quite literally oor Italiaans

quite literally

Vertalings in die woordeboek Engels - Italiaans


They are wilderness habitats, unchanged over centuries and therefore quite literally irreplaceable.
Vi sono habitat selvaggi, sempre uguali da secoli e perciò letteralmente insostituibili.

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They’d wanted to set him back, quite literally disarm him, and it had worked.
Avevano voluto mandargli un messaggio, disarmarlo quasi letteralmente, e aveva funzionato.Literature Literature
I could, quite literally, fire myself into the gallery.
Potrei, letteralmente, spararmi in galleria.ted2019 ted2019
In some cases, this metaphor is quite literal.
In alcuni casi la metafora ha un valore quasi letterale.Literature Literature
Some data was encrusted with age, quite literally.
Alcuni dati erano incrostati dal tempo, letteralmente.Literature Literature
The brilliance of the ‘Palace of Electricity’, lit by 5,000 light bulbs, quite literally dazzled its visitors.
Lo splendore del Palazzo dell’Elettricità, illuminato da 5000 lampadine, era letteralmente abbagliante.Literature Literature
My efforts were endlessly criticised and pulled apart, quite literally, to be resewn.
I miei tentativi venivano criticati di continuo e letteralmente disfatti e ricuciti da capo.Literature Literature
Rourke was the only man of Ralph’s personal acquaintance whose home was quite literally his castle.
Rourke era l’unico uomo di sua conoscenza che vivesse in un vero e proprio castello.Literature Literature
Quite literal, aren't you?
Prendi tutto alla lettera, eh?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Quite literally sometimes.
letteralmente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
The Benzes resided, quite literally, in the shadow cast by Dietlikon’s Swiss Reformed church.
I Benz vivevano, letteralmente, all’ombra della Chiesa riformata svizzera di Dietlikon.Literature Literature
I was quite literally shaken: the teacup was trembling in my hand.
Ero letteralmente scosso: la tazzina tremava nella mia mano.Literature Literature
By this time, the old couple was quite literally shaking in their shoes.
A questo punto, la vecchia coppia stava letteralmente tremando.Literature Literature
A NEW WAY OF SEEING It was, almost quite literally, as if we’d taken off a blindfold.
Un nuovo modo di vedere Fu, quasi letteralmente, come se ci fossimo tolte una benda dagli occhi.Literature Literature
The rest goes—quite literally—up in smoke, and the heating value of the wood is greatly reduced.
Il resto va in fumo – letteralmente – dimezzando il potere calorifico della legna.Literature Literature
Chloe, despite her bright-pink hair, was a very serious soul who tended to take things quite literally.
Malgrado i capelli di un bel rosa vivace, Chloe era un’anima seria che tendeva a prendere ogni cosa alla lettera.Literature Literature
You know, I ran into her quite literally at the opera.”
Lo sai, sono letteralmente andata a sbattere contro di lei all'Opera.Literature Literature
Parts of it quite literally.
Una parte proprio letteralmente.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
He asked, quite literally, what would a machine do?
Si chiedeva, letteralmente, che cosa farebbe una macchina?Literature Literature
It can, quite literally, manipulate any kind of object into existence on our plane.
Essa può, letteralmente, modificare ogni genere di oggetto vivente nel nostro piano di esistenza.Literature Literature
It’s quite literally a breath of fresh air, he rejoiced, waving the laminated menu around theatrically.
Questa è letteralmente una boccata d’aria fresca» tripudiò, agitando con teatralità il menu plastificato.Literature Literature
The sergeant's orders were followed quite literally.
Gli ordini del sergente furono eseguiti alla lettera.Literature Literature
" quite literally, in my case - to pieces. "
La mia auto e'a posto.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Thanks to Jesper Deis, who quite literally lit up our daily lives.
Grazie a Jesper Deis, che ha letteralmente illuminato la nostra vita quotidiana.Literature Literature
Caught was the word, and Sophia could see from his thoughts that he’d meant it quite literally.
Presa era proprio la parola giusta, e Sofia poté vedere dai suoi pensieri che lo intendeva piuttosto alla lettera.Literature Literature
Your body, quite literally, is not the same, and thus does not have the same requirements.
Il tuo corpo, quasi letteralmente, non è lo stesso, e quindi non ha le stesse necessità.Literature Literature
1704 sinne gevind in 63 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.