inhibit oor Yslands


to hinder; to restrain

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As seen above, high emotional arousal inhibits brain regions necessary for logical complex reasoning.
Marla, túristinn mikliWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
“People feel less inhibited on a social network.
Taktu í hann, Rhun!jw2019 jw2019
Different methods of RÁB in intervention? Response inhibited = As soon as a person's unwanted behavior begins, physical intervention is done to stop the behavior. Widely used in relation to self-injurious or self-stimulating behaviour. D: A child who is always poking his eye, then the hand is just taken away, or you put your hand so that it does not reach the eye. Lerman and Smith are both students of Iwata (very smart). These are his students continuing what their mentors have been doing
Þeir segjast verja landið gegn her Sameinuðu þjóðannaMilly Smith Milly Smith
What should we remember if fear inhibits us from singing out?
Það er hóteliðjw2019 jw2019
Þegar einstaklingar greindir á einhverfurófinu ná ekki að skilja venjulegt hugarástand og geta þess vegna ekki skilið eða spáð fyrir um áform annarra er það kallað... a) hömlur á úrvinnslu hugsana (Thought processing inhibition). b) hluttekningartruflun (Empathic dysfunction). c) skortur á kenningu hugsana (Theory of thought). d) *skortur á kenningu hugans (Theory of mind)*
Þ ú komst mér bara á óvartEmma Smith Emma Smith
In young children, a lack of iodine can inhibit hormone production and thereby retard physical, mental, and sexual development —a condition called cretinism.
Það var allt í lagi.Við náðum að sauma mest af því aftur ájw2019 jw2019
He may also be less inhibited in expressing perverse thoughts and desires that are normally suppressed.
Dana myndi bara blaðra því og Robbie myndi næstu þrjár vikurnarjw2019 jw2019
They include cauterizing blood vessels, covering organs with a special gauze that releases chemicals that inhibit bleeding, and using blood-volume expanders.
Ég er að tapa málinu.Veistu hvers vegna? Af því að skjólstæðingur minn lýgur að mérjw2019 jw2019
We are gonna have tons of opportunities to meet gorgeous ladies that are so aroused by marriage, they'll throw their inhibitions to the wind.
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Evidently the Hebrews were not inhibited in their genuine expressions of grief.
Fólk gerir það í sífellujw2019 jw2019
The inhibitory explanation of forgetting is a theory suggesting that forgetting occurs because certain memories actively inhibit the retrieval of other memories. This inhibition is not due to the decay of memory traces over time, but rather due to specific processes that suppress the accessibility of competing memories. This theory is particularly relevant in understanding the dynamics of memory interference and the mechanisms that control memory retrieval.
Þetta ætti að dugaFreud Fan nr.1 Freud Fan nr.1
He was not inhibited and introverted.
Ég læt hann byrjajw2019 jw2019
Executive control refers to the cognitive processes responsible for managing and coordinating various higher-order functions, including goal setting, planning, decision-making, inhibition, and cognitive flexibility. It involves the ability to regulate attention, behavior, and emotions in order to achieve desired goals and adapt to changing environmental demands.
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Such love helps us cope with negative feelings that might inhibit our preaching —timidity, feelings of inadequacy, fear of men.
Get ég fengið útprent með nöfnum þeirra sem eru á upptökunni?jw2019 jw2019
This is because people tend to be less inhibited with individuals they have not met personally.
Ég þyrfti að vera alveg viss áður en ég gerði nokkuðjw2019 jw2019
Furthermore, because alcohol lowers your inhibitions, it can easily “take away good motive” and lead you into serious misconduct. —Hosea 4:11.
MáItíðir skipta hann miklu málijw2019 jw2019
As is often seen at sporting events, people in groups or mobs seem to have fewer inhibitions against bad behavior.
Hættu þessu!jw2019 jw2019
Social phobia: inhibiting fear in relation to social situations (performance anxiety, communication anxiety) ➢ Fear of rejection and the opinion of others
Svona manneskja án nærveruJade Smith Jade Smith
10 Those within whom love has been made “perfect” do not experience fear that inhibits prayer.
Til hamingju með brúðkaupsafmæliðjw2019 jw2019
Drinking can remove inhibitions and social restraints and can blur the way one interprets other people’s actions, making a violent response more likely.
Hefja nýjan leikjw2019 jw2019
Our mutual reserve inhibited us... but now it is manifest- a spiritual recognition
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When the activity of dopamine was thus inhibited, some patients improved.
Hvar er niður í móti?jw2019 jw2019
“If you wait till they’re nearing their teens,” says a mother in Germany named Renate, “they may not want to speak openly because of the inhibitions that come with puberty.”
Ekki horfa svona á migjw2019 jw2019
Paul says: “The drops I use inhibit the production of the aqueous fluid in the eyeball.”
Ég er þunguðjw2019 jw2019
Dinglaðu þér eða eitthvaðjw2019 jw2019
207 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.