nuclear-powered attack submarine oor Italiaans

nuclear-powered attack submarine

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sottomarino nucleare d'attacco

nuclear-powered general-purpose attack submarine

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In the book and subsequent film The Hunt for Red October, the fictional Soviet Alfa class nuclear-powered attack submarine is named the V.K. Konovalov.
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The Type 095 (Chinese designation: 09-V) is a class of planned third generation nuclear-powered attack submarines for the People's Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) of China.
Sottoregioni del Vinho Regional BeirasWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
The mission of the nuclear-powered fast-attack submarine had changed since Lockwood.
Quando quei pedofili e pervertiti ti avranno tra le mani, e io mi assicurerò che sia così, ci sarà una fila che fa il giro dell' edificioLiterature Literature
The player takes command of a US Los Angeles-class or Soviet Alfa-class nuclear-powered attack submarine and plays ten missions ranging from into either Cold War scenarios or combat missions in a hypothetical global conflict.
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Yet, increasingly, the South China Sea seems set to become a “Lake Beijing,” which analysts say will be to China what the Sea of Okhotsk was to Soviet Russia: a sea deep enough for the People’s Liberation Army’s navy to base their nuclear-powered attack submarines, capable of launching missiles with nuclear warheads.
auspica che questo strumento finanziario sia reso più performante dando maggiore importanza a una programmazione più pertinente e mirata e alla partecipazione dei partner e della società civile a tutte le tappe del ciclo di gestione dei progetti; invita i governi dei PSEM a porre in atto tutteleazioni necessarie per un migliore utilizzo dei fondi comunitari, in particolare di quelli destinati alla ricerca, alla formazione professionale, al potenziamento delle infrastrutture e dei servizi pubblici locali e alla riorganizzazione del sistema produttivo industriale e agricolo; invita la Commissione e gli Stati membri ad adoperarsi per rispettare l'equilibrio tra i vicini dell'Est e quelli del Sud e ad accordare la priorità ai finanziamenti di natura regionale, segnatamente a quelli Sud-SudProjectSyndicate ProjectSyndicate
To offset this, it has developed numerous power projection assets since the early 2000s – its first aircraft carrier entered service in 2012, and it maintains a substantial fleet of submarines, including several nuclear-powered attack and ballistic missile submarines.
Controinteressata dinanzi alla commissione di ricorso: Lehning Entreprise SARL (Sainte Barbe, FranciaWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
"1,700 armored vehicles for the Army as well as five frigates, four nuclear-powered attack submarines and nine offshore patrol vessels for the Navy...
Io rifletto a volte.Beh, molte volteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
While nuclear-powered designs still dominate in submergence times and deep-ocean performance, small, high-tech non-nuclear attack submarines are highly effective in coastal operations and pose a significant threat to less-stealthy and less-maneuverable nuclear submarines.
E non andro ' da nessuna parteWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A Chinese Peoples Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Type 054 frigate and a Shang-class nuclear-powered attack submarine were used in the operation, distinguishing the incident from prior incursions in two ways.
Richiedente la dichiarazione di nullità del marchio comunitario: la ricorrenteParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Do you remember the reports about two nuclear powered Russian attack submarines patrolling the East Coast of America?
pone l'accento sulla necessità di una governance decentrata, come stipulato nella CPS; sottolinea che il decentramento non è esclusivamente nell'interesse della comunità serba, ma che di esso beneficiano tutti gli abitanti del Kosovo, in quanto renderà la governance più trasparente e più vicina alla popolazioneParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
This is the world that “became more secure” because the five major nuclear powers plus Germany (which has provided Israel with nuclear attack submarines) have concluded an agreement according to which “Iran’s nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful.”
Non è irrilevante, da questo punto di vista, privilegiare gli scambi internazionali di merci a detrimento dei brevi circuiti di approvvigionamento, locali e nazionali.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
So here’s the world that has « become safer » because the 5 largest nuclear powers, plus Germany – which provided Israel with their nuclear attack submarines – have signed an agreement according to which « the Iranian nuclear programme will be exclusively a peaceful one ».
Alla luce di tali motivazioni, il Parlamento europeo ha adottato la relazione Estrela a larga maggioranza.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Along the way, powerful special cards can be played, allowing players to strike with submarines, deploy heavy armor, paradrop troops around enemy defenses, and launch devastating nuclear attacks.
Non lo so, DaveParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
The multi-year plan, the cost of which is expected to rise to about 1000 billion, aims to build 12 new attack submarines (each of which can launch 24 ballistic missiles with up to 200 nuclear warheads on as many targets), 100 other strategic bombers (each with 20 missiles and nuclear bombs) and 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles with powerful nuclear warheads.
Il principio attivo e gli altri componenti di Rotarix sono elencati alla fine di questo foglioParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
It was the Obama Administration that launched the biggest programme for nuclear re-armament at the end of the Cold War. The cost? Just around 1,000 billion dollars, which covers the construction costs of 12 new submarines for nuclear attack (each with 24 missiles capable of launching up to almost 200 nuclear heads), another 100 strategic bombers (each armed with around 20 missiles or nuclear bombs) and 400 intercontinental ballistic missiles with a land base (each with a powerful nuclear head).
La biodisponibilità assoluta di metossipolietilenglicole-epoetina beta dopo la somministrazione sottocutanea è stata del # % e l' emivita di eliminazione terminale osservata è stata di # ore nei pazienti affetti da insufficienza renale cronica dializzatiParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
16 sinne gevind in 13 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.