distraught oor Italiaans


/dɪsˈtɹɔːt/ adjektief
Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried; distressed.

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried
Tom was pretty distraught.
Tom era piuttosto distrutto.


Tom was looking somewhat distraught.
Tom sembrava in un qualche modo sconvolto.


Deeply hurt, saddened, or worried

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"""For a year,"" continued Two, ""our dear distraught Sarima refused to believe he was really dead."
"""Per un anno"", proseguì Due, ""la nostra cara e devastata Sarima si rifiutò di credere che fosse morto."Literature Literature
When we gathered on the ledge for our customary evening meeting, I could see that the others were also distraught.
Quando alla sera ci ritrovammo sulla terrazza, notai che anche gli altri erano nervosi.Literature Literature
You seem distraught.
Sembri stravoIto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She felt alternately distraught and euphoric.
Si sentiva alternativamente sconvolta ed euforica.Literature Literature
And the distraught relativists in America have regrouped and refuse to give up.
Gli angosciati relativisti statunitensi, d’altra parte, si sono riorganizzati e rifiutano di arrendersi.Literature Literature
She is distraught enough that she might just agree, and the school would suffer for it.
È così sconvolta che potrebbe darvi retta e la scuola ne soffrirebbe.Literature Literature
Noah and Libby voiced their own protests too, but he was too distraught to register what they said.
Noah e Libby cominciarono a protestare, ma Josh era troppo sconvolto per sentire cosa dicevano.Literature Literature
My mother just now phoned and left this distraught-sounding message.
Mi ha appena telefonato mia madre e mi ha lasciato questo messaggio angosciato.Literature Literature
No one else seemed distraught in the queue on that sunny Sunday.
Quella soleggiata domenica, nessun altro nella coda sembrava turbato.Literature Literature
Jenny was frightened and distraught.
Jenny era spaventata e sconvolta.Literature Literature
I'm distraught, and I'm pregnant.""
Sono angustiata, e sono incinta».Literature Literature
“She was distraught and confused.”
«Era sconvolta e poco lucida.»Literature Literature
Detective, you testified previously that, when you encountered Mrs. Allen in the church, she was distraught.
Detective, in precedenza lei ha testimoniato che, quando ha trovato la signora Allen in chiesa, l'ha vista sconvolta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Would you say he was distraught?
Direbbe che fosse sconvolto?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Affranto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
When she got closer and I could see that she didn’t look too distraught, I relaxed a little.
Quando si avvicinò e constatai che non era stravolta, mi rilassai un po’.Literature Literature
He looked at us, distraught.
Ci gettò uno sguardo sperduto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
And I was distraught.
Sono rimasto sconvolto.QED QED
Oh, and make sure to send brandy to those who seem the most distraught.
Oh, e fate portare del brandy a chi vi sembra più scosso.Literature Literature
My dear man, we are as distraught as King Louis over this.
“Mio caro, siamo indignati quanto re Luigi per l’accaduto.Literature Literature
“As for your estranged wife,” he continues, “she’s, well, distraught.
– Quanto alla sua ex moglie, – continua, – beh, adesso è sconvolta.Literature Literature
Let’s forget this meeting ever happened and when you’re calm we’ll—‘ “I’m not that emotionally distraught.”
Dimentichiamoci di questa tua visita e quando sarai più calmo...» «Non sono così sconvoltoLiterature Literature
With you out of play, I’m handicapped or too distraught to function.”
Con te fuori dal gioco, io sarei menomato o troppo sconvolto per funzionare.»Literature Literature
Distraught Londoners were soon offering explanations.
I londinesi, sconvolti, iniziarono ben presto a dare le loro spiegazioni dell’accaduto.Literature Literature
You could have said you were too distraught over losing your husband to think of taking another.
Avresti potuto dire che eri troppo addolorata per la morte di tuo marito per pensare a un altro matrimonio.Literature Literature
222 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.