class invariant oor Italiaans

class invariant

an invariant used to constrain objects of a class that is preserved by class methods and that constrains the state stored in the object.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

invariante di classe


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
The class invariant constrains the state stored in the object.
In pazienti affetti da HIV con deficienza immunitaria grave al momento dell inizio della terapia antiretrovirale di combinazione (CART), può insorgere una reazione infiammatoria a infezioni opportunistiche asintomatiche o residuali (vedere paragrafoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Class invariants are established during construction and constantly maintained between calls to public methods.
Design by contract also includes notions of postcondition and class invariant.
per motivi attinenti alla pubblica sanità, alla sicurezza interna, all’ordine pubblico o ad altri interessi nazionali dello Stato richiestoWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Some object oriented programming languages have a special syntax for specifying class invariants.
La progettazione delle unità di essiccazione garantisce che l'aria e il fumo circolino contemporaneamente, essiccando e affumicando in tal modo le prugneWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
In some software design approaches, postconditions, along with preconditions and class invariants, are components of the software construction method design by contract.
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The power and support of the clergy class is invariably sought by the political governments in time of war.
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The class enemies will invariably seek opportunities to assert themselves.
Scompare in parte e poi ricompareLiterature Literature
The class enemies will invariably seek opportunities to assert themselves.
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Captured Maquis were invariably classed as Nacht und Nebel.
Un ritorno a desertificare l ' America nel progetto “ Wildlands ”, la Convenzione sulla Biodiversità, che serve a controllare e regolamentare la popolazioneLiterature Literature
And the fact that they were almost invariably working-class was probably significant.
considera quella della delega una soluzione non sempre ottimale, per via dei costi aggiuntivi connessi alla presenza di collaboratori in loco e dell'impossibilità di delegare determinate funzioniLiterature Literature
One is that it’s almost invariably low-class prostitutes who are cut into pieces.
La polizia del Surrey è spiazzataLiterature Literature
Well, there were already higher-dimensional invariants: Pontryagin classes -- actually, there were Chern classes.
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Methods of the class should preserve the invariant.
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It is shown how one can specify a certain class of linear Lorentz-invariant field equations by a sequence of different Lie algebras.
Il gruppo politico al quale appartengo, il gruppo liberale, intende ora concentrare la propria attenzione su coloro che non sono cittadini dell'Unione europea.springer springer
Their approach involves the use of a vaccine-encoded adjuvant, the human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II-associated invariant chain, which is fused to the HCV proteins, and enhances HCV antigen presentation to immune cells.
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Invariably, this involves a class disparity.
Ora che ho capito che non siete cosi ' arrogante come sembrateLiterature Literature
So here's our invariant checker for the class Red- Black tree.
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He had come to realize they were invariably of the upper classes.
Bev e ' lesbica, Nina e ' lesbica, Shaun, DanaLiterature Literature
There is presented a class of completely HamiltonianN-particle interactions, invariant under the Poincaré group.
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Mathematicians would say that the length is an invariant of the equivalence class, a sure way to scare non-experts!
No, no, ti ho interrottoLiterature Literature
An explicit construction is given of some classes of Hamiltonians invariant under the Poincaré group and describing the evolution of relativistic dynamical systems composed of a single free point, of a point in external fields or of two interacting points.
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In Eiffel, invariants become part of the classes.
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Some exact similarity solutions are obtained corresponding to classes of materials compatible with the conditions of invariance.
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In classical mechanics, consequently, a given symmetry causes invariance in relation to a certain class of operations.
La nomina dei seguenti membri uscenti del GEE è rinnovata per un periodo di quattro anniLiterature Literature
The invariance of the mass under a class of renormalizations introduced by Muta is proved.
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91 sinne gevind in 27 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.