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Covent Garden

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Covent Garden

There's not much on offer at this time of year, even at Covent Garden.
Non vendono molto in questo periodo dell'anno, nemmeno a Covent Garden.
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Matthew arranged to meet an old friend, Errol Lashwood, for luncheon at the Ivy Restaurant in Covent Garden.
Matthew organizzò un incontro a pranzo con un vecchio amico, Errol Lashwood, presso l’Ivy Restaurant, nel Covent Garden.Literature Literature
The campaign to save Covent Garden along with various opposition on other matters largely derailed the plan.
La campagna tendente al salvataggio del Covent Garden, assieme ad altri problemi, fece naufragare il piano.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Most serene Elector of Covent Garden, I drink to your highness's health,” and he filled himself a glass.
Serenissimo Elettore del Covent Garden, bevo alla salute di Vostra Altezza», e si versò un bicchiere.Literature Literature
Let’s go shopping tomorrow and have lunch in Covent Garden like ve used to.’
Domani andiamo a fare shopping e pranziamo a Covent Garden, come una volta.»Literature Literature
‘I like Covent Garden best and you can guess why,’ Sir Ralph answered, smirking.
«Più di tutto mi piace Covent Garden, e potete immaginare perché» rispose Sir Ralph ammiccando.Literature Literature
‘Shouldn’t have gone to Covent Garden,’ Parker said.
«Non sareste dovuti andare a Covent Garden» disse Parker.Literature Literature
She was delivered, still insensible, to Mother Pierce’s establishment in Chandois Street, Covent Garden.
Ancora priva di sensi, fu consegnata alla casa di Mamma Pierce in Chandois Street, a Covent Garden.Literature Literature
It took some time, and not a little hilarity, to transform Penelope into a Covent Garden flowerseller.
Ci volle un po’ di tempo, e non poco divertimento, per trasformare Penelope in una fioraia di Covent Garden.Literature Literature
In fact, until the other night at Covent Garden, I’d never had champagne in my life.”
In realtà fino all'altra sera non avevo mai bevuto champagne in vita mia.»Literature Literature
There was a dead man at Covent Garden, you remember.
Ci fu un morto anche al «Covent Garden», se ti ricordi.Literature Literature
7 She parked and hurried across Covent Garden towards her club.
7 Sam parcheggiò e attraversò in fretta Covent Garden, diretta al club.Literature Literature
Check the guest list at the Covent Garden Hotel.
Controlla la lista degli ospiti del Covent Garden Hotel.Literature Literature
I have been at Covent Garden, too, and there never was a more miserable business. — Holloa, you sir!”
Anch’io sono stato a Covent Garden, e non si è mai vista una faccenda più miserevole... Ehi, voi!Literature Literature
“So, come to Covent Garden on reconnaissance, have you, Sir Wilfred?”
«Allora, siete venuto a Covent Garden in ricognizione, Sir Wilfred?»Literature Literature
Shortly after leaving Covent Garden the man had taken a shortcut.
Poco dopo aver lasciato Covent Garden, l’uomo aveva preso una scorciatoia.Literature Literature
It's on at Covent Garden tonight.
È in scena stasera al Covent Garden.Literature Literature
Covent Garden was still thronged, but the crowd's inebriation had reached a new peak.
Covent Garden era sempre gremito, ma l'ebbrezza della folla aveva raggiunto un nuovo picco.Literature Literature
There's not much on offer at this time of year, even at Covent Garden.
Non vendono molto in questo periodo dell'anno, nemmeno a Covent Garden.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Rose asked Joe if he fancied a stroll before he headed back to Covent Garden.
Rose chiese a Joe se voleva fare una passeggiata prima di tornare a Covent Garden e lui acconsentì.Literature Literature
The look Lord Thurston gave Millie could have incinerated every building in Covent Garden.
L’occhiata che lord Thurston lanciò a Millie avrebbe potuto incenerire tutti i palazzi di Covent Garden.Literature Literature
The Covent Garden premiere was an enormous success and Strauss himself proclaimed Ackté the "one and only Salome".
La prima al Covent Garden fu un enorme successo e Strauss proclamò la Ackté l'"unica e sola Salomè".WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I’d just been looking at the headlines and those photographs taken in Covent Garden.
Avevo appena letto i titoli e visto quelle fotografie fatte a Covent Garden.Literature Literature
One can now get cocaine in lozenge form from any Covent Garden chemist.
La cocaina si può acquistare in pasticche da qualunque farmacista di Covent Garden.Literature Literature
“You mean when I managed the Covent Garden Theatre.
«Ti riferisci a quando dirigevo il Covent Garden.Literature Literature
And go stand somewhere in Covent Garden and say " No jeans or trainers "?
Lavorare a Covent Garden e dire " Niente jeans e scarpe da ginnastica ".OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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