The Motels oor Italiaans

The Motels

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The Motels

The Motels (gruppo musicale)

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But the people at the motel were nice about it; they just laughed.
Ma quelli del motel furono molto simpatici; si misero a ridere.Literature Literature
Then we got busy, with Hazel, the shop, the motel, family.
Poi è arrivata Hazel, l’officina, il motel, la famiglia.Literature Literature
The motel can accommodate as many as 400 guests.
Il motel può accogliere fino a quattrocento clienti.langbot langbot
She sniffs for the smell of the motel where she stayed with her family.
Lei lo annusa in cerca dell’odore del motel dove è stata con la sua famiglia.Literature Literature
In an hour or so I dressed, kissed her good-bye, and went home to the motel.
Dopo un’oretta, mi sono rivestito, l’ho salutata con un bacio e sono tornato a casa al motel.Literature Literature
In silence, he crept to the motel door.
In silenzio, si avvicinò alla porta del motel.Literature Literature
I met her when I was staying in the motel.
L'ho incontrata quando stavo al motel.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“I'm looking for whoever went over to the motel last night with a soldier.”
«Sto cercando la persona che è andata ieri sera al motel con un soldato.»Literature Literature
At a corner a few blocks east from the motel, he flashed his lights twice to alert Anana.
A un incrocio, due isolati a oriente del motel, fece lampeggiare due volte i fari per avvertire Anana.Literature Literature
Outside in the night, a black capful of wind shook the motel.
Fuori, nella notte, una folata nera di vento fece tremare il motel.Literature Literature
Ryan had watched, appalled, as Dempsey put it together in the motel room earlier.
Poco prima, Ryan era rimasto a guardare, sconvolto, mentre Dempsey metteva insieme il tutto nella stanza di un motel.Literature Literature
You didn't make it back to the motel.
Non sei tornato al motel.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Catalina had come along to do the motel washing.
Catalina era venuta con noi per fare il bucato del motel.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The motel scotch, the percoset.
Lo scotch al motel, il Percocet.Literature Literature
She saw the interaction between Boone and the detective at the motel.
Ha visto di persona lo scontro tra Boone e il detective, al motel.Literature Literature
So, who called you from the motel?
Allora, chi ha chiamato dal motel?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Griffin grabbed one of the motel's bath towels.
Griffin afferrò uno degli asciugamani del motel.Literature Literature
A few minutes and they were at the motel.
Pochi minuti dopo arrivarono al motel.Literature Literature
It was the motel room phone ringing beside her sofa bed.
Era il telefono della stanza del motel accanto al suo divano letto.Literature Literature
I didn’t see any Pan Am crewmen around the motel.
Non vidi nessun pilota della Pan Am nei pressi del motel.Literature Literature
"""We surprise him in the motel, we move fast, he'll give up."""
«Lo sorprendiamo nel motel, ci muoviamo in fretta e lui cede.»Literature Literature
He couldn't find what he was looking for in the motel so he searched her place.
Non ha trovato quel che cercava al motel quindi ha perquisito casa sua.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then meet me at the motel tonight.
E allora vieni al motel stanotte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
In the motel.
Al motel.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He was lucky that the motel had fallen sunny-side up.
Fortuna che il motel era caduto a faccia in su.Literature Literature
11731 sinne gevind in 268 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.