otu onye-amụma na onye na-edobe akụkọ ndekọta n’ime Akwụkwọ nke Mọmọn onye kuziere ndị Nifaị ihe.jw2019 jw2019
After writing about the evangelistic zeal of the early Christians, one scholar laments: “Unless there is a transformation of contemporary church life so that once again the task of evangelism is something which is seen as incumbent on every baptized Christian, and is backed up by a quality of living which outshines the best that unbelief can muster, we are unlikely to make much headway.”
30 Ma otu a ha bụ ndị nwere ọnụnụ ọkụ n’obi na ndị a hụrụ n’anya, ndị nwetara afọ-ọma dị elu nke Onye-nwe.jw2019 jw2019
14 The transformation involves what we are inside, so to bring it about, we need something that can penetrate the surface, reaching deep inside us.
Ndị megidere ya gosi site n’otu iriba ama ahụ.jw2019 jw2019
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