house lights oor Italiaans

house lights

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans

luci di sala

Rodrigo Desousa, our coming season will feature some surprising highlights, such as turning off the house lights and playing selected pieces in complete darkness. "
" Rodrigo Desousa, " la stagione alle porte presentera'sorprendenti novita', come... " Spegnere le luci di sala, " e suonare dei pezzi selezionati

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The House of Blue Light
The House of Blue Light


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No house lights in the immediate vicinity.
Niente luci di abitazioni nelle immediate vicinanze.Literature Literature
Can we dim the house lights a little bit more?
Possiamo abbassare un po'di più le luci?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The arcs are switched off and the house lights go on.
Le lampade ad arco vengono spente e si accendono le luci di sala.Literature Literature
Her eyes shone in the darkness, perhaps tears reflecting the slight glow from the house’s lights.
I suoi occhi splendevano nell’oscurità, forse erano le lacrime che riflettevano le fioche luci della casa.Literature Literature
Somewhere, people in airplanes are watching the sun set and peering down at clustered house lights, stricken.
Da qualche parte, persone in aereo guardano il tramonto e osservano suggestionate gli agglomerati di luci delle case.Literature Literature
“Sweet dreams, you bastard, ”Betsey said as the house lights went off.
«Sogni d'oro, bastardo», commentò Betsey, quando le luci dell'appartamento si spensero.Literature Literature
Davis, can we get some house lights?
Davis, possiamo avere degli spot?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The rain had stopped and most house lights were off by now.
Non pioveva piú, e ormai in quasi tutte le case le luci erano spente.Literature Literature
Before Reuven could find a good answer for that, the house lights dimmed and the cartoon started.
Prima che Reuven potesse trovare una buona risposta le luci si abbassarono e iniziò il cartone animato.Literature Literature
House lights pepper the flanks of the hills and ahead of them there is nothing but night.
Le luci delle case punteggiano i fianchi delle colline e davanti a loro c’è soltanto la notte.Literature Literature
At Lamb House lights were on, the driveway was full of cars.
A Lamb House le luci erano accese, il vialetto di accesso era pieno di macchine.Literature Literature
The house lights flashed, signaling that the show was about to start.
Le luci della sala cominciarono a lampeggiare segnalando l’ormai prossimo inizio dello spettacolo.Literature Literature
Glancing up, Blake noticed that the house lights were on and the screen was blank.
Alzando gli occhi, Blake notò che le luci erano accese e lo schermo bianco.Literature Literature
And you've been locked in this house lighting candles to your dead daughter's shrine.
E tu ti sei chiusa in questa casa, accendendo candele al santuario di tua figlia morta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He saw the house: light and warm inside, and outside, the damp, chilly night.
Vedeva la casa: illuminata e calda all’interno, fuori la notte umida e fredda.Literature Literature
After several moments of loud appreciation, including a well deserved standing ovation, the house lights clicked on.
Dopo diversi momenti di sonoro apprezzamento, inclusa una ben meritata standing-ovation, le luci della sala si acceseroLiterature Literature
Even before the house lights rose, it had dissolved into a hundred murmuring discussions throughout the room.
Ancor prima che le luci si rialzassero, si era dissolto in un centinaio di discussioni mormoranti per tutta la sala.Literature Literature
Houses lighted and houses dark, and cats running in the alleys.
Case illuminate e case buie, e gatti che correvano nei vicoli.Literature Literature
If you want, I can slip you in the back once the house lights go out.
Se vuoi, posso farti sgattaiolare dentro quando si spengono le luci.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The windows of the house light up all at once.
Le finestre della casa si illuminano tutte insieme.Literature Literature
During the summer, the heat makes the house lights twinkle, almost like stars.
D’estate il calore fa tremolare le luci delle case, come se fossero stelle.Literature Literature
The music ended with a thud-boom-scree ; the house lights went on amid big applause.
La musica si concluse con un accordo ribattuto fortissimo: le luci si spensero tra grandi applausi.Literature Literature
For the moment no house light yet shone in response to the mayhem.
Per il momento nessuna luce si era accesa nelle case in risposta al baccano.Literature Literature
The house lights would come up in about three minutes.
In tre minuti, le luci si sarebbero accese.Literature Literature
The house lights began to dim; Bear took a position at the front of the room.
Le luci iniziarono ad abbassarsi e Bear prese posizione davanti alla platea.Literature Literature
13529 sinne gevind in 119 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.