hardboiled egg oor Italiaans

hardboiled egg

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

uovo sodo

I resee the right to peel my hardboiled eggs at my desk.
Non rinuncio al diritto di pelare le mie uova soda sulla mia scrivania.

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I resee the right to peel my hardboiled eggs at my desk.
Non rinuncio al diritto di pelare le mie uova soda sulla mia scrivania.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I chose a hardboiled egg, a roll, a large red apple, and a small carton of milk.
Presi un uovo sodo, un panino, una grossa mela rossa e un piccolo cartone di latte.Literature Literature
"""He's leaving her soon,"" I echo, keeping my eyes focused on an orb of hardboiled egg."
«La lascerà presto» confermo, tenendo gli occhi fissi su un tuorlo di uovo sodo.Literature Literature
Rachel set out Mary’s lunch of creamy milk, hardboiled eggs, and buttered bread, but she had no appetite.
Rachel le aveva preparato un vassoio con del latte cremoso, uova sode e pane imburrato, ma Mary non aveva fame.Literature Literature
When he spoke, his Adam’s apple bobbed up and down in his throat like a hardboiled egg.
Quando parlava, il pomo d'Adamo gli andava su e giù per la gola come un uovo bollito.Literature Literature
When I pass through the taverns to sell my hardboiled eggs, the drunks always end up beating me.
Quando giro per le osterie vendendo le mie uova sode, gli ubriachi finiscono sempre per picchiarmi.Literature Literature
Dottie eyed one of the hardboiled eggs and said she might be able to manage that.
Dottie adocchiò un uovo sodo e disse che forse a mandar giù quello ce l’avrebbe fatta.Literature Literature
I made a meal out of the hardboiled eggs, which was a mistake.
Consumai un pasto a base di uova sode, il che fu un errore.Literature Literature
WILLIS BARNSTONE: In case you want a hardboiled egg?
Willis Barnstone: Volete un uovo sodo?Literature Literature
Mikhail brings hardboiled eggs and salted fish.
Michail porta delle uova sode e del pesce salato.Literature Literature
Just before Easter they played with hardboiled eggs.
Poco prima di Pasqua, poi, si giocava con le uova sode.Literature Literature
He was given canned asparagus, hardboiled eggs, and radishes with cream, since vegetarians don’t eat meat.
Gli hanno dato asparagi in scatola, uova sode e panna al rafano, perché i vegetariani non mangiano carne.Literature Literature
The first time she saw the coyote, she was bringing two hardboiled eggs.
La prima volta che ha visto il coyote, stava portando due uova sode.Literature Literature
The hunchback got drunk, burned the gorilla suit, and began to pelt him with hardboiled eggs dyed black.
Il gobbo si ubriacò, bruciò il costume da gorilla e cominciò a bersagliarlo con uova dipinte di nero.Literature Literature
They had more of the sweet black coffee, and some hardboiled eggs, and dates.
Presero altro caffè nero e dolce, con uova sode e datteri.Literature Literature
Hardboiled eggs in mustard sauce
Uova con senapetmClass tmClass
she whispered later that morning, pretending to offer Halinka and Bear bits of hardboiled egg.
sussurrò più tardi, quel mattino, fingendo di offrire ad Halinka e a Orso briciole di uovo sodo.Literature Literature
"""Do you know anyone else who would wash a hardboiled egg in the bait tank?"""
—Conosci qualcun altro che laverebbe un uovo sodo nella vasca delle esche vive?Literature Literature
How many hardboiled eggs do you think I can eat?
Quante uova sode pensi che riesca a mangiare?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
“You’ve made me lose my appetite for your specialty: hardboiled eggs.”
«Sei riuscita a farmi perdere l’appetito con la tua specialità: uova extrasodeLiterature Literature
I've packed us a hardboiled egg apiece and some coconut tart.
Ho preparato un uovo sodo ciascuno e della crostata al cocco.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Bring me some sherry, dry, and a plate of cold cuts, and a hardboiled egg to his study.
Portagli un po'di sherry, secco, e un piatto di affettati misti, e un uovo sodo al suo studio.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
BARNSTONE: It’s good to bring hardboiled eggs into radio stations, no?
Barnstone: È stata una buona idea quella di portarci le uova negli studi radiofonici, non trovate?Literature Literature
Miraculously she had a platter of hardboiled eggs on her desk.
Miracolosamente aveva sul banco un vassoio di uova sode.Literature Literature
I slowly ate the hardboiled egg and compared myself to it.
Masticai lentamente l’uovo sodo e mi paragonai a lui.Literature Literature
78 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.