I would just as soon ... oor Italiaans

I would just as soon ...

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

preferirei ...

I would just as soon my sister were going out with an actor.
Preferirei che mia sorella si incapricciasse di un saltimbanco.

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I would just as soon spend my time with my daughter, or on improvements at Rose Hollow.
Potrei impiegare il tempo per stare con mia figlia, o per apportare migliorie a Rose Hollow.Literature Literature
I would just as soon have expected restraint from a hyena prowling amongst the corpses of a battlefield.
Era più facile aspettarselo da una iena che si aggiri famelica fra i cadaveri in un campo di battaglia.Literature Literature
I would just as soon my sister were going out with an actor.
Preferirei che mia sorella si incapricciasse di un saltimbanco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I would just as soon allow the Japanese and the Bolsheviks to fight between themselves for it.
Per conto mio, bolscevichi e giapponesi possono benissimo farsi la guerra tra di loro per prenderselo.Literature Literature
I would just as soon kill you, but please don't make me.
Potrei ucciderla subito, non mi costringa a farlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When I looked at her I would just as soon have killed her as kissed her.
Quando la guardavo, avevo voglia di ammazzarla come di baciarla.Literature Literature
I would just as soon leave the dead to their eternal peace.”
Preferirei di gran lunga lasciare i morti alla loro pace eterna.»Literature Literature
"""I would just as soon have stayed in the kitchen, if you must know."
«Avrei preferito stare in cucina, se volete saperlo.Literature Literature
I would just as soon work at night than go home to an empty house.
Preferisco lavorare di notte piuttosto che tornare a casa e trovarla vuota.Literature Literature
'Frankly, Mr Harry, I would just as soon not be seen with you.
«Francamente, signor Harry, preferirei non farmi vedere con lei.Literature Literature
I’d come too close to revealing something about myself that I would just as soon keep hidden.
Ero arrivata troppo vicino a rivelare qualcosa di me stessa che avrei preferito tenere nascosto.Literature Literature
I would just as soon go away from here...forever.”
Voglio andarmene lontano da qui... per sempreLiterature Literature
I would just as soon finish this right now, and the hell with the rules of chivalry.
La finirò subito, e al diavolo le regole della cavalleria.Literature Literature
If not, I would just as soon compost you with the rest of the daily dung collection.
Altrimenti, ti smaltirò insieme al resto della raccolta giornaliera di letame.Literature Literature
It is over between us, and I would just as soon forget him.”
È finita tra noi, e io devo solo dimenticarlo al più prestoLiterature Literature
I would just as soon see your punishment continue; in my opinion, you deserve it.
«Io vedrei volentieri la prosecuzione della tua punizione: secondo la mia opinione te la meriti.Literature Literature
I would just as soon not know that part, anyway.
Io non saprei presto quella parte, ad ogni modo.Literature Literature
I would just as soon have a world with no such place as Saudi Arabia.
Firmerei subito per un mondo privo di un posto di nome Arabia Saudita.Literature Literature
I would just as soon open fire.
Potrei cambiare idea e aprire il fuoco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All these memories I have, that I would just as soon forget.
E con certi ricordi che preferirei dimenticare.Literature Literature
Now, I would just as soon not go in there.
Ora, non andrei là dentro in questo momento.Literature Literature
I would just as soon buy it from him.
Io vorrei ricomprarlo da lui e al più presto.Literature Literature
I would just as soon be married to a flatfish!”
«Preferirei sposare un pesce lesso!»Literature Literature
I would just as soon not have heard more, but by then I couldn't have stopped her.
Avrei preferito non sentire altro, ma ormai non era più possibile fermarla.Literature Literature
I would just as soon be spared the attentions of another priestess of Lolth.""
«Preferirei che mi venissero risparmiate le attenzioni di un’altra sacerdotessa di Lolth.»Literature Literature
142 sinne gevind in 90 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.