The Farmer's Wife oor Italiaans

The Farmer's Wife

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La moglie del fattore


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The farmer’s wife was pleased enough to have our custom.
La moglie del fattore ebbe la compiacenza di adeguarsi alle nostre abitudini.Literature Literature
After the policeman left, the farmer’s wife eyed Watanabe with what seemed to be recognition.
Dopo che l’agente se n’era andato, la moglie dell’agricoltore l’aveva guardato come se l’avesse riconosciuto.Literature Literature
“Look at that hen,” the farmer’s wife had remarked.
“Guarda quella gallina,” aveva osservato la moglie del fattore.Literature Literature
That's the farmer's wife.
È la moglie del contadino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
For five days, the farmer’s wife came to me with meals.
Per cinque giorni, la moglie del contadino venne a portarmi i pasti.Literature Literature
The farmer’s wife stood there beside him until the sun changed the color of the grass.
La moglie del fattore rimase lì accanto a lui finché il sole cambiò il colore dell’erba.Literature Literature
Colomba helped the farmer’s wife to gather the strawberries, while the colonel drank his aleatico.
Colomba aiutò la contadina a cogliere fragolementre il colonnello beveva dell' aleatico.Literature Literature
“That’s what they cost today,” the farmer’s wife said as she started to close the door.
«E il prezzo di mercato» disse la moglie del fattore cominciando a chiudere la porta.Literature Literature
The farmer’s wife behind him excused herself to the kitchen.
Alle sue spalle la moglie del contadino si scusò e tornò in cucina.Literature Literature
They all ran after the farmer's wife, and cut off their tails with a carving knife..
Tutti inseguirono la moglie del contadino, e gli tagliarono le code con un coltello...OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then the farmer’s wife asked many questions.
— chiese allora la moglie del contadinoLiterature Literature
The farmer’s wife gave me things to chop, which took me all day.
La moglie del fattore mi dava cose da tagliare, che mi tenevano occupata tutto il giorno.Literature Literature
The farmer’s wife was accused of having fornicated with the sea in a satanic ritual.
La contadina fu accusata di aver fornicato con il mare grazie a un rito satanico.Literature Literature
The farmer’s wife obviously could not be asked to assist.
Ovviamente non potevo chiedere alla moglie del fattore di aiutarmi.Literature Literature
“No, one day the farmer’s wife comes over and wrings the chicken’s neck.”
«Un giorno l'allevatore attraversa l'aia e tira il collo al pollo.»Literature Literature
When she had finished, she gave the coins to the farmer’s wife.
Quando ebbe finito diede qualche moneta alla moglie del contadino.Literature Literature
“It’s possible it will end soon,” the farmer’s wife said.
«È possibile che finisca presto», disse la moglie del fattore.Literature Literature
Molly the farmer’s wife had her six sons and didn’t long for more.
Molly, la moglie del contadino, aveva i suoi sei figli, e non ne desiderava altri.Literature Literature
‘He’s independent, you see,’ the farmer’s wife said as I stood at the kitchen sink.
«È un uomo indipendente, sa» disse la moglie del contadino mentre mi avvicinavo all'acquaio.Literature Literature
When the sun had sunk low, he got up and found the place the farmer's wife had indicated.
Quando il sole calò, si mise in cammino per cercare il luogo indicato dalla contadina.Literature Literature
The farmer’s wife may have some honey and woundwort salve too.’
La moglie del contadino potrebbe avere del miele e del balsamo.»Literature Literature
And strawberries, planted for the children and for other guests of the farmer’s wife.
E fragole, piantate per i figli e gli altri ospiti dalla moglie del fattore.Literature Literature
Gavoille said as we ate, “I bought this for the farmer’s wife, thinking she’d like it.
Gavoille mi ha detto: «Le ho comprato questo, pensavo che l’avrebbe gradito.Literature Literature
He told her about the murder of the farmer's wife at Bentham.
Le raccontò dell’omicidio della moglie del fattore a Bentham.Literature Literature
“The farmer wants a wife, the farmer wants a wife.”
«Il contadino vuole una moglie, il contadino vuole una moglie.»Literature Literature
564 sinne gevind in 32 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.