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/dɪsˈkʌs/ werkwoord
(obsolete, transitive) To drive away, disperse, shake off.

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We can use this publication for our discussions.
man ọne ọria] Mhan dẹ sabọ ko ha re ọne ebe nan zilo ọbhi Baibo.jw2019 jw2019
Offer: This issue of The Watchtower discusses what Jesus and his Father have revealed about heaven.
Ebuwẹ da rẹ re nin ọria yẹ: Ọne Watchtower nan tẹmhọn ebe iJesu bi aba le ji mhan lẹn rẹji okhun ẹlinmhin.jw2019 jw2019
This article discusses our yeartext for 2018 and shows why we need to give Jehovah the opportunity to strengthen us and how he will do so.
Ọne uhọnmhọn-ọta nan, ọle zilo nyan uhọnmhọn-ọta ọsi ukpe 2018, ọ da sẹyẹ zilo nyan ebezẹle nọn da khẹke nin mhan mun udu nyan iJehova nin ọle re ahu nin mhan, bi ebi ọle ha rẹ re ahu nin mhan yẹ.jw2019 jw2019
Read Acts 15:1-35, and see how the first-century governing body discussed and resolved a dispute with the help of the Scriptures and holy spirit.
Tie Acts 15: 1-35, nuwẹ daghe ebi Baibo bi ahu ẹlimhin nọn khiale rẹ rẹkpa otu ne sun oga bhi ore nin ọhẹnhẹn yẹ.jw2019 jw2019
Afterward, discuss the following questions:
Bha ha ki ghe ọne ividio fo, nọọn ene inọnta nan:jw2019 jw2019
“Be Loyal When Tempted”: (8 min.) Discussion.
“Sun Rẹkhan IJehova Sade Uwẹ Miẹn Edọnmhẹn”: (Ihuẹnlo 8) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
A portion of the reading could be assigned to each family member, and then all can discuss what was learned from the Scriptures.
Asabọ gha ọnin ọdeọde ha tie nanlẹn, ọrebhe kuẹ ko zilo ọbhi ebi ele luẹ bhọ.jw2019 jw2019
The teacher may decide whether to discuss the endnotes in the Teach Us book during the study.
Ọnọn man ọria emhin sabo zilo nyan endnotes ne ribhi Teach Us sade ọle man ọria emhin.jw2019 jw2019
As discussed in the preceding article, the Bible does not specify an age at which a person should get baptized.
Beji mhan luẹle bhi uhọnmhọn-ọta nin mhan ka zilo nyan uzana nọn gbera, Baibo bha taman mhan eka ukpe ọria ha wanre sẹ ọkuẹsẹ ọle gbegberuẹ bhi amẹn.jw2019 jw2019
The answers to these questions will be discussed in this article.
A dẹ wanniẹn ene inọnta nan bhi ọne uhọnmhọn-ọta nan.jw2019 jw2019
‘For a Certainty God Made Him Lord and Christ’ —Part 1, Excerpt: (15 min.) Discussion.
‘Bhọsẹ Ẹmhọn-ata Osẹnobulua Rọle Kiẹn Ebealẹn Mhan Bi Kristi’—Obọ I, Ukpọkhere: (Ihuẹnlo 15) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
“Be Loyal When a Relative Is Disfellowshipped”: (7 min.) Discussion.
“Sun Rẹkhan IJehova Sade A Khu Ọria Nọn Ribhi Azagba-uwa Nọnsẹ Sibhi Oga Re”: (Ihuẹnlo 7) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
Set an appropriate time to discuss the problem
Bha ha re ẹghe bhi otọ rẹ tẹmhọn ọnọghọ nin bha mhọnlẹnjw2019 jw2019
Then discuss the following questions: How did the brother demonstrate a proud, critical attitude?
Bha ha ki ghe ọle fo, zilo nyan ene inọnta nan: Be bhọ ọne obhio mhan bhi ọne ividio lu nọn rẹman ghe, ọle mhọn ọkhọle ọsi itegbemun bi ọkhọle nan rẹ re unun ria ẹbho ebhebhe a?jw2019 jw2019
“New Feature of the Midweek Meeting”: (8 min.) Discussion.
“Emhin Ọgbọn Nan Ki Da Ha Luẹ bhi Ikolo Oga Nan Do bhi Ẹkẹ Uzana”: (Ihuẹnlo 8) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
Or we may have engaged you in Bible discussions.
Asabọ miẹn mhan ka ne ẹ zilo ọbhi Baibo.jw2019 jw2019
As we discuss these questions, we will also consider the lessons we can learn.
Bha ji mhan zilo nyan ene inọnta nan, yẹ tẹmhọn emhin nin mhan ha miẹn luẹ bhi ele.jw2019 jw2019
“How to Become a Diligent Student of the Scriptures”: (15 min.) Discussion.
“Ebi Mhan Ha Rẹ Sabọ Kiẹn Ọria Nọn Luẹ IBaibo Dinmhin Yẹ”: (Ihuẹnlo 15) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
Then have a discussion based on the box “Listen to Counsel and Accept Discipline” in chapter 4 of “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love.”
Bha ha ki ghe ọne ividio fo, zilo nyan ẹmhọn nọn ribhi apapale 46-47 bhi ebe natiọle “Keep Yourselves in God’s Love.”jw2019 jw2019
“Are You Making Good Use of JW.ORG Contact Cards?”: (15 min.) Discussion.
“Uwẹ Noo Ebe Nanrẹ Taman Ẹbho Ẹmhọn i JW.ORG Nọnsẹn?”: (Ihuẹnlo 15) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
Pray for help to remain calm and to keep an open mind before discussing serious matters with your mate
Ọkuẹsẹ uwẹ bi okhuo ẹ la odọ ẹ muhẹn ha zilo emhin kpataki, ọkhẹke nuwẹ bhii ji Jehova, nọn rekpa ẹ re ha mhọn ọkhọ non lọre, nuwẹ rẹ ka ehọ nọnsẹnjw2019 jw2019
6 Read and meditate on Scriptural material that discusses the significance of the Memorial.
6 Ha tie ebe nesẹmhan ne tẹmhọn Ayere ọsi uyumhin nọnsi Jesu, uwẹ a yẹ ha ria eria nyan emhin nin uwẹ tiele.jw2019 jw2019
Offer: This article discusses what God’s name means and why we should use that name.
Ọne ebe: Ọne ebe nan tẹmhọn ebi elin ọsi Osẹnobulua mundia nan bi ebezẹle nọn da khẹke nin mhan ha noo ọne elin.jw2019 jw2019
Offer: This issue of The Watchtower discusses what the Bible says about angels and how they affect our life now.
Ọne ebe: Ọne Watchtower nan tẹmhọn ebi Baibo tale rẹji ẹhi. Ọ yẹ tẹmhọn ebi emhin nin ẹhi lu rẹ rẹtẹ iẹnlẹn nọnsẹmhan yẹ ẹlẹnan.jw2019 jw2019
“When Can I Next Serve as an Auxiliary Pioneer?”: (15 min.) Discussion.
“Ẹghela Imhẹn Ha Rẹ Kie Lu Iwẹnna Ọkanefan ọsi Uki Eso?”: (Ihuẹnlo 15) Izilo.jw2019 jw2019
73 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.