Brownsville oor Italiaans


a city in southern Texas on the Rio Grande near its mouth into the Gulf of Mexico; has a channel that accommodates oceangoing ships

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Made a stop in Brownsville, and then the feds just blew it and lost it.
Si sono fermati a Brownsville, poi i federali l'hanno perso.

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Roman Catholic Diocese of Brownsville
Diocesi di Brownsville
Brownsville Station
Brownsville Station


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What were the odds that at least one of the residents of Brownsville might be a woman with a nursing child?
Quante possibilità esistevano che almeno uno dei residenti di Brownsville fosse una donna che allattava?Literature Literature
I supposed we might manage to transport him to Brownsville; there might be a wagon in the barn.
Forse ce l’avremmo fatta a trasportarlo a Brownsville, magari c’era un carro nella stalla.Literature Literature
Arroyo Gardens is in north-central Cameron County, 14 miles (23 km) east of Harlingen and 24 miles (39 km) north of Brownsville.
Arroyo Gardens si trova nel centro-nord della contea di Cameron, 14 miglia (23 km) ad est di Harlingen e 24 miglia (39 km) a nord di Brownsville.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Brownsville girl with your Brownsville curls, Teeth like pearls shining like the moon above.
Ragazza di Brownsville con i tuoi ricci di Brownsville, denti come perle, splendenti come la luna.Literature Literature
His triumphs in Brownsville and Montana had left him pumped: in both cases he had found out a hidden truth.
I suoi trionfi a Brownsville e nel Montana lo avevano esaltato: in entrambi i casi aveva scoperto una verità nascosta.Literature Literature
He tell you how he lost pike in brownsville?
Te l'ha raccontato come si e'fatto sfuggire Pike a Brownsville?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Until we reached Brownsville, the sunburn cream was as safe as if it was in a bank vault.
Fino a Brownsville il vasetto di crema era al sicuro come se fosse stato in cassaforte.Literature Literature
I was just depressed because so many of my friends from Brownsville were getting killed.
In realtà ero depresso perché tanti dei miei amici di Brownsville stavano finendo ammazzati.Literature Literature
By September 2018, it was clear that hops of the upper stage spaceship were to be conducted from the SpaceX South Texas Launch Site near Brownsville, Texas.
A settembre 2018, era chiaro che i salti della navicella saranno condotti dal SpaceX South Texas Launch Site vicino a Brownsville, in Texas.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Go to the San Diego area or the Brownsville area where we've got a contiguous water frontage setup with Mexico.
Vai nella zona di San Diego oppure a Brownsville, dove il confine col Messico è segnato da un corso d’acqua.Literature Literature
“He’s just stopped trying to run what he calls a minority theatre in Brownsville.
«Ha appena smesso di tentar di gestire quel che lui chiama un teatro di minoranza a Brownsville.Literature Literature
How does a guy like me come out of Brownsville and become heavyweight champ?
Come fa un tipo di Brownsville a diventare campione dei pesi massimi?Literature Literature
The night before Jeff had driven up from Brownsville.
Jeff era venuto la sera prima da Brownsville.Literature Literature
Buffalo Soldiers were attacked during racial disturbances in Rio Grande City, Texas, in 1899, Brownsville, Texas, in 1906, and Houston, Texas, in 1917.
I Buffalo Soldiers furono attaccati nel corso di disordini razziali a Rio Grande City nel 1899, a Brownsville (Texas) nel 1906 e a Houston (Texas) nel 1917.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tell me where our money is. Brownsville. Huh?
Dimmi dove sono i nostri soldi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Slaughter and Ford, at this point in time, occupied Fort Brown near Brownsville.
Ma in quello stesso momento Slaughter e Ford occuparono Fort Brown, nei pressi di Brownsville.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In Brownsville was the last time David had seen him look that way.
A Brownsville, era stata l’ultima volta che David lo aveva visto così.Literature Literature
And buses from Houston leave regularly to Brownsville and McAllen, down by the Mexican border.
E da Houston i pullman partono regolarmente per Brownsville e McAllen, alla frontiera col Messico.Literature Literature
How did our father go from Brownsville to Shakespearean tragedy?
Come aveva fatto nostro padre a passare da Brownsville alla tragedia shakespeariana?Literature Literature
A few miles further east, he knew, was Brownsville.
Qualche miglio più a est, lo sapeva, c’era Brownsville.Literature Literature
This rail connection also devastated the commercial navigation of the Rio Grande, between Rio Grande City, Camargo, (Mexico), Brownsville, and Los Brazos de Santiago, located adjacent to the mouth of the Rio Grande.
Questa connessione ferroviaria devastò anche la navigazione commerciale del Rio Grande, tra Rio Grande City, Camargo, (Messico), Brownsville, e Los Brazos de Santiago, situati adiacente alla foce del Rio Grande.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
So ray-ray here went to brownsville, and he staked out a bar where people go to buy paper.
Cosi'Ray-Ray, qui, e'andato a Brownsville e si e'messo a sorvegliare un bar dove la gente va per procurarsi documenti.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Of course, I went right back to Brownsville and spread some of the wealth in my hood.
Naturalmente andai dritto a Brownsville e diedi un po’ di quella grana alla gente del mio quartiere.Literature Literature
He was walking all the time because he was getting the hell out of Brownsville, and couldn’t afford a taxi.
Kazin camminava in continuazione perché voleva scappare a gambe levate da Brownsville, e non poteva permettersi un taxi.Literature Literature
A lot of my friends from Brownsville wound up incarcerated in Coxsackie, which was not too far from Catskill.
Un sacco dei miei compari di Brownsville finì a Coxsackie, un carcere di massima sicurezza non distante da Catskill.Literature Literature
206 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.