ear drum oor Italiaans

ear drum

Alternative form of [i]eardrum[/i]

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Her ear-drums were ringing, and the fifteen seconds seemed like forever.
Le orecchie le fischiavano, i quindici secondi sembravano non finire mai.Literature Literature
At nine o’clock he would meet that noisy Charles Besson, who would burst his ear-drums.
Alle nove avrebbe dovuto incontrarsi con quel rumoroso Charles Besson che gli avrebbe fatto rintronare le orecchie.Literature Literature
My ears drummed with the silence for a moment.
Le mie orecchie tambureggiarono con il silenzio per un momento.Literature Literature
And she pushed Bel’s ear drums together, with the splitting scream that accompanied her effort.
E spinse anche i timpani di Bel con l’urlo lacerante che accompagnò il suo sforzoLiterature Literature
Lilith’s voice isn’t the sound my vibrating ear drums would create if she were talking.
La voce di Lilith non corrisponde al suono che i miei timpani avrebbero creato se fosse stata lei a parlare.Literature Literature
The explosion had been so close that my ear-drums had still to recover from the pressure.
L’esplosione era stata così vicina che i miei timpani dovevano ancora riaversi dalla pressione.Literature Literature
Warm them in your hand before poking them in, otherwise you could break an ear drum.
Scaldateli un po’ in mano prima di infilarli, altrimenti rischi di spaccarti i timpani.Literature Literature
I wondered if their mother was aware of their having ear-drums.
Mi domandai se la loro madre fosse consapevole che le loro orecchie avevano dei timpani.Literature Literature
As always when we converse on the telephone, it had nearly fractured my ear-drum.
Come sempre quando noi conversiamo al telefono, essa quasi mi aveva rotto il timpano.Literature Literature
After her father burst Toby’s ear drums, Alice busied herself teaching him sign language.
Dopo che Clem ebbe danneggiato i timpani a Toby, Alice s’impegnò a insegnare al cane il linguaggio dei segni.Literature Literature
Had my old ears replaced with dolphin ear drums.
Ho sostituito le orecchie con timpani di delfino.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Broken limbs, ruptured ear drums... Your sonic thing.
Arti fratturati, timpani rotti... quella cosa sonica.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
To this end, he killed his family for speaking too loudly and poked out his own ear drums.
A tal proposito, ha ucciso la sua famiglia perche'parlava troppo forte e si e'sfondato da solo i timpani.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Hannah’s strident voice travelled down the phone lines and hit Marcus’s ear drum with some force.
La voce stridula di Hannah si trasmise lungo la linea telefonica colpendogli il timpano con una certa forza.Literature Literature
Can you believe that people actually wait in line to have their ear drums perforated?
Riesci a credere che la gente aspetti sul serio in fila per farsi sfondare i timpani?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The explosion had been so close that my ear-drums had still to recover from the pressure.
L'esplosione era stata così vicina che i miei timpani dovevano ancora riaversi dalla pressione.Literature Literature
A whistle blows loud through the air and practically scratches my ear drum like nails on a chalkboard.
Un fischio esplode nell’aria e quasi mi graffia i timpani come unghie su una lavagna.Literature Literature
Fine, but I'm gonna murder your ear drums.
E va bene. Ma ti distruggero'i timpani.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Then the gunfire erupts again, along with some more grenades and my ear drums are blown to smithereens.
A quel punto ricominciano le scariche di fucile, insieme ad altre granate, e i miei timpani finiscono a brandelli.Literature Literature
Darby heard a humming sound and then realized it was her blood pounding against her ear drums.
Darby udì una specie di ronzio, poi si rese conto che era il suo sangue, che batteva contro i timpani.Literature Literature
also, your ear drum is ruptured.
Anche il timpano e'rotto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The music pounds my ear drums as we enter.
La musica mi batte sui timpani appena entriamo.Literature Literature
The screaming began again, rising until it seemed that it would burst the ear-drums.
Le urla ricominciarono, e salirono fino a quando mi parve che stessero per spezzarmi i timpani.Literature Literature
The blatter of noise beat against my ear-drums; they were singing again.
Ancora un chiasso indiavolato mi assordò le orecchie; stavano cantando di nuovo.Literature Literature
During the bands UK tour in 2003, McCarrick perforated his ear-drum and had to leave mid-tour.
Durante il tour col gruppo nel Regno Unito del 2003, a McCarrick si è perforato il timpano e ha dovuto abbandonare a metà tour.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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