demonstration oor Esan


/demənˈstreɪʃən/ naamwoord
The act of demonstrating; showing or explaining something.

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How have Jehovah and Jesus demonstrated generosity?
12, 13. (a) Be ha rẹkpa mhan rẹ lu rẹkhan adia nọn ribhi Romans 15:5?jw2019 jw2019
Mt 8:1-3 —Jesus demonstrated exceptional compassion for a leper (“he touched him,” “I want to” study notes on Mt 8:3, nwtsty)
Bhi ọsi ẹmhọanta, ẹghe nin uwẹ re ọbhi otọ rẹ ria eria nyan ẹmhọn iJehova ki dọ ha ti uwẹ bhọ.—1 Tim.jw2019 jw2019
How can I demonstrate that Jehovah’s worship takes first place in my life?
Inọnta: Uwẹ riale mhan dẹ sabọ lẹn emhin ne da sunu bhi ẹghe odalo?jw2019 jw2019
God has allowed men to rule for long enough to demonstrate that they cannot resolve mankind’s problems
Bebhọ uwẹ ha rẹ zebhudu bii ọmọn nọnsi obhio iPọlu yẹ?jw2019 jw2019
Joshua demonstrated full confidence in Jehovah’s direction.
Arẹmiẹn ọria nin ẹkhọle lo mẹn khin, ọ wo ti mẹn bhọ rẹ deba bhi iwẹnna itẹmhọn Osẹnobulua.jw2019 jw2019
Jer 29:10 —How does this verse demonstrate the accuracy of Bible prophecy?
U haosa nan ‘gbọn hajw2019 jw2019
How did Abbey demonstrate persistence, patience, and love while trying to encourage Laura?
10 Bha ji mhan fẹ ijiẹmhin ọsi Noah ghe.jw2019 jw2019
What are some ways to demonstrate humility?
(Matthew 27:51) Ghọle! Ukpọn nan rẹ gue ununro ọsi eje khiale da sọ yi eva, rẹ nin okhun rẹ sotọ. Otọ da mun vẹ a. Udo da vanọ a.jw2019 jw2019
How am I demonstrating my watchfulness?
Ranmhude ẹkẹ ẹjẹjẹ nin Osẹnobulua mhọn da imhọn nesi Adam, ọle da re iJesu rẹ zọese nin ele, arẹmiẹn ele sẹyẹ lu emhin ebe.—wp17.6, pp.jw2019 jw2019
To worship and demonstrate our love for Jehovah
IBaibo iwanniọn ọni inọnta nin bhi ẸZAYA 48:17, 18 bi 2 TIMOTI 3:16, 17.jw2019 jw2019
Then discuss the following questions: How did the brother demonstrate a proud, critical attitude?
Ele rẹkpa mhan rẹ mhọn eghọnghọn bhi iẹnlẹn, ele idenyẹnyẹn mhan ranmhude ele lẹnmhin ghe Osẹnobulua mun ele fiọ bhi ọnin ihe nan.jw2019 jw2019
(Note: Do not play the video during the demonstration.)
Uru da yẹ nin okhun yọle: Bhi ẹkẹ ebe iBaibo nin Matthew, Mark, Luke bi John gbẹn, ọnan hi ọsọhẹnhẹn bhi igba ea nin Jehova tobọle re urulu nọnsọle nin ẹbho talo.—Fẹ study note ọsi Mr 9:7; Joh 12:28.jw2019 jw2019
Early on, some teachers will use the entire study session to demonstrate to their student how to prepare for a lesson
Elele Ribhọ Sade A Hẹnmhọn Nin Jehovajw2019 jw2019
Abraham demonstrated faith in Jehovah even when it was difficult. —Heb 11:8-10, 17-19.
Emhin nin mhẹn ho nin mhẹn lu dẹ rẹkpa mhẹn rẹ ziẹn bhi oga?jw2019 jw2019
Ask your Bible teacher to demonstrate how you might tactfully share with one of your acquaintances something that you have learned from the Bible.
Gloria yẹ yere emhin eso ne sunu ẹghe nin mhan rẹ ha ribhi Pine Bluff. Gloria da yọle: “Mẹn da wo dọ manman hoẹmhọn ọne agbaẹbho.jw2019 jw2019
How has Jehovah demonstrated that he has not forgotten them?
Uwẹ riale ebe lẹkhẹ nọn, nọnle rẹ dọ taman lẹn?— Eeye, ranmhude ọnọn re egbanegbe khian, okpọria nọn.jw2019 jw2019
How did he demonstrate the need for God’s servants to avoid taking sides on political issues?
(2 Corinthians 1: 3, 4) Ọyẹẹ mhan nin mhan rẹ ha ri ive nọn ribhi Baibo rẹ ha rẹkpa eria ne ribhi ọnọghọ rẹ lẹn ghe, obhi ẹghe khere ki kẹrẹ nin Agbejele nọnsi Osẹnobulua rẹ dọ ri ọkpẹnlẹn ji emhin ebe rebhe ne re ọbalọ bi iloya re. —Revelation 21:4.jw2019 jw2019
In what ways can I demonstrate that I value pure worship?
Ene ọta ne bunbun nan bha yẹ deba ebe iBaibo nan rẹ ahu ẹlinmhin nọn khiale nọnsi Osẹnobulua rẹ gbẹn.jw2019 jw2019
(b) In what way is demonstrating love for others related to Christian maturity?
Khian rẹkhan Osẹnobulua;jw2019 jw2019
[Show one of our study publications, and if possible, demonstrate a Bible study.]
Oyẹẹ nin mhan mhọn bh’agbotu mhan,jw2019 jw2019
What are other ways in which we can demonstrate our obedience to the two greatest commandments?
Obulu nu rẹ r’ukpọmọn ’kpa nọnsẹ nin mhan.jw2019 jw2019
Remind him why you have returned —perhaps to answer a question, bring the latest magazine, show our website, play a video, or demonstrate a Bible study.
Bh’otọ ’fubhegbe, n’eghọnghọn ha ye,jw2019 jw2019
Demonstrate a return visit.
Ọki gbera ikpe elẹnlẹn nin mhan rẹ ka sẹbhi Balykchy, a da mun agbotu ọhẹnhẹn gbọ bhi enin bhi ukpe 1995.jw2019 jw2019
This motivates us to observe God’s commandments, including the command to demonstrate self-sacrificing love for others.
Hẹi ha re egbe nọnsẹ khọkhọ eria ebhebhe. Hẹi ji ọle ha ba uwẹ bhi egbe ghe uwẹ iyẹ sabọ lu sẹ beji uwẹ ka lu khẹjw2019 jw2019
25 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.