The Hours oor Italiaans

The Hours

The Hours (film)

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

The Hours

The Hours (film)
The same one Nicole Kidman wore in The Hours.
E'lo stesso che Nicole Kidman ha usato in " The Hours ".
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at the agreed hour
all'ora convenuta
The Desperate Hours
Ore disperate
One Hour by the Concrete Lake
One Hour by the Concrete Lake
The Witching Hour
L’ora delle streghe
the train was an hour late
il treno aveva un'ora di ritardo
An hour and a half drive from Peschiera to discover the history of a very special Italian factory
Basta un’ora e mezza di macchina da Peschiera per scoprire la storia di un’azienda nostrana molto speciale
The Children's Hour
Quelle due
at the eleventh hour
all'ultimo minuto
The Haunting Hour Volume One: Don't Think About It
Don’t Think About It


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The consciousness of the whitish soft canopy above us increased in weight as the hours passed.
La consapevolezza del morbido baldacchino biancastro sopra di noi aumentò di peso col passare delle ore.Literature Literature
"Helen Rainer said calmly: ""Eric and I were together in my room for the whole of the hour."""
Helen Rainer disse tranquillamente: «Eric e io siamo stati insieme in camera mia per tutta l'oraLiterature Literature
Kade had lost track of the hours he'd spent here.
Kade aveva perso il conto delle ore che aveva trascorso in quella sala.Literature Literature
I barely recall him or the hour that passed like heavy water between us.
Ricordo a malapena lui e l’ora che seguì, scorrendo come acqua pesante.Literature Literature
Over the hours, the blood has been gathering inside her chest with no outlet.
Col passare delle ore, il sangue si è raccolto nel petto, senza via di uscita.Literature Literature
They will count the days, the hours, the minutes.
Conteranno i giorni, le ore, i minuti.Literature Literature
He would be back in Edinburgh within the hour, and on duty another half-hour after that.
Sarebbe stato a Edimburgo in meno di un'ora e, nel giro di un'altra mezz'ora, sarebbe entrato in servizio.Literature Literature
‘One of them I deserted in the hour of his death; another I killed with my own hands.
«Uno lo abbandonai nel momento della morte; l’altro lo ammazzai con le mie mani.Literature Literature
Here he is, the man of the hour!
Eccolo! L'uomo del momento!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Pedestrians, however, were unlikely given the location and the hour.
Difficile che ci fossero pedoni, comunque, visto il posto e l’ora.Literature Literature
"""The hour for my appointment draws near,"" he said."
«L'ora del mio appuntamento si avvicina,» disse.Literature Literature
No detective making notes on a night stake-out would write P.M. after the hour.
Nessun investigatore, prendendo appunti al buio, scriverebbe p.m. dopo l’ora.Literature Literature
Near the end of the hour, the doctor said, “It’s possible that you’re suffering from doubly intensified grief.
Verso la fine dell'ora di colloquio, il dottore disse, «È possibile che tu soffra per un dolore doppiamente intenso.Literature Literature
Could we be at the villa within the hour?
Riuscivamo a essere alla villa entro un’ora?Literature Literature
Yet the hour selected was when the fewest people would actually be waiting for flights.
Nel contempo, l'ora prescelta era quella in cui ci sarebbero state poche persone in attesa di un volo.Literature Literature
She had spent Sunday with her husband, just as my father did with his wife, counting the hours.
Come il mio Tata accanto alla moglie, anche lei accanto al marito contava le ore alla domenica.Literature Literature
You must be the one to tell me when the day, the hour, has arrived . . .”
"Dovete essere voi a dirmi quando il giorno, l'ora arriveranno...""."Literature Literature
The hours it had cost him to make it here unobserved had not improved his mood.
Le ore impiegate per arrivare lì inosservato non gli avevano migliorato l'umore.Literature Literature
In the hour before dawn, Captain Henry checked on Glass and found him unconscious.
Un’ora prima dell’alba, il capitano andò a controllare Glass e lo trovò privo di conoscenza.Literature Literature
“Now and at the hour of our death,” she intoned.
“Adesso e nell’ora della nostra morte,” cantilenò.Literature Literature
They spend the rest of the hour making up their minds.
Passano il resto dell'ora a cercare di capire.Literature Literature
Nyssen chose the hours between one and four in the morning.
Nyssen scelse le ore tra l’una e le quattro del mattino.Literature Literature
When the hour was up, a few minutes later, he brought it back.
Quando finì l'ora, pochi minuti più tardi lo riportò indietro.Literature Literature
I must have seen in his expression promise for the hours ahead.
Nella sua espressione ho visto una promessa per le ore a venire.Literature Literature
The artisans rarely complained about this because they were paid by the hour.
Gli artigiani si lamentavano raramente di tale situazione perché venivano pagati a ore.Literature Literature
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