Susquehanna River oor Italiaans

Susquehanna River

a river in the northeastern United States that rises in New York and flows southward through Pennsylvania and Maryland into Chesapeake Bay

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Susquehanna (fiume)
On May 15, 1829, they went to the woods near the Susquehanna River and knelt in prayer.
Il 15 maggio 1829, si recarono nei boschi vicini al fiume Susquehanna e si inginocchiarono in preghiera.
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The city sits on the southern bank of the Susquehanna river in the Wyoming valley.
Wilkes-Barre sorge sulla sponda meridionale del fiume Susquehanna, nella valle del Wyoming.Literature Literature
On May 15, 1829, they went to the woods near the Susquehanna River and knelt in prayer.
Il 15 maggio 1829, si recarono nei boschi vicini al fiume Susquehanna e si inginocchiarono in preghiera.LDS LDS
The Susquehanna River has played an important role in the transportation history of the United States.
Il Susquehanna ha giocato un ruolo di primo piano nella storia dei trasporti negli Stati Uniti d'America.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Even a few blocks from the Susquehanna River, The Valencia basement had a tendency toward dampness.
Malgrado si trovasse a diversi isolati dal fiume Susquehanna, lo scantinato del Valencia tendeva a essere umido.Literature Literature
It was Mikal's city, built by him at the confluence of the Susquehanna and West Susquehanna rivers.
Era la capitale di Mikal, che l'aveva fatta costruire alla confluenza dei fiumi Susquehanna e West Susquehanna.Literature Literature
It was Mikal’s city, built by him at the confluence of the Susquehanna and West Susquehanna rivers.
Era la capitale di Mikal, che l'aveva fatta costruire alla confluenza dei fiumi Susquehanna e West Susquehanna.Literature Literature
Hundreds more were spotted as far inland as Pennsylvania, flying south along the Susquehanna River.
Centinaia di altri esemplari furono avvistati addirittura in Pennsylvania, diretti a sud lungo il fiume Susquehanna.Literature Literature
There, on the banks of the Susquehanna River near Harmony, Pennsylvania, they received the answer to their prayer.
Là, sulle rive del fiume Susquehanna, vicino a Harmony, in Pennsylvania, ricevettero la risposta alla loro preghiera.LDS LDS
“It is in that direction, several miles up the Susquehanna River.
«È in quella direzione, risalendo per parecchi chilometri il fiume Suscuehanna.Literature Literature
Hannibal’s destination had been the Susquehanna River in Maryland.
La meta di Hannibal era stata il fiume Susquehanna nel Maryland.Literature Literature
They crossed the Susquehanna River and rode toward Carlisle.
Attraversarono il Susquehanna, poi andarono verso Carlisle.Literature Literature
There was a strong current, the effects of an outgoing tide combined with the flow from the Susquehanna River.
C’era una forte corrente, gli effetti del riflusso della marea sommati a quelli delle acque del Susquehanna.Literature Literature
There was a strong current, the effects of an outgoing tide combined with the flow from the Susquehanna River.
C'era una forte corrente, gli effetti del riflusso della marea sommati a quelli delle acque del Susquehanna.Literature Literature
On May 15, they went to the banks of the Susquehanna River, near Joseph’s home in Harmony, to pray.
Il 15 maggio andarono a pregare sulla riva del Fiume Susquehanna, vicino alla casa del Profeta ad Harmony.LDS LDS
Once they were out of range of the Susquehanna River and closer to Fort Pitt, he’d slow down the pace.
Quando sarebbero stati lontani dal fiume Susquehanna, e più vicini a Fort Pitt, avrebbe rallentato la marcia.Literature Literature
The Lehigh and Schuylkill Rivers both originate within the region, while the much larger Susquehanna River skirts the northern edge.
I fiumi Lehigh e Schuylkill originano entrambi all'interno della regione, mentre il più copioso Susquehanna costeggia il margine settentrionale.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
* Display visual 3-b, “The Aaronic Priesthood and the Melchizedek Priesthood were restored on the banks of the Susquehanna River.”
Mostra l’illustrazione 3-b, «Giovanni Battista conferisce il Sacerdozio di Aaronne a Joseph Smith e a Oliver Cowdery».LDS LDS
I also stood on the banks of the Susquehanna River where Joseph and Oliver, endowed with authority and keys, were baptized.
Mi sono anche recato sulle rive del fiume Susquehanna, dove Joseph e Oliver, investiti di autorità e di chiavi, si battezzarono.LDS LDS
They resolved to seek an answer by prayer, and they went to a nearby place on the banks of the Susquehanna River.
Decisero di cercare la risposta attraverso la preghiera e si recarono in un posto vicino, lungo le rive del fiume Susquehanna.LDS LDS
The Lock Haven facility was nearly destroyed in 1972 when torrential rains from Hurricane Agnes caused the Susquehanna River to flood in June.
I sito di Lock Haven fu distrutto nel 1972 dall'Uragano Agnes in giugno; il fiume Susquehanna straripò.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The ancient Apostles Peter, James, and John appeared to them in a secluded location near the Susquehanna River and conferred the Melchizedek Priesthood upon them.
Gli antichi apostoli Pietro, Giacomo e Giovanni apparvero in un luogo appartato nelle vicinanze del Fiume Susquehanna e conferirono loro il Sacerdozio di Melchisedec.LDS LDS
The waters of Pennsylvania’s Susquehanna River, however, were the most violent, making the hundred-mile stretch between Wilkes-Barre and Harrisburg seem like a war zone.
Le acque del fiume Susquehanna di Pennsylvania, comunque, furono le più violente, facendo apparire i centosessanta chilometri fra Wilkes-Barre e Harrisburg come una zona di guerra.jw2019 jw2019
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