Earl Grey tea oor Italiaans

Earl Grey tea

A tea blend aromatised with bergamot oil.

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Earl Grey

A tea blend aromatised with bergamot oil.
And Earl Grey tea with pasteurized milk.
Earl Grey con latte pastorizzato.

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earl grey tea

Earl Grey tea is a tea blend with a distinctive citrus flavour and aroma derived from the addition of oil extracted from the rind of the bergamot orange, a fragrant citrus fruit.

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Frost cupcakes and enjoy with a cup of Earl Grey tea.
Glassate i cupcake e godeteveli con una tazza di Earl Grey.Literature Literature
I also managed to get Earl Grey tea for Suad; I know she likes it.
Sono anche riuscito a trovare dell'Earl Grey per Suad; so che è il suo tè preferito.Literature Literature
Earl Grey's Tea, Fortnum & Mason's marmalade, brown sugar, a special cream biscuit.
Earl Grey's Tea, marmellata Fortnum & Mason, zucchero di canna, uno speciale biscotto alla crema.Literature Literature
An Earl Grey tea for the lady.
Un te'Earl Grey per la signora.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I took a sip of the Earl Grey tea before me, now too cool.
Bevvi un sorso di Earl Grey ormai freddo.Literature Literature
A few minutes later, he brings my Earl Grey tea and his coffee to our table.
Un paio di minuti dopo, mi raggiunge al nostro tavolo con il mio Earl Grey e il suo caffè.Literature Literature
Tommy Hart handed the older man the tin of Earl Grey tea.
Tommy Hart porse al vecchio il barattolo di tè Earl Grey.Literature Literature
She found a chair by a crackling fire and accepted a delicious cup of Earl Grey tea.
Lydia trovò una sedia accanto al fuoco scoppiettante e prese una tazza di tè Earl Grey.Literature Literature
The room smelled of fresh coffee and Earl Grey tea.
La stanza odorava di caffè fresco e tè Earl Grey.Literature Literature
Although lunch today was nothing more than a slice of toast and a cup of Earl Grey Tea.
Anche se il pranzo quel giorno non era nulla più di una fetta di toast e una tazza di Early Grey.Literature Literature
And Earl Grey tea with pasteurized milk.
Earl Grey con latte pastorizzato.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A half-drunk mug of Earl Grey tea, but no Ketki.
Una tazza di tè Earl Grey bevuta a metà, ma niente Ketki.Literature Literature
‘Of course,’ lied Kitty as she sipped the Earl Grey tea from a delicate china cup.
«Ma certo» mentì Kitty sorseggiando un Earl Gray da una delicata tazza di porcellana.Literature Literature
“I once liked this guy Earl—” “You’d like Earl Grey tea?”
«Una volta mi piaceva un tipo, Earl...» «Una tazza di tè Earl GreyLiterature Literature
Half an hour later, the Earl Grey tea had grown cool in the shiny silver teapot.
Mezz’ora dopo il suo Earl Grey era ormai tiepido nella scintillante teiera d’argento.Literature Literature
The Mowbrays drink Earl Grey tea and champagne on the monarch's birthday.
I Mowbray bevono te'Earl Grey e champagne nel giorno del compleanno del sovrano.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She shook her head and sipped her Earl Grey tea.
Scosse la testa e bevve un sorso del suo tè Earl Grey.Literature Literature
“I’m afraid I’ve only got Ovaltine and Earl Grey tea.
«Temo di avere solo dell’Ovomaltina e del tè, Earl Grey.Literature Literature
And one Earl Grey tea for me, Twink Tucker.
E un te'earl grey per me, Twink Tucker.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Over breakfasts of Earl Grey tea and Walker’s shortbread cookies (traif!
Facendo colazione con tè Earl Grey e biscotti Walker’s (treyf!)Literature Literature
Elke Heckel is a large, warm German woman who dresses in bright colors and likes Earl Grey tea.
Elke Heckel è una tedesca robusta e cordiale, che si veste con colori vivaci e ama il tè Earl Grey.Literature Literature
When I wake up, Ethan offers me a cup of Earl Grey tea and a crumpet.
Quando mi sveglio Ethan mi offre una tazza di té Earl Grey e una focaccina.Literature Literature
She was led into the drawing room and offered Earl Grey tea and apple cake.
Amy l’accompagnò nel salone, dove le offrì tè Earl Grey e torta di mele.Literature Literature
Earl grey tea
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