Sophie oor Italiaans


naamwoord, eienaam
A female given name.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

Sophie Chotek von Chotkowa

Sophie, Duchess of Hohenberg
HeiNER - the Heidelberg Named Entity Resource


Well, the baroness could tell you all about Sophie.
Sapete come siamo noi polacchi... e la baronessa potrebbe dirvi tutto di Sofia.

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Fifteenth- and sixteenth-century spelling of sophy (wisdom).

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

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Archduchess Sophie of Austria
Sofia d’Asburgo-Lorena
Sophie Scholl
Sophie Scholl
Sophie Germain
Sophie Germain
Duchess Sophie Charlotte in Bavaria
Sofia Carlotta di Baviera
Sophie Zelmani
Sophie Zelmani
Sophie Marceau
Sophie Marceau
Madeleine Sophie Barat
Santa Maddalena Sofia Barat
Sophie Moone
Sophie Moone
Sophie Calle
Sophie Calle


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Sophie wept and shrieked for her mum, and David wished his mum were here, too.
Sophie piangeva e gridava invocando la mamma, e anche David desiderava che la sua mamma fosse lì.Literature Literature
At 21:15 in the evening, after eleven hours of struggling to survive, Sophie died in her mother's arms, probably from dehydration due to the diarrhea or from convulsions due to the high fever.
Alle 21:15 di sera Sofia morì tra le braccia della madre, probabilmente a causa della disidratazione dovuta alla diarrea o dalle convulsioni dovute alla febbre alta.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
And if I cannot attend the gallery opening this Friday, I must pray that Sophie chooses to wear pink there.
E se non potrò partecipare all'apertura della galleria venerdì, devo pregare che Sophie scelga di vestirsi di rosa.Literature Literature
I made up my mind to forget Sophie.
Avevo deciso di dimenticare Sophie.Literature Literature
But touch is important to me, Sophie, perhaps more important than it is to most men.
Ma le sensazioni tattili sono importanti per me, Sophie, forse più importanti che per la maggior parte degli uomini.Literature Literature
‘We’ll be back tonight, Sophie and I,’ she said.
«Stasera io e Sophie ripassiamo» disse lei.Literature Literature
“After all, Sophie, he’s a preacher.
«Dopotutto lui è un predicatore.Literature Literature
I was some other Sophie, who had no rules or obligations.
Ero un’altra Sophie, senza regole né vincoli.Literature Literature
As they walked up the gravel drive of Flora’s house, Sophie had a momentary frisson of panic.
Mentre percorrevano il vialetto di ghiaia della canonica, Sophie ebbe un momentaneo brivido di panico.Literature Literature
"""You didn't ask Sophie, did you?"""
«Non hai chiesto nulla a Sophie, vero?»Literature Literature
Sophie here was just trying to apologize.
Sophie stava solo cercando di scusarsi.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Sophie, I'm so sorry.
Sophie, mi dispiace tanto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was late, but then Sophie seemed to be keeping to a fairly nocturnal schedule right now.
Era tardi, ma in quel periodo Sophie sembrava condurre una vita alquanto notturna.Literature Literature
The second cop looked barely older than Sophie.
Il secondo agente non sembrava molto più anziano di Sophie.Literature Literature
Sophie was sober; both of us had stuck to 7-Up.
Sophie era sobria; ci eravamo entrambi accontentati di bere Seven-Up.Literature Literature
He was using Sophie again, twisting the knife.
Stava usando di nuovo Sophie, torcendo il coltello.Literature Literature
“Hayden roped Anya in to examine Sophie Goodwin, our survivor.
«Hayden ha cooptato Anya per la visita di Sophie Gœdwin, la sopravvissuta.Literature Literature
Last week I was staying down in Dorset with Mum and Dad, and Lois and her daughter Sophie.
La settimana scorsa ero nel Dorset con mamma, papà, Lois e sua figlia Sophie.Literature Literature
Sophie felt the blood drain from her face, and she knew that Araminta saw the truth in her eyes.
Sophie sentì il sangue lasciando il suo volto e si accorse che Araminta era la verità negli occhi.Literature Literature
asked Miz Sophie, her eyes sharp and furious as she turned to glare at her nephew.
domandò la signora Sophie, gli occhi taglienti e furiosi mentre si voltava a guardare male suo nipote.Literature Literature
Instantly Sophie seized her hand, as her best friend started pulling her up to safety . . .
Subito la ragazza afferrò la mano e la sua migliore amica cominciò a tirarla su, verso la salvezza.Literature Literature
The moment the door closed behind Hetty, Sophie’s shoulders sagged.
Non appena la porta si chiuse dietro Hetty, le spalle di Sophie crollarono.Literature Literature
Sophie says everyone is still searching for a cure for me.
Sophie dice che sono ancora tutti alla ricerca di una cura per me.Literature Literature
‘You’ll find me at the divisional hospital in Dimapur,’ Sophie said.
«Mi troverai all’ospedale divisionale di Dimapur», disse Sophie.Literature Literature
Sophie Croke-Finchley clutched her hockey stick protectively, and Rose Pritchett looked pale.
Sophie Croke-Finchley ha stretto le dita sul suo bastone da hockey con fare protettivo, e Rose Pritchett è impallidita.Literature Literature
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