covariant oor Italiaans


adjektief, naamwoord
(category theory) (Of a functor) which preserves composition

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Nevertheless, the diagram theory is covariant and free from divergences.
Ciò nondimeno, la teoria a diagrammi è covariante e priva di divergenze.

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analysis of covariance
analisi dei fattori · analisi del cammino · analisi della covarianza · analisi della varianza · analisi delle componenti · analisi delle probabilità · analisi di corrispondenza · analisi di regressione · analisi di regressione multipla · analisi discriminante · analisi fattoriale · analisi multivariata · analisi statistica · analisi trasversale · dispersione statistica · distribuzione della frequenza · incertezza statistica · metodi statistici · metodo blup · metodo discriminante · metodo monte carlo · multicollinearità · processi stocastici · statistica come scienza · teoria bayesiana · teoria dei giochi · variazione statistica
covariance analysis
analisi della covarianza
covariance matrix
Matrice delle covarianze
Covarianza · covarianza
genetic covariance
covarianza genetica
Covarianza incrociata
covariant derivative
Derivata covariante


Advanced filtering
Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
"""Preserve the covariant gauge!"""
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f (3.29) This result gives us the update relation of the covariance matrix with optimal gain.
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Covariant equations of motion and of spin are then deduced; they turn out to have the same form as the classical equations for a composite particle with magnetic dipole moment.
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The Komar expression, taken as a generally covariant conservation law generator, is considered in light of the problem which Møller found with his energy-momentum complex.
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This may occur when covariates that affect the outcome are not equally distributed between treatment groups, and the treatment effect is confounded with the effect of the covariates (i.e., an "accidental bias").
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It is shown that the number of bilinear covariants (generalized currents) for spins in the 2(2s+1)-component formalism is (2s+4) and of all these only two bilinear covariants survive when one imposes theγ5-variance condition irrespective of the value of spin.
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Structure functions in ep → e + X are directly obtained by using Wilson’s short-distance expansion and the conformal covariant light-cone expansion.
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The principle of local Lorentz covariance, which states that the laws of special relativity hold locally about each point of spacetime, lends further support to the choice of a manifold structure for representing spacetime, as locally around a point on a general manifold, the region 'looks like', or approximates very closely Minkowski space (flat spacetime).
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We have studied the properties of the solutions of the equations of a vector field (of arbitrary mass) in interaction with Dirac’s current, fulfilling successively the postulates of covariance, causality, and canonical quantization.
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The conditions for the covariance of the retarded product are given both in general form and in these limits, assuming convergence and neglecting infinite-mass contributions.
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One derivation is based on setting up an idealized dynamical model of a relativistic rigid-body, while the second derivation is based only on covariance and simplicity postulates.
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The consistent generation of the covariant field equations by the Hamiltonian is obtained by a careful definition of the bilinear products of charge fields which it contains.
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A wave equation covariant under conformal transformations is proposed.
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Starting from the hypothesis that the pion interacts with nucleons and hyperons only through intermediate fields, non-local covariant models of pion-nucleon, and pion-hyperon interactions can be obtained after formal elimination of the intermediate fields.
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We consider a real random vector X with cumulant generating function ψX, non-singular covariance matrix and zero expectation and prove that a principal component transformation of X is the Jacobian at the origin of a Morse-transformation for ψX.
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This is in sharp contrast with the usual interpretation based on special relativity, in which the spectral distribution of the radiation energy is not covariant and has the simplest form in a particular reference frame.
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By assuming covariance of physical laws under (discrete) dilatations, we succeed in describing strong and gravitational interactions in a unified way.
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The classical equations of particle motion and of classical electrodynamics are known to be covariant with respect to conformai co-ordinate transformations.
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Each element of thisp-parameter family of covariant divergences then leads to laws of conservation and of balance by use of the groups of isometries and of conformal motions of the space.
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The geometrical meaning of theU1 internal symmetry above may be understood, in the frame of the conformal group of symmetry, as covariance with respect to complex, unimodular dilatations acting in the spin space of the Dirac-spinor doublet contained in the conformal spinor.
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In this paper it is shown that the polarization of a free Dirac particle can be treated in a covariant way in terms of an antisymmetric second-rank tensor operator which commutes with the Hamiltonian.
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More recently, structural equation modeling and path analysis represent more sophisticated approaches to working with large covariance matrices.
Forse non abbiamo pagato il tavoloWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Making use of the complex tetrads underlying the fundamental Hermitian tensor field, we show that the gauge-covariant Dirac equation is obtained by minimal replacement of the Christoffel affinity of GR, with the generalized torsion containing connection.
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The spinor formulation of the Maxwell-Lorentz theory that was developed earlier bySachs andSchwebel (2–3) is extended to a generally covariant formalism.
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A consequence of this result is a simple rule which allows us to write down all the possible conformal covariant free-field equations.
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