pant-suit oor Italiaans


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Tom’s cousin, the younger, had on a light blue pants suit which exaggerated the shape of her body.
La cugina di Tom indossava un tailleur pantalone color azzurro chiaro che le accentuava le forme esuberanti.Literature Literature
She was dressed in a beige pants suit, the rather severe jacket buttoned over Titanics.
Aveva un tailleur pantalone beige, con la giacca di taglio piuttosto severo abbottonata sui Titanici.Literature Literature
You know, the pants suit I got last week at Franklin Simon?”
Sai, il completo giacca pantaloni che ho preso la scorsa settimana da Franklin Simon?»Literature Literature
It was a big thing when this place was cracked by women in pant-suits.
Era un avvenimento, quando questo posto veniva violato da qualche donna in abito completo con i pantaloni.Literature Literature
There are two hot dogs with chili somewhere in my pant suit.
Ci sono due hot dog con chili da qualche parte nella mia tuta.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
I noticed that there were other women wearing pants suits, and some in short skirts.
Notai che c’erano altre donne in tailleur pantalone, e alcune con la gonna corta.Literature Literature
Beth wondered if the pant-suited woman she’d seen opening her neighbor’s cottage was a Pearl Farms agent.
Beth si chiese se la donna in tuta che aveva visto aprire il cottage della sua vicina fosse un’agente di Pearl Farms.Literature Literature
“Beryl was thought to have been wearing a tannish pants suit ...” “It’s not Dynel,” she said.
«Pare che Beryl indossasse pantaloni marrone chiaro...» «Non è dynel» disse.Literature Literature
Put on a pants suit and go tape your show?
A metterti un tailleur per registrare il tuo spettacolo?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She dressed her small body in austere pants suits, which enhanced the brilliance of her hair.
Vestiva il corpo esile con tailleur pantaloni austeri che facevano risaltare la fiamma dei suoi capelli.Literature Literature
Many of the boys in my class were wearing their first long-pants suits.
Molti miei compagni già portavano i loro primi pantaloni lunghi.Literature Literature
Now that someone wouldn't happen to look awesome in a tight little pant-suit now, would she?
Per caso... quel qualcuno ha... un completo attillato indossato divinamente?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Jan Chancellor is wearing a silk pants suit.
Jan Chancellor porta un tailleur pantalone in seta.Literature Literature
One old black lady had on a green floral pant-suit out of Lauren's worst fashion nightmare.
Una vecchia signora di colore indossava una salopette verde pisello che per Lauren era oltre il livello dell'incubo.Literature Literature
The view through the doorway was a collage of pants suits and pearl necklaces, Vuitton and damask.
All’interno si intravedeva un collage di tailleur e collane di perle, Vuitton e tessuti damascati.Literature Literature
She undressed, taking care to hang up the green silk Escada pants suit she had been wearing.
Si spogliò e appese con cura il tailleur pantaloni di seta verde di Escada che aveva indossato per la serata.Literature Literature
“Was she the woman in the green polyester pant suit?”
«Era la donna con il tailleur di poliestere verde?»Literature Literature
Wednesday she wore a pant suit.
Mercoledì aveva invece un tailleur.Literature Literature
She was already working at her keyboard, looking stylish and capable in a gold silk pants suit.
Lei stava già lavorando alla tastiera del computer, efficiente ed elegante in un completo pantalone di seta giallo oro.Literature Literature
There were four or five unescorted women in the room, none of them wearing a pants suit.
C'erano quattro o cinque donne senza compagnia nella sala, ma nessuna di loro indossava un completo a pantalone.Literature Literature
I remember a pants suit Italian designer Patrick de Berentzen made for me in 1963.
Ricordo un completo pantaloni che lo stilista Patrick de Berentzen creò per me nel 1963.Literature Literature
She was wearing a pants suit, and from behind she looked her age.
Indossava un completo pantalone e, vista di dietro, dimostrava la sua età.Literature Literature
That pant-suit's French.
Quel completo è francese.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
She dressed in black pants suits every day, as if she were wearing a uniform.
Indossava sempre pantaloni neri, come se fossero un’uniforme.Literature Literature
He jerked his thumb toward one spectacularly constructed girl in a tightly clinging pants suit.
Agitò il pollice verso una ragazza dal fisico spettacolare fasciato da un completo pantaloni aderentissimo.Literature Literature
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