half circle oor Italiaans

half circle

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


Based on my measurements, they were curved, sort of like a half circle.
Secondo le mie misurazioni erano curve, una specie di semicerchio.
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she continued, as she slowly came forward and did a half circle around Elizabeth.
proseguì, poi avanzò e fece un giro attorno a Elizabeth.Literature Literature
"""You wouldn't like me to send a message to Half-Circle?"""
«Non vuoi che mandi un messaggio al SemicerchioLiterature Literature
In the back of the lot, a group of detectives formed a half circle around the body.
In fondo, un gruppo di detective formava un semicerchio attorno al cadavere.Literature Literature
" Half circle.
Mezzo cerchio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I looked out the windows and I saw a full half-circle of explosion.
Guardai fuori dalla finestra e vidi un intero semicerchio di esplosioni.ted2019 ted2019
Behind the cabin, a half-circle of green meadows formed the hilly bay.
Dietro lo chalet, un semicerchio di prati verdi formava l’anfiteatro collinoso della baia.Literature Literature
There were eight humans half-circled around where I knelt under the tree.
C’erano otto umani disposti a semicerchio attorno all’albero sotto cui mi trovavo.Literature Literature
She turned in a half circle to look toward the western constellations.
Fece un mezzo giro per guardare le costellazioni occidentali.Literature Literature
Without a sound, five raboons rose from concealment, forming a neat half-circle around them.
Senza il minimo rumore, cinque rabbuini uscirono dai nascondigli e formarono un semicerchio attorno a loro.Literature Literature
The group grew to thirteen, spreading themselves in a half circle around their leader.
Il gruppo crebbe fino a tredici, sparpagliandosi in un semicerchio attorno al loro capo.Literature Literature
Various junior members of the Walen family and their retainers arranged themselves in a half-circle around us.
Vari altri membri più giovani della famiglia Walen, col proprio seguito, si disposero a semicerchio intorno a noi.Literature Literature
Food and silverware, a half-circle of plate, melon rind against my back.
Cibo e argenteria, un piatto semicircolare, buccia di melone contro la schiena.Literature Literature
He smiled at that, his thin lips curving easily into a half circle.
Sorrise, con le labbra sottili che si curvarono facilmente in un mezzo cerchio.Literature Literature
And between them were two half-circles: the king of the Sakje, Marthax and Srayanka, Lot and Kineas.
Fra i due c’erano due semicerchi: il re dei Sakje, Marthax e Srayanka, Lot e Kineas.Literature Literature
Her brown eyes were almost as dark as Hoke's, and her arched eyebrows were blackened half circles.
Gli occhi erano scuri quasi quanto quelli di Hoke, e le sopracciglia arcuate disegnavano dei semicerchi scuriti.Literature Literature
He fought an almost irresistible desire to trace the half-circles with his finger.
Combatté un desiderio quasi irresistibile di passarle un dito sulle occhiaie.Literature Literature
The Gray officers formed a half-circle and drew their swords while slowly advancing toward the baron.
Gli ufficiali Grigi si disposero in semicerchio e sguainarono le spade, avanzando lentamente verso il barone.Literature Literature
She had half-circles of sweat under her arms, darkening the yellow daisies on her house dress.
Sotto le braccia aveva due semicerchi di sudore che scurivano le margherite gialle del suo abito da casa.Literature Literature
The barracks of Sachsenhausen were situated in a half circle around the big roll-call square.
Le baracche di Sachsenhausen erano disposte in semicerchio attorno al grande piazzale d’appello.jw2019 jw2019
“Half-Moon Battery was so named because it jutted into the harbor in a half circle.
«La Half-Moon Battery era così chiamata perché si estendeva a semicerchio nel porto.Literature Literature
They formed a half circle before Big Angel and Perla, and rocked the universe.
Formarono un mezzo circolo davanti a Big Angel e a Perla, e ci diedero dentro di brutto.Literature Literature
The comb, in the shape of a half-circle, was a showy red color adorned with bright flowers.
Era a forma di semicerchio, di un vistoso colore rosso e adorno di splendidi fiori.Literature Literature
Four Serpents formed a half-circle around the wagon, easily identifiable with their green cloaks.
Quattro Serpenti formavano un semicerchio intorno al carro, facilmente identificabili dai loro mantelli verdi.Literature Literature
Facing him, forming a half circle, were three men and one woman.
Di fronte a lui, disposti a semicerchio, c’erano tre uomini e una donna.Literature Literature
1266 sinne gevind in 41 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.