in terrible condition oor Italiaans

in terrible condition

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in pessime condizioni


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Our men are giving their lives out there in France, in terrible conditions, to save England.”
I nostri uomini stanno dando la loro vita in Francia, vivendo in condizioni orribili per salvare l'Inghilterra.»Literature Literature
‘She’s being held in terrible conditions.
«È detenuta in condizioni terribili.Literature Literature
They were even smaller than casitas and in terrible condition.
Erano ancora più piccole delle casitas, e versavano in pessime condizioni.Literature Literature
Some were interesting – perhaps 20 per cent of the total – but they were all in terrible condition.
C’era in effetti qualche pezzo interessante (forse un venti per cento del totale), ma erano tutti in condizioni pietose.Literature Literature
Captain Gilby was in terrible condition.
Il capitano Gilby era in condizioni terribili.Literature Literature
The sick lay side by side on the floor in terrible conditions.
I malati giacevano fianco a fianco per terra in condizioni terribili.Literature Literature
Servants in those days (and often today) were kept in terrible conditions and never had days off.
La servitù a quei tempi (e spesso anche oggi) viveva in condizioni terribili, senza mai un giorno di riposo.Literature Literature
The oldest prisoner was twenty, the youngest six, and they were almost all in terrible conditions of health.
Il più vecchio aveva vent’anni, il più giovane sei, quasi tutti in condizioni terribili.Literature Literature
The first picture ever acquired by London's National Portrait Gallery was in terrible condition.
La prima opera acquisita dalla National Portrait Gallery di Londra era in pessime condizioni.Literature Literature
The journal he inherited was in terrible condition, so he transcribed the older entries into this book.
Il diario che ereditò era in condizioni terribili, così trascrisse qui le annotazioni più vecchie.Literature Literature
They are largely underpaid, forced to work extremely long hours and housed in terrible conditions.
Sono ampiamente sottopagati, costretti a orari estremamente pesanti e alloggiati in condizioni spaventose.Europarl8 Europarl8
This land in Mexico was in terrible condition.
Quest'area in Messico era in condizioni terribili.QED QED
It was an apartment with two dingy rooms, in terrible condition.
Era una casa di due stanze buie, in pessimo stato.Literature Literature
They worked in terrible conditions.
Loro sí che lavoravano in condizioni terribili.Literature Literature
Because of her pregnancy her teeth were in terrible condition.
Per via della gravidanza aveva i denti ridotti in pessime condizioni.Literature Literature
He's in terrible condition.
E'in pessime condizioni.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
But look here, these photos are in terrible condition.
Ma guarda qui, queste fotografie sono in pessime condizioni.Literature Literature
Most were in terrible condition—bloated from water damage or gouged by termites—and were beyond repair.
Quasi tutti erano in pessime condizioni – gonfi di umidità o mangiati dalle termiti – ed erano irrecuperabili.Literature Literature
They are in terrible condition.
Sono in condizioni terribili!OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
General Carl Gustav Fleischer arrived in Tromsø on 10 April 1940 after flying in terrible conditions.
Il generale Carl Gustav Fleischer arrivò qui il 10 aprile 1940 dopo un viaggio in condizioni terribili.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Everything is in terrible condition.
E'tutto in condizioni pessime.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Meanwhile, she's living in terrible conditions and being abused by her handlers.
Nel frattempo, lei vivrà in condizioni orribili e preda degli abusi dei suoi ammaestratori.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
All records of the trial still exist, albeit in terrible condition, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Tutti i verbali del processo sono ancora conservati, anche se in pessime condizioni, a Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. 1911 d.Literature Literature
“But you’re living in terrible conditions.
«Ma vivete in condizioni tremende.Literature Literature
His army was in terrible condition, most units having lost at least two-thirds of their effectives.
Il suo esercito era in condizioni terribili, poiché gran parte delle unità aveva perso almeno due terzi degli effettivi.Literature Literature
615 sinne gevind in 89 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.