little finger oor Italiaans

little finger

the outermost and smallest finger of the hand, next to the ring finger, farthest from the thumb

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


outermost and smallest finger of the hand
He can kill a Chinese fighter with his little finger.
Può uccidere qualsiasi lottatore cinese con il dito mignolo!

dito mignolo

outermost and smallest finger of the hand
He can kill a Chinese fighter with his little finger.
Può uccidere qualsiasi lottatore cinese con il dito mignolo!


adjective nounmanlike
Took a knife to his little finger, then his ring finger
Si e ' tagliato il mignolo con un coltello, poi anche l' anulare
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Stiff Little Fingers
Stiff Little Fingers
little-finger long nail
Unghia del sarto


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—Now you are small—not one whit bigger than the end of my little finger.
Adesso siete diventato piccolo... nemmeno un briciolo più grande della punta del mio dito mignolo.Literature Literature
That' s you, my brother, at my crime scene with a GPS between your sticky little fingers
Sei tu, fratello.Sulla mia scena del crimine, con un GPS tra le tue manine appiccicoseopensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
‘That woman that you would say hadn’t the pluck to lift her little finger!’
«Quella donna, di cui direste che non avrebbe il coraggio di alzare nemmeno il mignoloLiterature Literature
She liked his hands, even the diamond on the little finger.
Le piacevano le sue mani, persino il diamante sul mignolo.Literature Literature
Avrumel stared at the tears and then reached up and brushed at them with his little fingers.
Avrumel contemplò le lacrime, poi allungò la mano e le spazzò via con le sue piccole dita.Literature Literature
Otherwise he'd eat all the grass the first d a y . . .* BUDDHA'S LITTLE FINGER 175 Kawabata's face changed.
Sennò finisce tutta l’erba il primo giorno...» La faccia di Kawabata si trasformò.Literature Literature
“Putting it on the little finger of my right hand and clasping it continually with the other hand.
«Ponendolo al mignolo della mano dritta e serrandovelo continuamente con l’altra mano.Literature Literature
Tired and hoarse from yelling, she tucked her little fingers in her mouth and blasted a shrill whistle.
Stanca e senza voce a furia di urlare, si infilò le dita in bocca e lanciò un fischio acuto e penetrante.Literature Literature
Took a knife to his little finger, then his ring finger.
Piglio'un coltello e si taglio'prima il mignolo... e poi l'anulare.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Who told you your incompetent little fingers have the requisite skills to edit me?
Chi ha detto che hai la competenza di tagliare il mio pezzo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He dipped the tip of his little finger into the soup and touched it to his tongue.
Immerse la punta del mignolo nella minestra e si toccò la lingua.Literature Literature
‘Besides, I can feel how cold your little fingers are inside those pitiful gloves of yours.
«E poi sento che dentro questi guanti sottili le vostre piccole dita sono ghiacciate.Literature Literature
Daddy, Franny cried, reaching out, her little fingers straining, and he suddenly remembered who he was.
Papà, gridò Franny tendendo le mani, le piccole dita, e George ricordò di colpo chi era.Literature Literature
I would hold his little fingers and he would hold on while I raised him up.”
Gli tenevo le piccole dita e lui si afferrava mentre lo sollevavo”.jw2019 jw2019
‘You were always good at winding him and Raymond around your little finger.
«Sei sempre stata brava a girarti lui e Raymond attorno al tuo grazioso ditino.Literature Literature
You've got seethrough little fingers.
Vedi attraverso le mani.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
It was enough for me to crook my little finger to have them fall into my arms
Mi bastava schioccare le dita per farle cadere tra le mie braccia.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He extended his forefinger and little finger from his closed right fist in a superstitious gesture.
Stese indice e mignolo del pugno sinistro in un gesto superstizioso.Literature Literature
Her brown, enigmatic eyes, her smile, the way she could twist him around her little finger.
I suoi enigmatici occhi castani, il suo sorriso, il modo in cui gli faceva fare ciò che voleva.Literature Literature
The hands unite to form a single unit by the simple overlap of the little finger.
Le mani si uniscono formando un tutt'uno con Ia semplice sovrapposizione... del mignolo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Removed the top of his little finger and put it in an envelope wrapped up in a note.’
Gli hanno amputato la punta del mignolo e l’hanno messa in una busta con un bigliettino».Literature Literature
I mean, I wouldn't say he's wrapped around my little finger yet... but he will be.
Cioè, non dico che pende già dalle mie labbra... ma potrebbe farlo.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Women can twist him around their little finger.
Le donne possono farlo girare intorno al loro dito mignolo.Literature Literature
Tucci has the look of some seventeenth-century notable, short and fat with chubby little fingers.
Tucci ha l’aspetto di un notabile del XVII secolo: piccolo, grasso, dita corte e tozze.Literature Literature
The fish are as shiny as fish of tin and the size of my little finger.
I pesci sono lucidi come pesci di latta e hanno le dimensioni del mio mignolo.Literature Literature
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