freezing-cold oor Italiaans


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It is freezing cold.
Fa un freddo glaciale.

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freezing cold
gelata · gelato · gelido · gelo
it's freezing cold
fa un freddo cane


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Wednesday morning Michael and Clive had breakfast in a large hall which was half-empty and freezing cold.
La mattina seguente fece colazione con Michael in una sala semivuota e gelida.Literature Literature
One is a psychic, and Golborne meets with her on a freezing cold night.
Uno di essi è una medium, che Golborne incontra in una serata gelida.Literature Literature
"""It is definitely not in for me to set up tents in the freezing cold."""
«Decisamente non fa per me piantare tende in mezzo al gelo».Literature Literature
Ringmar looked at the boy, who still seemed to be freezing cold in his thin clothes.
Ringmar guardò il ragazzo, che sembrava gelare nei suoi indumenti troppo leggeri.Literature Literature
She anxiously inhaled a mouthful of freezing cold air because she was feeling choked.
Inspirò agitata una lunga boccata di aria gelida perché si sentiva mancare il fiato.Literature Literature
It looks as if she's freezing cold, but it's 30 degrees.
Sembra che lei abbia freddo, ma ci sono trenta gradi.Literature Literature
It's freezing cold.
E'un freddo cane.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Meanwhile there was a shortage of coal, and all the hotels were freezing cold.
Nel frattempo c’era scarsità di carbone e tutti gli alberghi della città erano gelidi.Literature Literature
Freezing cold.
Brr.. freddo!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I go for long walks late at night, and sit for hours in freezing cold air-conditioned movies.
Alla sera facevo lunghe passeggiate e sedevo per ore in sale cinematografiche gelide per l'aria condizionata.Literature Literature
It was freezing cold and filthy, but at least I could keep my head above water without tiring.
Era ghiacciata e lurida, ma quantomeno potevo tenere la testa sopra la superficie senza stancarmi.Literature Literature
Of course, that was usually in the summer, not the autumn, when it’s wet and freezing cold.’
Certo, di solito ci andavamo in estate, non in autunno, quando piove e fa un freddo polareLiterature Literature
It was a freezing cold night, as black as pitch.
La notte era gelida e nera come la pece.Literature Literature
He’s rubbed my back and kept me company, and shoveled my sidewalk in the freezing cold.
Mi ha massaggiato la schiena e mi ha fatto compagnia, e ha spalato il mio marciapiede con questo freddo gelido.Literature Literature
He was sitting on a bench outside, planning to attend the wedding in the freezing cold.
Era seduto su una panchina fuori, voleva partecipare al matrimonio così, al gelo.Literature Literature
The basic difference was that Siberia became freezing cold.
La differenza fondamentale consisteva nel fatto che la Siberia era rimasta gelata.Literature Literature
But there’s no hope for a sweat lodge in this freezing cold, now is there?”
Ma non c’è speranza di trovare una capanna sudatoria in questo gelo, mi sbaglio?»Literature Literature
Two, maybe three, miles into the woods, handcuffed in the freezing cold in some old building.
Quattro, forse cinque chilometri all'interno del bosco, ammanettata nel freddo gelido in una vecchia costruzione.Literature Literature
‘Why did you come out here in the freezing cold to see my husband?’
«Perché ti sei avventurata in questo gelo per vedere mio marito?»Literature Literature
The river swept by in front of them, swift, dark and freezing cold.
Il fiume scorreva davanti a loro, rapido, scuro e gelato.Literature Literature
“She was only five and it was freezing cold.
«Aveva soltanto cinque anni, e si gelava dal freddo.Literature Literature
Oh, it was freezing cold, but it didn’t last long.
uh, che freddo gelido, però non durò a lungo.Literature Literature
Mosquitoes like something out of Jurassic Park during the day, freezing cold at night.
Zanzare degne di Jurassic Park di giorno, un freddo cane la notte.Literature Literature
But when I look up, he’s gone; I’m all by myself in the freezing cold.
Ma quando alzo gli occhi lui è scomparso e io sono tutta sola nel gelo.Literature Literature
Freezing cold, Seved got dressed and went down to the kitchen, zipping up his fleece jacket.
Intirizzito dal freddo, si vestì e scese in cucina.Literature Literature
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