raised oor Esan


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Simple past tense and past participle of raise.

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Still, by and large, people marry and raise children in spite of the challenges such choices bring.
Ọrẹyiriọ, ẹbho sẹyẹ bọdọ la re okhuo, ele yẹ biẹ imọn arẹmiẹn ene emhin nan mhọn ọkakale nọnsele kẹkẹ.jw2019 jw2019
One brother wrote: “I am filled with gratitude for the way my parents raised me.
Obhio mhan ọkpa da gbẹn yọle: “Ekhuẹnmhẹn ọsi ene biẹ mẹn ranmhude uwedẹ nin ele rẹ bẹẹ mẹn wanre.jw2019 jw2019
See the article “Raising a Child With Down Syndrome —The Challenge and the Reward” in Awake!
Fẹ ọne uhọnmhọn-ọta ghe nọn yọle “Raising a Child With Down Syndrome—The Challenge and the Reward” bhi Awake!jw2019 jw2019
Raising a child can make you more loving, patient, and kind.
Bha ha bẹẹ ọmọn, ọdẹ sabọ rẹ bha ha mhọn ọyẹẹ, iziengbe bi ifuẹkẹ.jw2019 jw2019
But John the Baptist told them: “God is able to raise up children for Abraham from these stones.” —Luke 3:8.
Ọkpakinọn, John nọn ha gbe ẹbho ruẹ bhi amẹn da yọle: “Osẹnobulua dẹ sabọ nanbhi ene ido nan ne imọn nin Abraham.”—Luke 3:8.jw2019 jw2019
What can I learn from the way other parents are raising their children?
Bi mhẹn a sabọ luẹ bhi uwedẹ nin ene biẹ ọmọn nekẹle rẹ ha bẹẹ imọn nesele yẹ?jw2019 jw2019
Question: How can parents raise responsible children?
Inọnta: Be enebiọmọn ha rẹ sabọ bẹẹ imọn nesele nọnsẹn yẹ?jw2019 jw2019
Jehovah had raised Jesus from the dead.
Jehova riọ I Jesu bhu yumhin.jw2019 jw2019
As Jesus was foretelling the sign of his presence in the last days, he raised a vital question: “Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics, to give them their food at the proper time?”
Ẹghe nin, Jesu rẹ ha kha akhasẹ ọsi ẹghe ọkike bhi ọnin agbọn nan. Ọda nọọn ọta kpataki: ‘Họ bhọ ọnin ọguọmhandia nọn wanlan nan gba ẹkẹ ọle nin ebealẹn ọlẹn mun ugbẹloghe ọsi uwa nọnsọle rebhe nan, nọn ha ri ebale nele bhi ẹghe nọn khẹke?’jw2019 jw2019
Jesus’ disciples must “live no longer for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised up.” —2 Cor.
Ọiyi egbe ele odibo nesi Jesu nyẹnlẹn nan, “ọkpakinọn, ọnọn yu nin ele nan riọ kpanọ bhi idin ele a ki ha nyẹnlẹn nan.”—2 Cor.jw2019 jw2019
Jesus also healed the sick and raised to life some who had died.
Ene munkalo bhotuẹ da hi Jesu, ranmhude ọtama ẹbho iman emhin ọsọhoghe nele ma, bi uwede ebe nọn sele.jw2019 jw2019
How can parents raise their children in the discipline of Jehovah?
Be bhọ ene biẹ ọmọn ha rẹ sabọ rẹ adia nọnsi Jehova rẹ bẹẹ imọn nesele yẹ?jw2019 jw2019
How did Jon and Sharon Schiller keep Kingdom interests first while raising a family?
Arẹmiẹn ghe iJon bi Sharon Schiller ha bẹẹ imọn, be bhọ ele rẹ mun oga nọnsi Jehova kalo yẹ?jw2019 jw2019
Link: How can parents raise responsible children?
Sade uwẹ kie vae: Be enebiọmọn ha rẹ sabọ bẹẹ imọn nesele nọnsẹn yẹ?jw2019 jw2019
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