heavy going oor Italiaans

heavy going

Going (i.e. conditions) that are wet and muddy (difficult to gallop on)

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The traffic is heavy going back to the hospital.
Di ritorno all’ospedale, il traffico è intenso.Literature Literature
Sarah’s Key, the book I’ve been reading to Eefje, is heavy going.
La chiave di Sara, il libro che sto leggendo a Eefje, è roba pesante.Literature Literature
Half awash as she was the skiff wallowed with a mercurial inertia and made heavy going.
Mezza inondata com'era, la barca si lasciava cullare da un'inerzia mercuriale che rallentava la navigazione.Literature Literature
No buses, no trains, the way was heavy going in this icy wind.
Nessun autobus, nessun treno, la tratta ferroviaria interrotta e un vento gelido.Literature Literature
“Some parts of the Bible are heavy going and not very entertaining.” —Jezreel, 11, India.
“Certe parti della Bibbia sono pesanti e non molto allettanti”. — Jezreel, 11 anni, India.jw2019 jw2019
Movement in the muddy ground is heavy going, but we step quickly, as we were trained to do.
Gli spostamenti sul terreno fangoso sono faticosi, ma noi saltiamo con agilità, come nelle esercitazioni.Literature Literature
I said earlier that I had thought the party rather heavy going.
Ho detto prima che trovavo la compagnia un po’ pesante.Literature Literature
It was addressed to a specialized audience and it is therefore rather heavy going.
Essendo rivolto a un pubblico specializzato, è un testo piuttosto impegnativo.Literature Literature
She's nimble in the heavy going, but bounces a little on the hard ground.
E'veloce sul pesante, mentre sul veloce e'meno efficace.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I liked Paslavitch but sometimes it was heavy going, being his guest.
Paslavic mi piaceva, ma a volte era una bella rogna essere ospite suo.Literature Literature
“You’re trying to figure out if she was entertaining some regular visitor, something hot and heavy going on?
«State cercando di capire se si trattava di un visitatore abituale, se fosse una cosa seria?Literature Literature
Although the sand beneath their feet was packed, it was heavy going and their legs ached.
Sebbene la sabbia sotto i loro piedi fosse compatta, camminare era faticoso, e si sentivano le gambe indolenzite.Literature Literature
The last two hours are heavy going.
Le ultime due ore sono faticose.Literature Literature
In this snow, it’s going to be heavy going, to say nothing of the higher altitude.
Con questa neve la marcia sarà dura, per non parlare dell’alta quota.Literature Literature
He takes me out for a stupendously good dinner but the conversation’s rather heavy going.’
Mi porta fuori a cena in posti eccellenti, ma non dice una parola in croce.»Literature Literature
Antonia did her best, but she found the Crawstons heavy going.
Antonia fece del suo meglio, ma trovava i Crawstone una compagnia molto difficile.Literature Literature
Yet presently she had to admit that with these two, anyhow, it was heavy going.
Eppure in quel momento doveva ammettere che con questi due l’atmosfera era pesante.Literature Literature
The Icelanders can be somewhat long-winded when it comes to narration, but Gunnar made particularly heavy going.
Gli islandesi a volte diventano prolissi nel raccontare, ma Gunnar era particolarmente pesante.Literature Literature
It was heavy going for the men pulling the sledge, and even for those merely skating.
Era un viaggio faticoso per gli uomini che tiravano la slitta e anche per quelli che pattinavano.Literature Literature
Dillon led, but it was heavy going in the soft sand.
Dillon guidava, ma era faticoso camminare nella sabbia soffice.Literature Literature
The early stages of document analysis were heavy-going.
Il primo stadio dell’analisi dei documenti procedeva zoppicando.Literature Literature
The friar was making heavy going in the intense gravity, which was nearing maximum.
Il frate camminava a fatica per l'intensa gravità, che si stava avvicinando al massimo.Literature Literature
Perini was still following that routine of heavy-going inquisitions, and we all remained powerfully intimidated.
Perini stava continuando il suo metodo delle interrogazioni massicce, e noi eravamo sempre intimiditi.Literature Literature
The hairyfetlocked animal made heavy going, but easier than with Loial on its back.
L’animale dai nodelli irsuti procedeva a fatica, ma sempre meglio che con Loial in groppa.Literature Literature
Compared to The Road to Serfdom, it was long-winded and heavy going.
Se raffrontato a The Road to Serfdom, era prolisso e pesante.Literature Literature
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