consonant oor Yslands


/ˈkɑn.sən.ənt/, /ˈkɒn.sən.ənt/ adjektief, naamwoord
(phonetics) A sound that results from the passage of air through restrictions of the oral cavity; any sound that is not the dominant sound of a syllable, the dominant sound generally being a vowel.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Yslands


Icelandic and English






sound in spoken language, articulated with complete or partial closure of the vocal tract

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

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sibilant consonant
approximant consonant
labial consonant
flap consonant
plosive consonant
trill consonant
lateral consonant
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nasal consonant


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Hence, when the inspired writers wrote God’s name, they naturally did the same thing and wrote only the consonants.
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Some examples: a word cannot end in certain consonants, and cannot begin with some consonants including r-, l- and ḻ-; there are two consonants for the dental n – which one should be used depends on whether the n occurs at the start of the word and on the letters around it.
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Researcher Marshall notes that her alphabetical card index of English swearwords is thickest under words that begin with explosive and sibilant consonants.
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He was thrilled when a Witness showed him that by combining vowel points with the four Hebrew consonants of God’s name, it could be pronounced “Jehovah.”
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God’s name, represented by these four consonants, appears almost 7,000 times in the original “Old Testament,” or Hebrew Scriptures.
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In order to ensure that the pronunciation of the Hebrew language as a whole would not be lost, Jewish scholars of the second half of the first millennium C.E. invented a system of points to represent the missing vowels, and they placed these around the consonants in the Hebrew Bible.
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Probably the most well-known are the following: The sound changes known as Grimm's Law and Verner's Law, which shifted the values of all the Indo-European stop consonants (for example, original */t d dh/ became Germanic */θ t d/ in most cases; compare three with Latin tres, two with Latin duo, do with Sanskrit dha-).
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Fade up camera one and cue the consonant.
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Chorote has 19 consonants.
Hann verður fljótur að jafna sigWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Every consonant (spelling matters, not pronunciation) is doubled, and an o is inserted in-between.
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Thus, both vowels and consonants were written down, and the pronunciation as it was at that time was preserved.
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It is represented in ancient manuscripts by four Hebrew consonants that can be transliterated YHWH or JHVH.
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Fade up camera one and cue the consonant
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In addition, according to Iravatham Mahadevan, early Tamil Brahmi used slightly different vowel markers, had extra characters to represent letters not found in Sanskrit, and omitted letters for sounds not present in Tamil such as voiced consonants and aspirates.
Afsakið, dömur.Þetta er inngangur konungsinsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Unicode 5.1, named sequences were added for all Tamil pure consonants and syllables.
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A 'k' sounds sharper due to the manner of articulation of the consonant, that it is a plosive.
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No human can be absolutely certain as to the original Hebrew pronunciation of the divine name because Biblical Hebrew was originally written with (only vowels; only consonants). [rs p. 195 par.
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(Daniel 5:26) The consonants of the first word allowed for both the word “mina” and a form of the Aramaic word for “counted out,” or “numbered,” depending on the vowels supplied by the reader.
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For example, early Tamil-Brahmi, unlike Ashokan Brahmi, had a system to distinguish between pure consonants (m, in this example) and consonants with an inherent vowel (ma, in this example).
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Well, the first language used in writing the Bible was Hebrew, and when the Hebrew language was written down, the writers wrote only consonants —not vowels.
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In the 20th century, the script was simplified even further in a series of reforms, which regularised the vowel markers used with consonants by eliminating special markers and most irregular forms.
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The word itself means “shekel,” but the consonants also allow for the word “weighed.”
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These can only be written in combination with a consonant (or consonant cluster).
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His use of power in an adverse way is always consonant, or consistent, with these qualities.
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Also noteworthy, the Tetragrammaton —the four Hebrew consonants making up the divine name Jehovah— appears consistently in the Isaiah scroll.
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93 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.