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“I am tired...” Briseis’ eyes closed slowly. “... so tired... Hold me...” “No.
- Sono stanca... - Briseide chiuse lentamente gli occhi. - Sono così stanca... Tienimi stretta... - No... Ti prego, no!Literature Literature
Briseide!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Briseis will be happy,’ I said into his ear.
Briseide sarà contenta, gli dissi all'orecchio.Literature Literature
Each new girl went first to Briseis, who would speak comfort to her in soft Anatolian.
Ogni nuova ragazza per prima cosa veniva mandata da Briseide, che le diceva gentili parole di conforto in anatolico.Literature Literature
BRISEIS RUNS TOWARDS US, face contorted.
Briseide corre verso di noi, il viso contorto.Literature Literature
Are you afraid, Briseis?
Hai paura, Briseide?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
After the death of Troilus, Briseis, daughter of Calchas, almost lost her mind.
Dopo la morte di Troilo, Briseide, figlia di Calcante, perse quasi la ragione.Literature Literature
Although I additionally know that Achilles had a mistress at Troy, named Briseis.
So inoltre che a Troia Achille aveva un’amante di nome Briseide.Literature Literature
He was still suffering from the insult Agamemnon had delivered to him by taking away Briseis, whom Achilles loved.
Soffriva ancora per l’insulto che Agamennone gli aveva fatto portandogli via Briseide, che lui amava.Literature Literature
I force myself to think of Briseis.
Mi costringo a pensare a Briseide.Literature Literature
Area 1(5): Habitat No 204, Natura 2000 Site No 204 (EU Code: DK00VA303) Schultz og Hastens Grund samt Briseis Flak
Zona 1(5): Habitat n. 204, sito Natura 2000 n. 204 (codice UE: DK00VA303) Schultz og Hastens Grund samt Briseis Flakeurlex-diff-2018-06-20 eurlex-diff-2018-06-20
After a time, only Briseis was left.
Dopo un po’, rimase soltanto Briseide.Literature Literature
I saw Briseis again after the fall of Troy, when we were driven through the camp of the Greeks.
Rividi Briseide, quando fummo spinti attraverso il campo dei greci dopo la caduta di Troia.Literature Literature
He captures Briseis and delivers her to Achilles.
Egli cattura Briseide e la conduce da Achille.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The young men of Troy were devastated when Briseis Chose the virgin robes.
I giovani troiani furono devastati, quando Briseide scelse questa veste.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The first thing I see is Briseis.
La prima cosa che vedo è Briseide.Literature Literature
Meanwhile Briseis and some of the serving girls took care of Hector.
Nel frattempo Briseide e alcune serve si occuparono di Ettore.Literature Literature
It was Briseis’ idea for me to spend a few hours with them each day, teaching them.
Briseide mi suggerì l’idea di trascorrere qualche ora ogni giorno insieme alle ragazze per insegnare loro la lingua.Literature Literature
“You must go,” Briseis said suddenly, waving at the air like it had filled up with flies.
«Devi andartene» disse tutto a un tratto Briseide, gesticolando come se l’aria si fosse riempita di mosche.Literature Literature
How many times did Briseis call upon you by name?
Quante volte Briseis ha invocato il tuo nome?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
You will not touch Briseis, my woman.”
Tu non toccherai Briseide, la mia donna.»Literature Literature
Briseis, come.
Andiamo, Briseide.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“Atlanta has nothing to fear from him, I swear it,” Briseis said, glancing down at Atlanta protectively.
«Ti giuro che Atlanta non ha nulla da temere» disse Briseide, guardando la bambina, con aria protettiva.Literature Literature
His friend and brother-in-arms Patroclus brought out Briseis, the young woman who shared Achilles’s bed.
L’amico e compagno d’armi Patroclo condusse fuori Briseide, la donna che divideva il letto con Achille.Literature Literature
Briseis, who had also joined the others, was not in such a fortunate position.
Briseide, che si era unita agli altri, non era in una situazione così semplice.Literature Literature
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