abstractionism oor Italiaans


/æbˈstɹæk.ʃn̩ˌɪz.m̩/ naamwoord
Abstract art.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


An abstract genre of art.

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His idea of the nation reflected a similar psychological abstractionism.
Qualcun altro sta trasmettendo ad alta frequenzaLiterature Literature
By the 1950s, a preoccupation with form and function eventually pushed artists into abstractionism.
il modo di trasporto alla frontieraLiterature Literature
These new events called for an epic style, not for abstractionalism.
Apprezzo molto quello che stai facendo, e i tuoi sono nobili motivi, ma temo che questo non sia appropriatoLiterature Literature
I want abstractionism with dodecacophony!
È vestita all' europeaLiterature Literature
In this film, we see a tendency to abstractionism and transformation, very different from his colleague Yanagihara.
La Comunità europea e la Svizzera dichiarano che intendono riesaminare congiuntamente, in particolare alla luce delle disposizioni dellLiterature Literature
After a period of reflection upon the experiences of the international contemporary sculpture, he became interested in abstractionism and, in the mid-1950s, achieved an autonomy of language with sculptures realized in “ferric conglomerate” (Canto Aperto, Forza del nascere), art work that marked his entrance in the Concrete Art Movement (MAC) and preluded the great informal period.
anticorpi, monoclonali, policlonali o anti-idiotipiciWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Reflected in broken lines, asymmetry, light abstractionism.
Non c' e ' molto da direParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Abstraction - a design collection with elements of avant-garde, impressionism and abstractionism.
Il parere del comitato è accompagnato dalla bozza di riassunto delle caratteristiche del prodotto e dalle bozze di etichettatura e di foglietto illustrativoParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
All those concepts and artistic displaying lead to the conclusion that the abstract paintings by Silvana Abram are a perfect synergy and synchrony of abstractionism and emotional lyricism.
Voglio il catalogo di Bob MarleyParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Eight biennials active, prolific and vital, the Sicilian artist, lady of Italian abstractionism, one of the most refined interpreters of the Forma 1 Group, belongs to that generation of women who since the 1940s have decreed the end of the marginalization of female creativity.
Devastati dall' alcol!ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The alphabet of Mark Lorenzetto, is born with Abstractionism, the identification of the distances of emotion and the principles of perception of reality, reaching the definition of a language based on the expressive and symbolic function of color and on the rhythm produced from mutual relationships of pure forms.
L'energia nucleare fondamentalmente non dà luogo a emissioni di carbonio e rientra nello scenario elaborato dalla Commissione per ridurre il carbonio, il quale prevede anche l'obiettivo di diminuire le emissioni di COParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The fields in which he operates such experiments go from a kind of painting that was defined “Material-emotional Abstractionism” to a photography particularly focused on portraying human existence.
la sicurezza o le dimensioni, compresi le prescrizioni relative alle forniture per la denominazione commerciale e le istruzioni per l'uso e, per tutti gli appalti, la terminologia, i simboli, le prove e metodi di prova, l'imballaggio, il marchio e l'etichettatura, le procedure e i metodi di produzioneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Self-taught, with great sensibility and rigorous technique, in thirty years of uninterrupted painting Borghi has attained an undeniably fascinating and rigorous pictorial synthesis: From the figurative Morandi style of his first years through the lacerating Surrealism of the '80s, to the Abstractionism with its Futuristic imprint and strongly figurative suggestions of the following decade, all this brought Borghi to the present, more mature synthesis in which a skilful and sumptuous use of material is associated with a sense of colour of extreme and supreme sensibility.
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While through Informalism and Abstractionism art was freed from figuration and form yet still remaining representative of something (a sentiment, a vision of the world, a canon, an idea...), in certain artistic currents of the ‘60s and ’70s—such as New Dada, Nouveau Réalisme and in part also Pop Art — what took on artistic value was the object itself, representative exclusively of its own intrinsic reality or its own status.
Entri pure, Sig.SmithParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
During the three days of ANIMAPHIX – Animation Film’s International Festival, a workshop of theory and processing on film held by Leonardo Carrano, animated experimental cinema’s artist who’s created a unique style in its kind, able to merge different languages and methodologies that pass costantly from the concrete data to abstractionism, combining the music with the most innovative animation
Il bar apre fra un' oraParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Jan Kaláb is one of the most important artists of international geometric and urban abstractionism.
vista la direttiva #/#/CEE del Consiglio, del # luglio #, che fissa i principi relativi all'organizzazione dei controlli veterinari per gli animali che provengono dai paesi terzi e che sono introdotti nella Comunità e che modifica le direttive #/#/CEE, #/#/CEE e #/#/CEE, in particolare l'articolo #, paragrafi # eParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It is a picture of charming light, a simple and entangled phrasing, a painting beyond the painting which is not simply avant-garde or lyric abstractionism, but it is a post-painting fit for a society as tributary as ours, where everything seems compact.
Quando torna?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Unfulfilled, he started a deep self-analysis that led him to abstractionism, a communication form that allowed him to transfer his works a greater and more complete deepness of expression.
ll loro papà è un reParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
this sculpture was shown in 1935 at Galleria del Milione, which was the centre of Italian abstractionism in the 1930s, and it was published in the French magazine Abstraction – Création.
È aperta un’inchiesta a norma dell’articolo #, paragrafo #, del regolamento (CE) n. #/# per stabilire se le importazioni nell’Unione di sacchi e sacchetti di plastica contenenti in peso almeno il # % di polietilene e in fogli di spessore non superiore a # micrometri (μm), originari della Repubblica popolare cinese, che rientrano attualmente nei codici NC ex#, ex# e ex# (codici TARIC #, # e #) eludano le misure istituite dal regolamento (CE) nParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
In fact, between the ’40s and’ 50s, American artists or Europeans transplanted in America, carried out similar figurative research. They developed a painting style that gave up figuration in favour of abstractionism, however with a very strong emotional and expressive charge that European abstractionism had not reached. American artists were influenced by the European avant-gardes while mixing different inputs, reaching an original and innovative style.
Non dubiterò mai più di loroParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
These are all aspects experienced by the founder of abstract art, who revolutionized with his abstractionism a large part of the subsequent expressive research in the world and has always shown interest in a scientific approach to reality and for explorations.
Le osservazioni debbono pervenire alla Commissione non oltre dieci giorni dalla data di pubblicazione della presente comunicazioneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
An Art who breaks the bridges with the past, composed by abstractionism and art philosophy, to come back to representation of reality just as we see it, with new chromatic techniques, accurate researches about light and perceptions .
Scendi dal letto e mettiti in ginocchioParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Born in Mazara on October 1920, after completed the studies at Accademia of Palermo, on 1944 he moved to Rome, where he joined the abstractionism participating to the group Forma1 (1947), that claimed “the freedom to be to a time marxist and formalist ideologist”, that is abstract.
Pista di controlloParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Malevich, on the other hand, is one of the greatest exponents of geometric abstractionism and the founder of Suprematism, his vision is profoundly nihilistic, he prefers squares, rectangles and straight lines.
Ci sono coloro che – pensando almeno in parte al successo che esso può garantire – sono in effetti favorevoli al e chiudono un occhio, e ci sono coloro che non lo fanno.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Who’s that girl . International level, his works created a school of abstractionism which was then adopted by other disciplines like fashion and design.
Il principale processo metabolico della cisapride si esplica attraverso il sistema enzimatico P# CYP#A#; cisapride è ampiamente metabolizzata attraverso la N-dealchilazione ossidativa e l' idrossilazione aromaticaParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
171 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.