sweet potato oor Iloko

sweet potato

A tropical perennial American vine, Ipomoea batatas, having a fleshy tuber.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Iloko


species of plant
Columbus encountered sweet potatoes on his first voyage.
Nasarakan ni Columbus ti kamote iti umuna a panagdaliasatna.


Columbus encountered sweet potatoes on his first voyage.
Nasarakan ni Columbus ti kamote iti umuna a panagdaliasatna.


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Popular island foods include poi, sweet potatoes, and lomilomi salmon
Dagiti mula iti pangkaaduan.jw2019 jw2019
Columbus encountered sweet potatoes on his first voyage.
“Kasla maysa a manangibunannag kadagiti ganggannaet a didiosen.”jw2019 jw2019
The Sweet Potato.
Mangipigket iti ad-adu pay a kawar a sangsangkamaysa no dakdakkel ti pamiliayo.jw2019 jw2019
The second person visited gave us a gift of vegetables —kumaras (sweet potatoes), cauliflower, and carrots.
* Paskua ti Misionariojw2019 jw2019
They also brought crop plants: taro, yam, sweet potato, banana, and sugarcane.
Ket napanda a nagkurno iti ari, a kas panangdayawda kenkuana gapu iti kinaindaklanna.jw2019 jw2019
The couple grow enough rice and sweet potatoes on their small plot to provide food for three months.
20 Ken nakitak met ti anailet ken akikid a dana, a naipaurnos iti landok a pagkaptan, nga agturong met iti abay ti kayo a pagtaktakderak; ket agturong met iti puon ti ubbog, iti dakkel ken nalawa a bpagtatalonan, a kas man la lubong.jw2019 jw2019
Corn, peanuts, and sweet potatoes, as well as musical and ceremonial instruments, were also found in the caves.
Bayat ti panagdadangadangda, dinadael dagiti Israelita dagiti siudad dagiti Moabita, pinunnoda iti batbato dagiti nasayaat a paset ti daga, pinukanda ti kaykayo, ken sinullatanda dagiti ubbog.jw2019 jw2019
A man unearthed a 153-carat gem while planting sweet potatoes in a field.
13 Ket giddato nga adda naikadua iti anghel a maysa nga umariwekwek ti nailangitan a buyot,+ nga agdaydayaw iti Dios+ ken agkunkuna: 14 “Dayag iti Dios kadagiti kangatuan,+ ket iti daga talna+ kadagiti tattao nga addaan naimbag a nakem.”jw2019 jw2019
Foods rich in manganese are pineapple, pecans, peanuts, beans, rice, spinach, sweet potatoes, oatmeal, and whole-wheat bread.
Naikuna a mabalin a dua ti nagan ni Jehoiada, ti ama ti maysa a Zacarias a napapatay, kas iti dadduma a tattao iti Biblia.—Idiligyo ti Mt 9:9 ken Mr 2:14; Mt 10:2, 3.jw2019 jw2019
Even the leaves of the sweet potato and taro were used in cooking.
16 Ken kasta met, a dakayo ti atumulong kadagiti makasapul iti tulongyo; ibinglayanyo iti taraon nga adda kadakayo dagiti makasapul; ket diyo ipalubos nga bagpalama ken umararawdanto kadakayo nga awan kapapayanna, ket baybay-anyonto ida a mapukaw.jw2019 jw2019
Staple foods include sweet potatoes, taro, cassava, sago, and bananas, which are eaten raw or cooked.
21 Dagiti pannakaulo ti amma dagiti Levita immasidegda itan ken ni Eleazar+ a padi ken ni Josue+ nga anak ni Nun ken kadagiti pannakaulo ti amma dagiti tribu ti annak ti Israel, 2 ket nagsaoda kadakuada idiay Silo+ iti daga ti Canaan, a kunkunada: “Ni Jehova babaen ken Moises imbilinna a maited kadakami dagiti siudad a pagnaedanmi, agraman dagiti pagpaarabanda maipaay kadagiti naamo nga animalmi.”jw2019 jw2019
Cornmeal, sweet potatoes, and bread made from millet or cassava flour are eaten with a variety of vegetables.
* Apay a bassawangantayo ti katulagan dagiti ammatayo? Mal.jw2019 jw2019
Now, the sweet potato is a staple food of millions of people throughout a large portion of the earth.
(Ara 3:22-26) Ngem, nangnangruna ken napatpateg pay, nadutokan ken naparebbengan babaen iti daytoy kas Ari nga inkari ni Jehova, daydiay agtawid iti trono ni David (Lu 1:32, 33, 69; Heb 1:8, 9) ken iti maysa nga agnanayon a Pagarian.jw2019 jw2019
