fit to drink oor Italiaans

fit to drink

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Access to water fit to drink is threatened by increasing contamination and water scarcity.
L'inquinamento in aumento e la scarsità d'acqua minacciano la disponibilità di acqua potabile.

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The water is not fit to drink.
L'acqua non è potabile.langbot langbot
For once I think it's almost fit to drink.""
Per una volta credo che sia quasi bevibileLiterature Literature
The boy loved to hear that the water was sweet, all fit to drink.
Il ragazzo gioiva nel sentir parlare dell’acqua, che era dolce e buona da bere.Literature Literature
"""This,"" said I, ""is a pure natural wine and fit to drink; the other is adulterated and poisonous."
«Ecco» ripresi, «il vino naturale e puro che si può bere tranquillamente, ed ecco il vino adulterato che intossica.Literature Literature
Access to water fit to drink is threatened by increasing contamination and water scarcity.
L'inquinamento in aumento e la scarsità d'acqua minacciano la disponibilità di acqua potabile.cordis cordis
Then of fresh water it may be said, ‘Water, water everywhere —and every drop fit to drink.’
Allora dell’acqua dolce si potrà dire: ‘Acqua, acqua dappertutto, potabile sino all’ultima goccia’.jw2019 jw2019
That there is French water, seven months old, hardly fit to drink.”
Quella lì è acqua francese, vecchia di diversi mesi e ormai quasi imbevibile».Literature Literature
Fit to Drink?
Potabile?jw2019 jw2019
There are the insects and no water fit to drink.
Ci sono gli insetti e neanche un po’ d’acqua che si possa bere.Literature Literature
By the time the water reaches the last tank or “clear well” it is fit to drink.
Allorché l’acqua giunge all’ultimo serbatoio o “pozzo chiaro” è buona da bere.jw2019 jw2019
It was not fit to drink, but if it was filth, at least it was my own filth.
Non era potabile, ma se non altro era la mia sporcizia.Literature Literature
You reckon this here water is fit to drink?
Pensate che quest'acqua sia buona da bere?Literature Literature
To make this water fit to drink, a plant was constructed capable of purifying 100,000 gallons a day.
Per rendere quest’acqua potabile fu costruito un depuratore in grado di purificare circa 380.000 litri al giorno.jw2019 jw2019
The water is not fit to drink.
Quest'acqua non è potabile.langbot langbot
They have an awareness that it is not fitting to drink blood.
Si rendono conto che non è appropriato bere sangue.jw2019 jw2019
* Irish whiskey is not fit to drink until it is three years old.
* Per essere pronto da bere il Whiskey irlandese deve essere invecchiato almeno tre anni.Literature Literature
"""But the water from those lakes isn't fit to drink."""
Ma l'acqua di quei laghetti non si può bere.Literature Literature
There have always been rivers where the water is not fit to drink.
Ci sono sempre stati fiumi nei quali l’acqua non è buona da bere.Literature Literature
I might have taken to the bottle had there been anything fit to drink.
Avrei potuto attaccarmi alla bottiglia se ci fosse stato qualcosa di bevibile.Literature Literature
But the water was scarcely fit to drink.
Ma quell’acqua non era certo la miglior acqua da bere.Literature Literature
His nose was sufficient to tell him that the substance they were gliding on was not fit to drink.
Ma l’olfatto gli diceva che la sostanza su cui scivolavano non era potabile.Literature Literature
His nose was sufficient to tell him that the substance they were gliding on was not fit to drink.
Ma l'olfatto gli diceva che la sostanza su cui scivolavano non era potabile.Literature Literature
Do you think I should act a gentleman with one who is not fit to drink from my cup?
Pensate che dovrei comportarmi da gentiluomo con una che non è degna di bere dalla mia coppa?Literature Literature
He likens knowing the truth to receiving “living water”; that is, water that is fit to drink: pure, running water.
Egli paragona la conoscenza della verità al ricevimento dell’acqua viva, ossia acqua buona da bere: pura, corrente.LDS LDS
Millions of people have to fetch their water, often from miles away —and then it is often hardly fit to drink.
Milioni di persone devono andare ad attingere l’acqua, spesso a chilometri di distanza, e spesso quell’acqua non è nemmeno potabile.jw2019 jw2019
366 sinne gevind in 23 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.