learn by heart oor Italiaans

learn by heart

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learning by heart
to learn by heart
imparare a memoria


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Less sturdy than their cousins who are told aloud and learned by heart.
Meno solide delle loro cugine che vengono raccontate ad alta voce e imparate a memoria.Literature Literature
Everything had to be learned by heart; everything was abstract for me.
Bisognava imparare ogni cosa a memoria; ai miei occhi era tutto astratto.Literature Literature
I learn by heart very easily, Kraus with great difficulty, therefore he’s always busy learning.
Per me imparare a memoria è molto facile, per Kraus molto difficile: perciò non smette mai di studiare.Literature Literature
I well remember the eagerness with which I read them, even learning by heart all the quoted scriptures.
Ricordo bene con quanta attenzione li lessi: addirittura imparai a memoria tutti i versetti citati.jw2019 jw2019
We might learn by heart such texts as Proverbs 12:18 and Ephesians 4:29.
Potremmo imparare a memoria versetti come Proverbi 12:18 ed Efesini 4:29.jw2019 jw2019
The songs learned by heart were those of the psalms which had been beautifully set to music.
I cantici che s’imparavano a memoria erano quelli dei salmi i quali erano stati eccellentemente musicati.jw2019 jw2019
"""Just learn by heart what you have written on your luha,"" she would say."
«Vi basta imparare quello che avete scritto sulla lawha», diceva.Literature Literature
I had a sense that she was teaching me a lesson that she had learned by heart.
Ebbi la sensazione che mi recitasse una lezione studiata bene.Literature Literature
Where certain officers of the law gave you this speech to learn by heart?
Volevano fare di quest'uomo un capro espiatorio, e fuorviare questa corte.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He has to learn by heart the speech he will deliver.
Deve conoscere in anticipo il discorso che dovrà pronunciare.Literature Literature
The thing, Mahommed, is not only to learn by heart, but to assimilate what you learn.
LADY WESTHOLME Il punto, Mahommed, non è solo imparare a memoria, ma capire quello che si legge.Literature Literature
If they can learn by heart a single veda, they are considered educated.
Se riescono a mandare a memoria anche un solo veda, vengono considerati colti.Literature Literature
Burbie act like he had it all learned by heart.
Burbie si comportava come se avesse imparato tutto a memoria.Literature Literature
It was a complicated question he’d learned by heart on the way.
Una domanda complicata che aveva imparato a memoria per stradaLiterature Literature
Whoever writes in blood and proverbs does not want to be read, but to be learned by heart.
Chi scrive col sangue e per sentenze, non vuole essere letto, ma imparato a memoria.Literature Literature
The “first American poem” that Karl learns by heart is a “description of a fire.”
La «prima poesia americana» che Karl impara a memoria è la « descrizione di un incendio ».Literature Literature
Marfusha runs about through the rooms and says the same thing to all, learned by heart: “Natalya Yevgrafovna!
Marfa corre per le stanze e dice a tutti la medesima cosa, imparata a memoria: «Natalia Evgrafovna!Literature Literature
A score that I had to learn by heart so that I could play it again someday.
Una partitura che dovevo imparare a memoria, per poterla suonare di nuovo un giorno.Literature Literature
Perhaps because she’d spent so many years honing her memory and learning by heart at school.
Forse perché era stata costretta a imparare tutto a memoria quando frequentava la scuola.Literature Literature
The words flowed out like a speech learned by heart.
Le parole scorrevano come un discorso imparato a memoria.Literature Literature
The one I learned by heart, I chose for him.’
Quello che ho imparato a memoria l’ho scelto perché mi ricorda lui.»Literature Literature
Fran quickly corrected her in a way that sounded forced, learned by heart.
Fran si è affrettata a correggerla, anche se in una maniera che suonava artificiosa, come imparata a memoria.Literature Literature
No learning by heart of the ways of the world?
Non si potevano imparare a memoria le usanze del mondo?Literature Literature
Then they took the oath that they had had to learn by heart in political instruction.
Poi prestarono il giuramento che avevano dovuto imparare a memoria nelle ore di educazione politica.Literature Literature
Learn by heart and destroy it!
ImparaIo a memoria e distruggilo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
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