Farther away lay stone cooking pits, where pigs, wallabies, deer, pigeons, fish, yams, and sweet potatoes were being roasted.
Malaksid Nojw2019 jw2019
Each day, I fed it a mixture of powdered fish mixed with mashed sweet potato, water, salt, and sugarcane juice.
5:11-13: “Dikay makikadkadua iti uray siasino a managanan kabsat no isu mannakikamalala wenno naagum wenno agrukbab iti ladladawan wenno managsao ti dakes wenno managbartek wenno estapador, uray makipangan kenkuana, saan. . . .jw2019 jw2019
Besides pigs, they cooked fish, chickens, and smaller birds as well as sweet potatoes, taro roots, breadfruit, and puddings in the imu.
Maipaay iti pannakausig ti nagduduma a kita ti panagpadles, kitaenyo ti ARAN, II; ASTROLOGO; MANAGIPADLES KADAGITI PASAMAK; PANAGSALAMANGKA KEN PANAGKULAM.jw2019 jw2019
Vegetables rich in vitamin A, such as carrots, squashes, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens, as spinach and collard and mustard greens, may be a help.
Iti pakabuklanda, iggeman ti maysa laeng a tao dagiti tulbek iti maysa a panawen, ti propeta ken presidente ti Simbaan.jw2019 jw2019
Hundreds of wooden countertops are laden with such vegetables as cabbages, carrots, cucumbers, eggplants, squashes, string beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, yams, and various types of lettuce.
Agpadpada a ti neʹphesh ken psy·kheʹ naaramat met a tumukoy iti biag—saan a kas maysa a di masinunuo a puersa wenno teoria laeng—no di ket biag kas maysa a parsua, tao wenno animal.jw2019 jw2019
At day’s end, I lead it home, where I feed it raw and cooked sweet potatoes before settling it down for the night in its wooden pen.
Impadto ni Jehova ti baro a tulag babaen ken mammadto Jeremias idi maikapito a siglo K.K.P., nga imbagana a dayta ket saan a kapadpada ti Linteg ti tulag a rinakrak ti Israel.jw2019 jw2019
Palm oil, plantains, peanuts, sweet potatoes, corn (maize), and, of course, some cassava leaves are all cooked together, but no salt is added—not one single grain of salt.
Usarenyo dagiti material nga inanamongan ti Simbaan, nangnangruna dagiti nasantuan a kasuratan,a mangisuro kadagiti kinapudno ti naisubli nga ebanghelio ni Jesucristo iti kinatarnaw ken kinasimple dagitoy.jw2019 jw2019
On the other hand, small quantities of mango, sweet potato, banana, persimmon, palm cabbage, rice, bean sprouts, or nuts stimulate the production of serotonin and can thus be sleep-inducing.
* Santiago 5:16 (ti bileg ti kararag ti maysa a nalinteg a tao)jw2019 jw2019
Often, the new flavors, fruits, and vegetables took time to catch on, although from the outset Columbus and his men were enthusiastic about pineapples and sweet potatoes. —See box, page 9.
Gapu ta dumdumngegak iti naulimek a timek, dumani diak impangag dagiti parikna ti Espiritu.jw2019 jw2019
Daily consumption of vegetables and fruits rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids and vitamin C, such as tomatoes, dark leafy greens, peppers, carrots, sweet potatoes, and melons, may provide some protection from CAD.
Gapu itoy, nairuaren ti Baro a Lubong a Patarus iti 44 a lenguahe.jw2019 jw2019
Depending on the soil and the climate, it may be possible to grow items like okra, peppers, spinach, parsley, lemongrass, green onions, cassava, pumpkins, sweet potatoes, sugarcane, tomatoes, cucumbers, and corn right next to your house.
+ 32 Tunggal sao nga ibilbilinko kadakayo isu ti rebbeng nga annadanyo nga aramiden.jw2019 jw2019
Consider some of the foods that were originally found in the rain forests around the world: rice, corn, sweet potatoes, manioc (cassava, or tapioca), sugarcane, bananas, oranges, coffee, tomatoes, chocolate, pineapples, avocados, vanilla, grapefruit, a variety of nuts, spices, and tea.
Nangngeg ti maysa a kabsat nga ibagbaga dagiti tattao: “Nagsayaat a relihion daytoy.jw2019 jw2019
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